Looking back on 2016

petek, december 30, 2016

At the end of the year I like to make a general overview of the blogging year. You know the classics: most read posts, my favourite posts I wrote and my favourite bloggers/posts from others.

2016 marks my 6th year of blogging, I really hope you're not growing tired of me, I try not to be very annoying with stupid click bait tittles and preachy content. Biggest change this year is that I finally got a proper camera, Olympus Pen E-PL 7, so I'm not using just my smartphone anymore. In the next year I would love to upgrade it with a 45 mm lens if I decide to afford it (why does it have to be so expensive? Is it even worth it?) and my photography set up needs a spruce up as well. 

Let's start with six most read posts in this year. Images are links to the posts. By the way, if you're interested in last year's version it's here.



Again I'm sharing other people's work that I admired. When I like a post, I either pin it, save it on Bloglovin' or just remember it and at the end of the year I pick those that were my absolute favourites. They are mostly wishlist inducing - don't say I didn't warn you.

This is my last post this year, so I want to wish you a happy new year and thank you for every comment, subscription, save on Bloglovin', pin on Pinterest, like on Facebook, Instagram and just for reading my posts. Let 2017 be the bringer of positive changes we need.

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  1. I can't speak for anyone else, but I am very far from getting tired of you, in fact your blog is one of my favorites (if not my favorite blog!)! I recommended you recently on a web forum here in Croatia, a lot of girls agreed you were fantastic! So thank you for all of your hard work and I hope you have a successful, loving, healthy and all around happy new year!

    I'll be reading! :)

  2. Thank you for this beautiful blog Mateja! I know that on this blog I will never find any hidden sponsorships, every products is thoroughly tested and reviewed, with honesty and attention to the details.
    Moreover, the fact that we have the same hair, and that we share the SAME thoughts on shampoos, conditioners and serums, makes it a huge plus for me!

    Thank you for your time and your great reviews.
    Happy new year!

    1. Thank you so much for reading my blog <3 There's not many of us with such dry hair, I mostly see shampoos for oily hair. A Happy New Year to you too :)

  3. Super objava kot vedno Mateja! Ostani takšna kot si! Vse lepo v letu 2017! <3

    1. Hvala Maja <3 Tudi tebi želim isto in veliko srečnih trenutkov s tvojo družino :)

  4. Brez skrbi, jaz še vedno z veseljem kliknem na vsako tvojo objavo :) Hvala za omembo in srečno 2017! <3

  5. Sem se letos prav veselila tvojih end-of-the-year objav :) :D Me veseli, da kljub temu da me je 2016 čisto povozilo na področju blogganja, nekateri še vedno uživajo v mojih objavah, hvala <3
    V vsej poplavi raznoraznih hyped-up blogov, tvoj ostaja eden izmed tistih, ki jih vedno znova z veseljem preberem!
    Srečno novo leto! :D :*

    1. Res? :D Hvala <3 Letos je branost precej slabša, pa sem se že zbala da so vsem brezvezne in sem za nič delala miljon let. Tvoje objave sem bila pa tako vesela, točno take so mi všeč :) Upam, da najdeš čas in navdih za bloganje, te res rada berem :)
      Srečno tudi tebi :)

  6. Še ena tvoja fanica :) Se prav strinjam z vsemi objavami, ki si jih izbrala kot svoje najljubše. Še posebej mi vedno ostanejo v spominu te tematske kot 90-ta šminke, pink izbire in podobno. Tvoje fotografije so še vedno paša za oči - ker so bile tudi pred novim fotoaparatom ;).
    Hvala, da si me vključila v tvoje favorite <3
    Želim ti čim več navdiha in seveda veselja v novem letu.

    1. You know I'm your fan too :) Pri tebi sem imela prav problem izbirat katero objavo naj izpostavim, ker jim imam shranjenih več, ampak sem morala to ker si vložila eno goro časa :)
      Tudi tebi želim čudovit vstop v novo leto :)

  7. Your blog has always been a great inspiration. You keep growing for the better. Lovely :)

    Chaste & Beautiful

  8. Mateja hvala za omembo. :)

    Objava pa je odlična, kot vedno. Super povzetek leta 2016.

    1. Ni za kaj in hvala :) Ta lak mi je prečudovit :)
