Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless (tube version) - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless (tube version)

nedelja, junij 25, 2017

This foundation already got a spot in my May favourites because after a long line of disappointments, it was finally something that looked nice on my skin. I have the Luminous + Smooth version in shade 110, which is my best fit so far, but the formula is so bad. I'm not completely sure if my information is correct, but I believe this tube version of Matte + Poreless is sold outside of USA, while they have a bottle version of this formula that comes without a pump. The shades don't correspond neither to the Luminous +Smooth nor Matte + Poreless in the bottle, both of those start with the shade 110 Porcelain, while the tube version has shades 100, 102, 104 and 105 (not sold in Slovenia, here it starts at 110).

Texture: it's a light, liquid foundation that feels weightless on the skin. It's easy to blend, you have plenty of time because it needs time to set and it doesn't just sit on the skin, nor does it emphasise pores or uneven texture. But my skin is much nicer than it was in terms of texture, so that also contributes, though I wore most of my other foundation since I got this one to compare and I think it's one of the best on my skin.

Coverage and finish: Coverage is light, light-medium if you layer it. It's like Bourjouis Healthy Mix Serum, but with a more powdery, semi-matte finish once applied, so it's one of those very natural looking foundations. For strong redness, spots and circles, you'll need a concealer. Despite that the finish is matte from the start (a good matte finish, not the cakey, heavy one), it doesn't hold oils that well. My skin isn't exactly oily (normal-combination to dry combination in winter), but I have a fringe and I notice shine on my forehead in a couple of hours, also one random day when I used a sheet mask the night before, my skin was oily and this became a complete greasefest. If you have oily skin, this is not a foundation for you 

Staying power: Without a powder, this doesn't have an impressive staying power, but that is to be expected from something with a light coverage. The matte finish doesn't help much here, but you get a decent wear of maybe five-six hours (I really don't check myself in the mirror during the day).

Colour: I have the shade 110 Porcelain which is a light, yellow toned shade. Compared to Luminous + Smooth and Matte + Poreless American version (in a bottle) 110 Porcelain shade it's a shade darker with a more intense undertone. It's a shade lighter than Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum 51. It's a bit dark for me and yellow, but it doesn't look too off on my NC/W10 skin tone (110 Porcelain of Luminous is my perfect match). I haven't seen shades 100, 102, 104 and 105 in person, but Petra swatched 100 and 102 for me in Austria and 100 Matte + Poreless looked a shade darker than 110 from Luminous + Smooth, so I'm now confused because 110 Matte + Poreless that I got in Slovenia is also a shade darker than 110 Fit + Luminous. Maybe they are just that similar. 102 is pink toned and a bit darker.


Scent: it's got a chemical type of scent, nothing too offensive.

Packaging: a simple tube, but mine didn't feel full when I got it and I needed to squeeze it hard to get it out. It comes with a foil protector when you purchase it, so I know mine wasn't used. I'd prefer if it came in a bottle with a pump like Luminous + Smooth (European version), but I don't mind the tube that much and it's better than America glass version without a pump.

Price and availability: I bought it in DM for 8.95 €.

I've praised this in my favourites about a week after I got it and a month later I'm still very impressed by this foundation. To me the most important thing is that it looks nice on the skin, so that it doesn't look heavy, fake, slip into pores and emphasise lines, plus I want it to wear off invisibly without flaking or unevenness and this works well for me. It's not the most long-lasting on its own (though it's been hot in the past month and I might have different a different experience in winter) and it's for those who like light coverage, so for fans of foundations like Bourjois Healthy Mix serum. If you disliked the glow at that one, give this one a try, but I really need to point this out - I wouldn't recommend it for oily skin despite the name. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Meni je to izredno čudno, da poimenuješ izdelek matte in potem ni primeren za mastno kožo. Mogoče pa je kaj z mano narobe. Jaz si mat finiš predstavljam za mastno kožo, ker je itak že sama dovolj glowy. Sem ga sama nekajkrat preizkusila v drogeriji in se mi je zdel absolutno premasten za mojo mastno t cono. To z odtenki je pa res hecno :).

    Na tebi izgleda res lepo. Taka lahka podlaga za poletje. :)

    1. Well, they tried :D Šli so v smer matte, ampak ker je veliko lažji kot običajne matte podlage, ni zmožen sam zadržat mastnosti. Vseeno večinoma ne dajem gor pudra v prahu kjub vročini, ker me ne moti sijaj, ampak za mastno kožo, vsaj zdaj poleti, zagotovo ni.

      Odtenki so mi pa kompletno nelogični :/ Da ni mogoče celo naš "slovenski" 110 enak kot avstrijski 100, ker po tvojih swatchih ne moreta biti dosti narazen.

      Res je lep :) Sem vesela, da sem tvegala in ga kar vzela :)

  2. Jaz imam mastno kožo pa se mi zdi zelo dober puder, se mi ne zdi da je kaj vecji breakdown kot pri katerikoli drugi podlagi. Nazalost je pa res obstojnost problem, vsekakor ni za dalj časa oziroma za kaksen svecan dogodek. Skoda, ker mi je vsec obcutek in kako izgleda na koži.
    Se je pa meni enako zdelo da je čisto prazna tuba že prvič, če ne bi bilo tiste folije gor(hvala bogu za to) bi sigurno mislia da je že rabljena xd mogoče ker je res tako tekoča ampak včasih dvomim da je notri res 30ml.

    1. No, super, da imam še mnenje prave mastnokožke :) Meni je tisti naključni dan izgledala izjemno svetleča/mastna, ampak ostale dni mi je pa odlična. Obstojnost je res bolj tako-tako, me pa ne moti preveč ker lepo zbledi z obraza.

      Ja, mene je kar šokiralo kako je tuba prazna, ampak nalepka je pa bila gor. Mogoče so zanalašč dali malo večjo tubo, da se ne bi tako zlivala ven, kot se pri nekaterih, da je potem vse umazano?

  3. It's a pretty good foundation, I have it and I like it! I recommend you trying the new Wet n Wild Photo Focus, it's bomb!


    1. It's pretty great :) I've heard good things about WnW foundation, but I'd have to order it and I'm not sure about the shade yet. I am tempted by it :)

  4. so I know mine wasn't used. I'd prefer if it came in a bottle with a pump like Luminous + Smooth.


  6. Looks good on your skin but it is way too light coverage for my skin :( Such a shame since I have heard good things about this. Thank you for sharing this! X

    1. Thanks :) For higher coverage I like Milani Conceal + Perfect :)

  7. Good review. I actually like light coverage makeup for daily use. I'll try this out!

  8. I love this foundation and how it works with my skin texture but I still haven’t found my right shade please help. I’ve tried 310 but I found that that had a slight pink undertone. Then I tried 220 but that a peach undertone. I’ve also tried 238 and in my opinion it has a pink/ peach undertone. The one that I do love is 228 soft tan because it has a nice yellow undertone but that is my winter shade. During the summer I tan and I have still the yellow undertone. Is there a foundation that you would recommend that has a yellow undertone like the 228 but in a tan/dark shade? I was considering trying the 312 Golden but I’m not too sure. Thanks
    fit me foundation
