Maybelline The Eraser Eye Concealer - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Maybelline The Eraser Eye Concealer

petek, september 04, 2015

Many, many lines were written about the Eraser concealer on this blog, by that I mean pretty much glorifying epics expressing my love for it, yet I never did an actual proper review of it. Well, here is it, only a few years too late. It was almost four years ago that on one faithful day, I stumbled upon this in an Austrian DM and bought my very first tube. In all this time, I was never without one in my stash, but damn is it a hard concealer to find and that is not a good thing when you love this concealer as much as I do (update 2019: It's finally in our drugstores and as an extra bonus we have the lightest shade available 00 Ivory9. So many people are completely repulsed by the idea of the sponge applicator, but I find it absolutely brilliant because believe it or not, it actually does its job quite well. 

Texture: The formula is very light, but it contains a lot of pigment for such a texture. It's in a way a dewy formula, so you have time to blend and it does not stick to dry patches at all. This formula blends seamlessly into the skin and looks incredibly natural while covering circles and any redness.
However, I don't think I'd be comfortable using this on oily skin because it's prone to sliding off on such skin, but it should work for other types.

Coverage: I always say that the coverage is medium because I feel that's how others would describe it and it does indeed cover less than for example the Collection's one, but actually it covers all I need on my skin. Admittedly I do not suffer from monstrous dark circles, at least I think so, but this concealer covers that redness I have under the eyes well. That's how I see it and you can be the judge yourself if you think it doesn't look covered enough on my pictures. I actually always use only thin layers, so you can get more coverage out of it. It can even manage to cover spots, though some redness might still shine though, so I actually end up using my high coverage concealer stash for heavy duty tasks. I especially love using this on my nose since it's darker than the rest on my face due to freckles and I need an extra layer of coverage. This works fantastically because it doesn't look like I have a ton of foundation on my nose, but it looks so much more natural. I have on occasions used this as a foundation and it looked so good.

Picture with the old smartphone, shade Fair.

Picture with Olympus camera, shade 00 Ivory (2019 update)

Colour: I currently have two shades: the shade called Fair (03), which is kind of a pink equivalent of Bourjois' Healthy Mix Serum 51 Light Vanilla and Ivory (00) which is a very fair, neutral-cool shade that is my perfect match. I used to have another shade called Light, which is about a shade darker than Fair and more yellow toned. There are more shades available, plus they have two special shade Brightener (pink toned) and Neutralizer (yellow toned).

Staying power: I always hate this category because I never check my makeup during the day. It's obviously gone by the end of the day that's all I can say. It's not like Collection's or Nars which last forever on the skin, but if you take into account how much lighter and moisturising it is, than it's not such a surprise it doesn't last ages. One thing I have to warn you about this concealer is that it creases. However, this never bothered me much, I use powder to set it anyway and it's fine.

Packaging: It's very unique and one of my favourites. It has a twist up mechanism which delivers the product to the sponge and then you simply apply the product by swiping it or tapping, whatever is your preference. I've seen some people take off the sponge, but honestly in all these years I've never had a single breakout because of this concealer. Whether it's an unhygienic applicator or not, this doesn't affect my skin at all. The sponge is super handy, it does 90 % of the job for you, sometimes all the work actually, especially if you're like me an use thin layers, but the rest you can just quickly blend out with fingers or a brush and that's it.  

Price and availability: It's now finally sold in Slovenia (since 2017 or 2018) and we have several shades as well as Brightener and Neutralizer. It costs 9.99 € in Müller and I'm sure prices are about the same elsewhere. It's also sold in several places online.

I have raved about the Eraser extensively in the past and it remains firmly at the top of my favourite concealers. I've used up a few tubes already and there will undoubtedly be more of them. If you want full coverage, this is not for you, but if you're like me searching for the most natural looking base and concealer products, don't hesitate to try this. The combination of a very light formula and the sponge application make this a concealer that is super-fast to apply, requires very little blending and one with such a natural "of course I'm not wearing makeup" effect. I really recommend you try it, but I can't promise you that you'll like it as much as me. By the way, you can read about my favourite concealers here

Have a great day!

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  1. This looks so natural yet really covers any imperfections! I need to try this one out!
    Jennie Emma

  2. Thanks for the review! It looks like enough coverage from your pictures. How does it compare in texture/lasting power to Maybelline's Fit Me?

    1. Fit me is a bit thicker and the coverage is higher, so it doesn't look quite as natural as this one, but it's not that dissimilar. Staying power is probably a bit better, I don't really check these things. I like Fit Me a lot, but the shade range is not good for pale skins and I like the application of Eraser much more, so the latter wins for me :).

    2. Thanks! I've been wanting to try it for a while but it's probably not worth it to me, specially for the ¨~14€ it costs in Müller here (wtf?).

    3. 14 €?! But, it's Maybelline. How much does then L'Oreal's stuff cost? 20 €? I swear drugstore prices have become unreasonable. Not wonder brands like Essence and Makeup Revolution are so popular, while the rest are losing its appeal.

  3. Bos pisana na maybelline? No jaz! Itak sm jim pa ze povedla da se nikoli ne vstavim pred njihovim stojalom, ker imamo itak same brez vezne stvari pri nas. A v tujini ime Maybelline neki pomeni :) kok hyped up produktov imajo. Pri nas pa nic od nic-.-"

    1. Ah kje si pa pa jaz upam jim pisat :D Še odgovore na mejle komaj spacam, Nisem jaz za take stvari :D. Ampak imaš pa popolnoma prav, skoraj vse stvari, ki jih imam od Maybellina so bile kupljene v tujini in se ne dobijo pri nas. Sramota! V Avstriji je stojalo tako veliko kot od Essence. Zelo bi rada preizkusila Lash Sensational maskaro v vodoodporni verziji, ampak si je očitno Slovenci ne zaslužimo :/

  4. Se strinjam, da je super. :) Jaz ga večinoma uporabljam samo pod očmi, tako da me gobica sploh ne moti. Mi je pa Fair odtenek ok tudi pozimi, ko sem bela kot stena :P

    1. Meni je gobica odlična zadeva :) Fair je pa meni pozimi, ko nosim Siberio malo temna - a obstaja še bolj bel odtenek od stene :D

  5. oh lovely concealer. Blogs have been abuzz with its praises and it blends so seamlessly. I really have to try it out. Good review:)

    Chaste & Beautiful

  6. Wonderful blog! This is very informative site. I am totally pleased by your excellent work. Many thanks for sharing.

  7. Jaz pa samo ne štekam če vam je vsem tako ql in ga opevate zakaj ga že enkrat ne fliknejo v našo ponudbo ko pa je tako iskan! :/ Tole bi bla super poteza, pa oni bi mela višjo prodajo :D

    1. A misliš, da naši zastopniki za Maybelline sploh berejo bloge? Ker jaz mislim, da ne. Že ko dobiš kakšen mejl od drugih podjetij imam občutek, da so samo nahitro pogledali koliko imam sledilcev, pa kakšne so slike, da dobijo občutek koliko si močen poceni "oglaševalec" za njih, prav prebral bloga ni pa nihče. Če bi brali naše bloge in komentarje bi imeli veliko večjo ponudbo na našem trgu, ne pa da smo za njih drugorazredna država kjer ženske komaj vejo kar je maskara. A sploh katera kaj govori o Maybelline stvareh, ki se dejansko dobijo pri nas? Kaj dosti jih ni.

  8. Malo me skrbi ta srednja prekrivnost in creasing :D Sliši se super in veš kolikokrat sem že stala pred stojalom v Avstriji in nisem vedela ali naj kupim, ali ne. Moram povedati, da me bolj kot vse odbija cena, ker je kar drag napram kakšnim Catrice, ki so mi zdaj res solidni. Sicer je moj Revlonov tudi dražji. Motijo me tudi odtenki, ker se nikoli ne vem odločit. Saj veš, da imam bolj rumen podton, ampak po navadi je najsvetlejši odtenek vedno roza. Sicer bi to za pod očmi mogoče celo delovalo. Ah...mislim, da je očitno, da sem v precepu. :)

    Moram se navezat na tvoj komentar na Kristino. Jaz sem 100% prepričana, da podjetja ne berejo naših blogov. Druga možnost je, da jih enostavno ne zanima, kaj se prodaja. Sem pa prepričana, da je prva, ker če bi brali in so vsaj malo izobraženi za svoje delo in trg, bi vedela kako povečati prodajo v Sloveniji.

    1. Iskreno povedano jaz sem skoraj zihr, da tebi ne bo všeč :D. Kolikor te poznam imaš rada zelo prekrivne pudre in korektorje, zato te bo ta razočaral. Čeprav se spomnim, da si enkrat govorila kako ti je L'Occitanova CC krema všeč, kljub temu da je manj prekrivna, tako da kaj pa vem :D. Cena mene ne moti, ker mi je res tako dober, da pač dam tistih 10 € (v Avstrijo bi res rada šla novega iskat, ker vidim da so na eBayu za Fair malo bolne cene. Samo si ne upam sama z avtom tako daleč :D)). Zate bi pa skoraj raje vzela odtenek Light, ker je taka lahka formula, da se nekako kar prilagodi in sem ga lahko še jaz nosila. Fit Me bi tebi že bolj ustrezal, ker je dosti podobna formula, ampak malo bolj prekrivna, pa še najsvetlejši odtenek ima rumen podton.

      Itak,da ne berejo, kar pa je zelo neumno ker trg je treba raziskat. Ne moreš se navezovat na pretekle trende kupovanja v Sloveniji, ker nimajo podatkov koliko kozmetike se kupi v tujini in v spletnih trgovinah. Pač se vidi, da povečini tam niso zaposleni tisti, ki jih kozmetika res zanima, ampak je to samo še ena služba. Maybelline stojala jaz v glavnem sploh ne gledam. Jaz si želim Eraser, Fit Me, Matte šminke, vodoodporne maskare vse, Master Precise eyeliner, Color Blurs, Colour Sensational glosse, the Nudes paletke - če mi to pripeljejo bom super srečna.

    2. Hehe, res je. CC krema mi je res dobra. Pa ne toliko zaradi prekrivnosti, ampak ker daje tak res svež vseeno izenačen ten kože :). Saj ti ga lahko jaz vzamem v Avstriji, če ga tu v našem DM-u imajo. Mislim, da sem ga zadnjič videla. Ker v Bipi pa mi je absurdna cena. Jaz se itak vozim skoz Avstrijo ;)

      Se popolnoma strinjam s tabo. Sploh o tem kdo dela tam. Meni je zanimivo, da lahko študentje delamo v trgovini z oblačili ali v drogeriji in celo se od nas pričakuje, da svetujemo stranka o nečem, kar nimamo pojma, saj nismo izobraženi v tej smeri. Ti imaš pa kar seznam :D Saj jaz se tako redko zagledam v naše Maybelline police. Če že potem samo zaradi lakov ali maskar.

    3. No ta korektor tudi naredi tak svež, naraven videz :) Našem DM-u? Al bom über jealous k si tok v Avstriji :D Z eBaya bi me prišel 20 €, tok jim pa ne dam. Če boš šla kaj mimo DM-a, mi povej :)

      Dolg seznam imam, ja :D Ampak če bi šla vsako stvar posebej naročevat z eBaya, bi me stalo celo premoženje zaradi poštnin :/ Upam, da malo razširijo ponudbno na Feel Unique ali pa vsaj Boots. Pri nas se verjetno dobi samo kakšna tretjina stvari, od tega vse ki so dolgočasne in se o njih sploh ne govori.

  9. Mam roko visoko v zrak za to, da bi bil ta concealer pri nas, pa še marsikatera druga stvar od Maybelline!
    Drugače pa bom ga zdaj končno tudi jaz preizkusila, ker mi ga je v Avstriji vzela blogerka Maša in že komaj čakam. :P Upam, da bo tudi meni všeč, sploh, ker imam rada bolj naraven videz in sovražim, če je moj puder in/ali korektor že ''na daleč'' viden. :D

    1. Sem prekasno videla, da ste se pogovarjale za Eraserje :(. Jaz bi imela enega na zalogo, ker ne vidim v moji prihodnosti, da bom šla kaj v Avstrijo (sama ni ne upam pelat). Sem zgoraj napisala pri Petri kaj vse bi jaz imela. Pri nas je ponudba patetična in Maybelline najbolj izstopa po zanemarjanju dobave novosti. It has to be said. Vidim, da si jih pisala na FB in so te lepo ignorirali. Bravo Maybelline Slovenia.

      Upam, da ti bo všeč :) Meni je odličen :)

  10. Odgovori
    1. :D Je kar ja, ampak npr. pri korektorju od Collection je pa še večja :)

  11. I have this concealer from USA and it is my holy grail product. It can cover my terrible dark blue under eye circles and it doesn't crease! I don't have to use powder to fix it. It is a miracle for me. I have tried lots of concealers and this is the best. Even the colour is just great for me. I hope they sell this shade in Europe. And sponge is super idea and I simply love it :)

    1. It's seriously rave worthy :) I utterly adore it. In Europe we have shades Fair, Light and Nude. And yes, the sponge is brilliant.

  12. Meni je embalaža tudi všeč, celo gobica :D Je pa res, da če imaš bolj temne podočnjake in jih hočeš res zakrit, ti s tem ne bo uspelo. Čeprav sem ga jaz zdaj med poletjem kar vzljubila, ker tako naravno izgleda :)

    1. Za temne podočnjake tole res ni, ampak zame je dovolj :)
