Bourjois 10 Days in the Shade 25 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Bourjois 10 Days in the Shade 25

četrtek, junij 13, 2013

I've searched for the perfect coral nail polish for a long time. There have been plenty of missed purchases because most corals look bright orange on me. Originally, I was planning to get Essie's Cute as a Button, but I was informed by a fellow blogger Sanja from Sparkle with Laughter that Bourjois 10 days in 25 is a pretty good dupe and cheaper. I compared the bottles is the shop and they did look very, very close. 

The colour is essentially perfect - a proper coral, not too orange nor too pink, but sitting comfortably in the middle. Needless to say I'm in love with the shade and it's become one of my favourite colours ever.  I have already worn it three times in a row. 

However, much is left to be desired when it comes to the formula and the brush. I can't really point out what is so wrong with the formula, but it just doesn't work as well as the others. I'm being vague I know, but once I felt it was too liquidy, then on other occasion too glupy and thick. I'm just not a fan of it. It needs two coats for full coverage

I honesty don't know what they hoped to achieve with the design of the brush. It doesn't makes it easier nor better, in fact can only apply it turned one way on my left hand and the other way on the right hand. Basically just a nuisance. 

I love the colour, but the formula and the brush almost ruin this polish for me. I'm actually considering getting Essie Cute as a Button as well, just because I've had much better experience with Essie polishes. If only they weren't so expensive. Anyway, Seche Vite top coat fixes a lot of problems of any nail polish. Bourjois 10 Days polishes cost about 6-7€.
My Seche Vite is getting old and consequently becoming thicker. I needed something quick that I can use until I find a decently priced Seche Vite and I just grabbed the Essence Studio nails better than gel nails one, not giving it much though. Basically, I hate it with passion. I don't recall ever hating a product so much, I just want to toss it out the window. Lets start with the first problem:
1. It takes eons to dry. I swear civilisations have collapsed in the time it took to finally become dry.
2. Bubbles. Never, ever have I had bubbles forming on a nail polish. Until now. Brilliant.
3. On top of the bubbles, despite painting my nails hours before going to bed, I acquired a "lovely" sheet print on my nails. Needless to say I had to take it off in the morning and repaint my nails (using what Seche Vite I have left), which is really annoying.
I'm sorry essence, I love your nail polishes, but this is an utter disappointment. I liked the top coat from the regular line.

Have a great day!

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  1. Škoda, da si razočarana nad formulo in čopičem, morem rečt, da sama nisem imela težav s samo formulo, res pa je da potrebuješ dva nanosa :)

    1. Lahko bi bila boljša formula, ampak barva je pa prekrasna :)

  2. Mislim, da imam jaz tudi nekje tale lak, ampak ga še nisem probala.
    Jaz uporabljam en drug Essencov hitrosušeči nadlak (brez te modre barve z belo pisavo) in mi je odličen. Sem pa za tega slišala, da baje ni dober.

    1. Itak ima essence preveč teh nadlakov, se človek čisto zmede. Naj obdržijo tistega, ki je dober, pa je :)

  3. Lepa barva<3 Meni je pa tale essence lak enak tistemu drugemu brez napisov in mi je super..Škoda, da ti ni všeč.

    1. Ne vem, tale enostavno ne sodeluje z mano. Mi je drugače Seche Vite top, pa Essie G2G mi je bil tudi zelo všeč.

  4. Meni je ta copic tudi katastrofalen. Za namecek sem pa dobila se cudovit moder lak iz ta nove kolekcije (copic je okej), ki je pa najslabsi lak ever. Nenormalno gost, vlece se, kooomaaj sem ga namazala, zraven pa dozivela ene par manjsih zivcnih zlomov. Tako, da bo se nekaj casa minilo preden bom spet kupila kaksen Bourjois lak. 1 Second so pa dobri, ampak imam ze vse podobne odtenke.
    Mi je pa tale Essence nadlak TOP, med tem in G2G ne opazim razlike, Seche Vite pa se nisem mela. :)

    1. Od Bourjoisovih so mi novi 1 second gel res super dobri, tile 10 days pa bi lahko bili boljši. Čopiča pa res ne kapiram. Essie G2G je bil tudi meni všeč in milje boljši od tega essencevega. Ne vem zakaj ne sodeluje z mano. Seche Vite je pa awesome, vsaj meni :)

  5. Seche Vite ima drugače tudi zraven thinner za ta lak, ker je res, da se po določenem času strdi. Jaz sem preizkusila ta thinner in ga povrne v dobro strukturo.:) Drugače pa meni tudi ti laki niso všeč, ravno zaradi formule-res je čudna. Meni se hitro strdijo.

    1. Bom preverila tale thinner, bi bilo ga fino imet. Samo zdaj ko je ta prepoved pošiljanja lakov preko avionov je itak vse brezveze (trpim :) ). Ja, tudi meni se zdi, da se nekam hitro suši, se vidi na zgornjem robu. Samo barva je pa krasna :)

    2. A to velja za vse od kod koli pridejo laki? Nisem vedla:/ Drugače mislim, da sem na britanskem ebayu kupila:)

    3. Asos še pošilja, samo pride potem s hitro pošto. Drugi pa sploh ne pošiljajo več parfumov in lakov. In to tudi ebayevci. Res krasno, saj samo že 6 let preko neta kupujem in ni bilo nikoli nobenih problemov. Upam, da jih bo srečala pamet.

    4. Ja se strinjam. Jaz tudi ogromno preko neta kupujem, nenazadnje si prisiljen, če pa veliko izdelkov sploh ni možno dobiti v Sloveniji ali pa so cene tukaj lepo zasoljene.

    5. Mateja meni je pa ta lak ušeč. Bourjois so pa 1sec itak dbest!

      Btw, jaz sem 14 dni nazaj dobila paket iz beyondpolish.com normalno, vem da imajo tudi seche vita+s kodo anncheek imaš na prvi nakup 15% popust :)

    6. O hvala za to stran :) Majo celo spodobne cene, samo potem poštnina vse zviša. Saj ta prepoved je mišljena samo za britansko pošto.

  6. Tudi meni je tale nadlak super, škoda da nista "frenda" :D Borjouis laki so čudoviti, ampak ta čopič je obupen za nanašat :S

    1. Mi sploh ni jasno kaj so hoteli dosečt s tako obliko čopiča, ampak dobro vsaj barva je krasna :)

  7. that blue one Essence TC is really a catastrophe, but the oler one in green and before that in grey are absolutley awesome!

  8. I had the same problem with the Seche Vite, so now I use this one Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat 60g from feelunique, but I saw now that they are not sending anymore. Why?

    1. The Royal Mail banned shipping of perfumes, aerosols and nail polishes earlier this year. Hence, why UK sites don't send such items anymore, apart from Asos, but their selection is quite limited.
