Essence Sheer & Shine Lipsticks
sobota, oktober 17, 2015
I've already made a review for these in Slovene for the other blog I write and I just assumed that not many people will be interested in reading about these here, so I kind of let it sit in my drafts. I know, not cool and now I'm thinking it was probably wrong, but we'll see. Anyway, the old original lipstick line from Essence was completely discontinued, to be fair it was ancient in Essence years and they weren't particularly good, so I don't think many tears were shed for those. They upgraded them to a Sheer & Shine line, which are actually just the old line in disguise, but with new shades, though they actually sneakily kept the most popular one All About Cupcake.
As the name suggests they are sheer and with a shiny finish, just as the old ones, so they are those lip balm/lipstick-lip gloss hybrids, however, the did improve the formula a bit and I think they are better than the ones before, which to be fair didn't really set the bar that high. The formula feels light on the lips, but at the same a bit waxier than their predecessors, which should translate into a better staying power, but it's still by most standards very poor. At least they are very comfortable to wear and a nice replacement for a lip balm plus you can apply then without a mirror.
I got three shades out of thirteen: 01 my first love, 04 hidden secret and 07 sparkling miracle. I didn't get to pick the shades, so none are really my style, but that's not necessary bad because at least I get to show you something different than usual.
01 my first love
01 my first love is the sheerest in the bunch and you need to build it up a lot to get the colour I have on my pictures. It's a very pale peachy nude shade that I'm not really feeling it on me, since concealer nude years are thankfully gone.
04 hidden secret
When I first saw this shade in the tube, I was like hell no because there is little I hate more than a brown lipstick. Well, it sure turned out to be a hidden pleasant surprise. Built up it's a very flattering warm beige-nude and it's a great everyday school/office shade. Based on how it looks in the tube, I'd never pick it up, but it's definitely my favourite in the bunch.
07 sparkling miracle
07 sparkling miracle is the darkest and most pigmented in the bunch, but again don't expect much unless you seriously build it up. It's a fuchsia shade that I also don't dig on me as I full coverage versions of such colours. It has blue frost in it that due to the glossy shine on the lips actually isn't as apparent, but it makes the shade look cooler because of the reflect it gives.
The packaging is plastic, but a considerable upgrade from the old "Barbie tubes". Each shade has a semi-transparent lid in the approximate colour of the shade, which is very handy.
The have a faint scent of vanilla, or a scent that's trying so hard to be like vanilla, but ends up smelling more classic lipstick-y.
I always considered these lipsticks as more for teenagers or little kids playing dress up, but they are a good affordable choice for those who are on a budget and scared of wearing proper lipsticks or those whose lips tend to be dry a lot. I gave one once to my mom and she just said to never give her anything like that ever because it lasted 15 minutes on her lips (she's getting rather spoiled, I must say), but I didn't say that to discourage you from buying them if you'd like to get a shade or two as I'm perfectly aware not everyone wants an opaque, matte lip colour like me and even I admit that Hidden Secret looks pretty cool.
These cost 2.20 € on Click2Chic. If you haven't gathered it from the text, I got them to review for Click2Chic blog, but I'm not asked to post about their products here as well, it is entirely my choice.
Did you get any shade of the new Shine & Sheer lipsticks? Which is your favourite? Have a great day!
01 mi ni nevem kako lep odtenek, ampak 04 in 07 sta lepi :) Še posebej 07 mi je zelo všeč :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je samo 04 res všeč, 07 pa pogojno :). 01 je way presvetel.
IzbrišiJaz vse tvoje ocene najprej preberem na Click2Chic, potem pa še tukaj, tako da jih ti kar brez slabe vesti objavljaj (pa še prepričana sem, da imaš ogromno tujih bralk, ki jih te ocene zanimajo). :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMene so na začetku te šminke zelo pritegnile, ko pa sem prebrala, da so sheer, sem se jih odločila kar preskočiti. Od teh bi bil še najbolj moj odtenek Sparkling Miracle. :)
Fino :D Ma te se mi ni dalo objavit tukaj, ker ne vem koliko ljudi res zanimajo prosojne šminke v teh časih. Bomo videli potem statistiko. Bralk imam tukaj pa več tujih, kot naših, čeprav bi po komentarjih sklepal drugače :D
IzbrišiVidiš, jaz tudi ko slišim besedo "sheer" si mislim nope. Zame mora bit šminka polno prekrivna :)
07 je tako lepega odtenka in ti super pristaja! :) Tudi 04 mi je všeč, ker obožujem nude. Aja, kar ne morem nehati občudovati tvoje slike, ker so tako lepe :P :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :D 04 mi res ni slab, pa sem bila zihr, da mi ne bo všeč :)
IzbrišiKo sem videla tvoje objave na Click2Chic me je kar s stola vrglo. Čestitam za tole sodelovanje in verjamem da se obrestuje. Zaradi tebe od zdaj naprej redno pregledam kaj objavljaš tam pa še nekaj malega izdelkov sem si naročila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi samo nadaljuj z objavljanjem :)
Hvala :) No, upam, da kaj doprinesem s tem sodelovanjem, mi je krasno delo. Zdaj sem naredila za njih jesensko objavo in pa eno za roza oktober, upam da jih bodo dali kmalu gor :)
IzbrišiZelo mi je všeč, da objaviš podrobnejše ocene še tukaj :D Te šminke me pa najprej niso pritegnile, ampak ko vidim tvoje slike mi je itak vse takoj zanimivo :P Namesto kakega lib balma bi ble res super :) Kaj lepo izginejo z ustnic ali se vsedejo v gubice? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTam napišem vse kar je treba, da zveš vse o izdelku, ampak so krajši teksti, ker imajo tak format bloga, tukaj pa lahko tisto tipično po svoje nakladam :D Te veliko lepše izginejo z ustnic kot stare. Pri starih je tisti frost izgledal grozno ko so izginjale, te pa precej lepše bledijo. Kot obarvan balzam bodo kul :)
IzbrišiI love to read your reviews! I have accidentally found your blog and I cannot stop reading. Great job! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišithank you :) I'm glad you like it :)
IzbrišiSem si kupila 2 v Nemčiji in še čakata na preizkus :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo mi pa definitivno všeč te temne :)
V Nemčiji so zihr še cenejše kot tukaj, a ne? Sploh še nisem šla swatchat vse v trgovino, vedno kar pozabim :)
IzbrišiI agree, Hidden Secret actually looks better than you'd think! It looks like a lot like the GOSH Nude lipstick that I am wearing today.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's definitely a pleasant surprise :)
IzbrišiHidden Secret je tudi meni najlepša. Nekako me ne prepričajo te sheer zadeve. Imam že veliko podobnih izdelkov doma, pa nikoli ne uporabim, ker imam vedno raje prave šminke :). Hidden Secret ti zelo paše. Se mi zdi, da bolj na peach povleče, ne na rjavo :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz tudi vedno zagrabim "pravo šminko" :)
IzbrišiHvala :) Meni izgleda bež v RL :)
Nice lipstics!!! :)
Any favourites?
IzbrišiYes, I have the one in BFF, but I dont like the formula, because it disappears immediately from my lips, but only in the center of them, so I look kind of weird. Maybe I will try the beige one which you liked, because I have no nude shade (yes, really... up to 40 lipsticks and no nude shade ^.^) and they are really inexpensive in Germany, since it is a german brand! Yeah - I have to say, I'm a little bit proud of essence (and Catrice, both Cosnova brands) to make such nice makeup that you can even buy in Slovenia or the USA
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe old ones did the weird ring thing one me, these behave better, but granted nude shades don't tend to look as patchy when wearing off as other colours. All of these sheer lipppies don't tend to last long and nude shades in general as well.
IzbrišiCatrice and Essence are so popular around here, I think they are doing a great job :)
These look fine and thank God, they removed the older version of lipsticks as I didn't quite fancy those ones. Hey, btw nude shades suit you well. Nice post :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
Right?! The old ones just didn't fit with their brand any more, I don't know why they held on to them for so long.
IzbrišiThank you :)
Mene te šminke sploh ne pritegnejo, pa iz neznanega razloga mi je pakiranje obupno :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJe pa tudi meni všeč, da še tukaj objaviš ocene, ker raje berem v ang, čeprav vedno preberem tudi tiste na Click2Chic. Objavi o baking in strobing sta mi bili še posebej všeč :)
Embalaža me spominja na Maybellinove šminke. Ni mi grda, ampak tudi ni lepa :).
IzbrišiI much, much prefer to write in English, ampak se potrudim napisat tudi v slovenščini. Ampak glede na to da sem leta pisala skoraj samo v angleščini, mi je precej težje.
Pa hvala :)
The packaging is so cute but I can't stand sheer lipsticks. :/
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe nude one looks cool tho!
Makeup by Ilona
So we're in the same camp :) Though you're right, the nude one is nice :)
IzbrišiUaaau. Moram priznati, da mi niso ravno padle v oči ko sem stala pred stojalom. Po tvoji objavi bom pa sigurno nabavila kak odtenek! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiSploh si jih še nisem ogledala na stojalu :D Če so ti všeč sheer šminke za malo denarja, go for it :)