Sapphire 8 in 1 Complete Curling Wand
petek, september 25, 2015
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Irresistible Me, who sells mostly hair extensions and they offered me some to try out. At the time my hair was 72 cm/28 inches long (I know, I know), so trying extensions would be a little bit ridiculous and that was almost the end of it, but then they kindly offered me to try out a curling iron instead. You might have noticed that I love wearing my hair curly, so this is totally up my alley. I've been using Remington Pro Soft Curls for years and it doesn't really offer that much variety, I do have another one from Babyliss with a 3.2 cm barrel, but it's astonishingly rubbish. I've been googling for the best 32 mm curling wands several times before and for some reason nobody talks about these things and the only brands that I could find were only available in the US, which was remarkably unhelpful. Sapphire Wand comes with 8 barrels, so you can make basically any type of curls you want, which should come very handy for me as I do others people hair occasionally. I'll admit that the price isn't the kindest to an average individual living here, especially considering we have to pay custom charges as well (expect a bill for 40 € in Slovenia), but I'm seriously impressed by it and just feel in love with it. I don't think we have anything similar in Slovenia, at least not something that would be of some decent quality, which is a shame, but luckily online shops exist.
First off, the important technical details you might need to know. The curler is dual voltage (110-240V 50/60Hz), which means it works in the US as well as Europe, so there is not worry about that. The original plug is American, so you'll need an adapter if you live elsewhere, which isn't that expensive or you do what I did and just change the plug.
I love how this shows the warming up process. It shows the exact temperature when it's heating up and that is so handy, because at my old Remington I have no idea how much time I have before it's ready. It heats up pretty fast, I'd say about a minute or so. You can set the temperature with those two arrow buttons. It goes up to 230°C (450°F). The temperature is in °F when it turns on, but you can easily change it by holding the right button for a few seconds. Totally cool to use in Europe is the summary. I also appreciate that the screen blinks when it's plugged in but turned off, so I don't forget to plug it out. It has an auto shut off feature as well.
There are 8 ceramic, tourmaline infused barrels ranging in sizes and shapes. There is a super thin 13 mm, the classic 19 mm, 25 mm which is the same as my Remington Pro Soft Curl, the big 32 mm, smaller cone shaped 18/9 mm, bigger cone shaped 25/13 mm, a pear shaped 13/25 mm and pearl.
The base is very light, to me it almost felt cheap at first because I'm so used to my Remington that's much heavier and my Babyliss one weighs a ton compared to this one, but actually the quality is pretty good. The buttons should be separated more because now they all move inside when you press them, but they don't interfere each other’s functions. I'm a weakling so it takes me a bit more effort of push the barrels in or pull them out, but for most of you it'd be easy. You're supposed to twist the round part at the base, so the barrel is locked in place.
So far I've tried five barrels, the thin ones don't really interest me to be honest. The pearl one was the first because I really wanted to see what kind of curls it makes. It creates those beachy waves - very textured and messy curls. The pear shaped one was interesting to me as well. It creates curls that start high on the head giving you a more voluminous look. My absolute favourite is the 25 mm one. It’s the same as at my Remington one, which is the one I use all the time. The effect it gives is the same, I went for retro waves and it was my favourite style by far. The reason I might like it more than Remington is that it's lighter and more importantly; there is none of that annoying clip. I've never been a fan of clips, I always wrap my hair around the barrel and leave the ends out because that gives a more natural effect and the ends are the most fragile part of the hair, so I don't want to damage them with the heat. My second favourite barrel is the 32 mm. I have an old such curler form Babyliss and it completely useless because my curls drop within an hour with it. This one managed to create the same soft, curls that later dropped but not completely. They turned into very loose waves, more reminiscent of a blow-out. It's basically way better than my old one. I also tried the spiral one, which I also used to own a similar one (Remington Pearl) and its again better than that one I had before because at that one my hair got tangled in the bit between the barrel and the plastic cap at the end, but I’m not a fan of the curls this type of barrel creates. They are just so chunky.
Apart from retro curls, these are all pictures from already posted or upcoming reviews, so are you essentially having a sneak peak.
Curls last well at this curler, though that is also due to my natural hair texture, the techniques and products I use. Retro curls lasted particularly well at this curler, I've just happened to take pictures every day for all the swatching and future posts, so I though I might as well include it here. I kept the curls in a bun that was twisted in the direction of the curls over night. This was the last day of the curls.
You get a very useful and well-made bag with the curler. The faux leather is soft to the touch and the inside has compartments for each barrel, the curler's base and even one for the heat resistant glove. With seven years of curling experience under my belt, I don't use the glove at all, they are actually very clumsy, but it's nice that they added it for all the beginners because they'll need it.
I'm really happy with this curler. I know I've only used budget versions so far, so I might be dazzled by a fancier one, but it's really good. I like that it's light, displaying how the wand is heating is super handy, there is a nice selection of barrels - I really find no fault in it. The price is really high, I know it's eight different barrels, but even so it's not something you just casually buy like groceries. It's an investment, but if you like playing with your hair like me, you’ll enjoy this. It has a 1 year limited warranty and you can get it on Irresistible Me website for 199$ (it had a discount once during the time I have it and I think it was 159$. I don't know if that happens often there).
Have a great day!
*PR product
Z veseljem sem prebirala to objavo. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo so mi všeč kodri, kjer je napisano 'pearl'. Res so lepi. Meni verjetno nebi zdržali tako dolgo, saj nimam tako lepih in bujnih las kot ti.
Hvala :) Pearl je zanimiv, ker pramen las navije ponekod ozko, ponekod pa široko, pa zavije se sam, tako da ne dobiš gladkih kodrov, ampak prav messy spiralne. Podoben videz lahko dosežeš tudi z 25 mm, če pramen zaviješ/zasukaš, če razumeš kaj mislim. Vem, da večini ne zdržijo kodri tako dolgo kot na meni, ampak jaz opazim veliko razliko, če uporabim texturising spray + lak za lase.
IzbrišiSuper post! Prav z vsemi temi večjimi nastavki so ful lepi kodri :) Jaz sem bila dolgo v dilemi, ali naj kupim Remingtonov pro soft curls 25mm ali pro big curls 38mm in sem se na koncu odločila za 25, ker se mi je zdelo, da bi pri drugem kodri prej 'padli dol'... Čeprav me tudi zanima kako izpade 38mm :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKoliko časa pa ti zdržijo, če ne uporabiš nobenega spreja na laseh?
Hvala :) Prav si se odločila, ker pri teh večjih veliko prej padejo kodri dol. Ne vem zakaj večina uporablja 32 mm, razen če si vsak dan kodrajo lase, kar je pa trapasto.
IzbrišiČe ne uporabim laka potem kodri postanejo manj intenzivni kar hitro, enkrat v teku dneva, ampak imam še vedno valove praktično dokler si ne umijem lase, razen če si jih počešem s gosto krtačo, potem postanejo ravni. Ampak čim si naredim figo, so spet valoviti. Drugače pa ne uporabljam tone laka in teksturiserja, samo toliko, da ju je nekaj, ne pa da imam lase čisto zacementirane.
Sem kot ti, opazila da pri nas imamo res katastrofalno ponudbo teh kodralnikov. Jaz sem enkrat kupila potem rabljenega od Remingtona 25mm, ampak teh fancy z nastavki, ki jih vedno vidim v ZDA, pa se meni res zdi da pri nas ni. Ali pa so še iz leta 1999. Ne bi mogli izbrati boljše blogere za oceno :). Tvoji lasje so ču-do-viti. Meni se zdi, da ti čisto vsi kodri pašejo. Najlepši so mi z 25 mm in pearl. Bi pa bili zanimvi kodri s tiso tista najtanjšo, ne? :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPri nas ni nič spodobnega razen Remington Pro Soft Curls :/ Sem imela par drugih, pa sem samo vrgla stran denar. Pač smo drugorazredni trg :/
IzbrišiHvala <3 Uh, nekako nočem uporabit najtanjše, ker se mi zdi, da bi čudno izgledalo. Pa že ko sem videla na stožčastem, ki je ožji kot tis drugi, da ne pride lepo, sem naslednjič raje spet uporabila 25 mm. Enkrat ga bom preizkusila, ampak še zbiram pogum :D
It's pretty great :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWould love to see a post about tips and tricks on curling your hair. I tried curling mine twice but was not to happy with the results, plus it damaged my thin hair even with low temperature. Anyway, you have an amazing hair so you should post more about it :) Ana
OdgovoriIzbrišiI was thinking about doing such a post :) But I can only share tricks about curling thick hair.
IzbrišiThank you, Ana :)
Krasna objava, na sliki kjer si prikazala kodre s 25mm izgledaš kot lutka :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiUpam, da kaj podobnega kdaj pride do nas. Sicer je res investicija, ampak se mi zdi, da je vseeno vredno denarja glede na to, da dobiš toliko nastavkov. Ko le ne bi bila carina pri nas tako visoka :/
Hvala :D Nas kar se tiče tehničnih izdelkov zelo zanemarjajo. V prvi trgovini s tehniko za mejo imajo več robe kot pri nas. Če bi ga sama kupovala, bi počakala na popust, ker 50 $ dol je ogromno. Carina je pa obupna!
IzbrišiOh, kodrčki <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi jaz sem imela kodralnik od Remingtona 5 let in je lepega dne kar crknil pa sem kupila novega in je debelejši zato pridejo bolj naravni kodri in mi je veliko bolj všeč :)
So pa kodralniki super zadeva, ko jih enkrat pogruntaš, jaz imam zdaj (ko sem pro haha) celo "glavo" skodrano v 10 min :)
Pa ti isto zdržijo s debelejšim kodralnikom? Ker meni ne. Pa itak mi pri 25 mm drugi dan izgledajo kot, da sem uporabila 32 mm.
IzbrišiTrue story. Jaz lahko enako v 10 minutah končam. To so pa leta izkušenj :D
Your hair is beautiful and this curler does work wonders on it.
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
Wow! This product is amazing. I've seriously struggled with curling my hair in the past. The most annoying thing is I prefer to have my hair curly, I just can't do it myself!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThink I deffo need to invest in these! AMAZING!!
Shona xo