Essence Happy Girls are Pretty TE

četrtek, oktober 08, 2015

I bought something from Essence's TE - I know, hold the phone, what is happening? But to be fair Sanja (Sparkle with Laughter) made me do it. We have such a similar taste in makeup that every time she posts one of her Sparkles post, I end up with a new list of products to try. Honestly, Happy Girls are Pretty was to me just another in a long line of TEs that I just glanced at the press release and said to myself: I can't be bothered with tracking this down. Then I saw the sheer lipbalm at Sanja and it just appealed to me, so I actually went to the drugstore with an intention to get this. Luckily I live near a town where these TE's don't tend to disappear so quickly and I found an almost full stand in DM (Műller didn't have it any more, so I'm guessing these are the last days of this TE).

Happy Girls are Pretty Sheer Lipbalm
01 Pretty You
Even since I found Bourjois' Nude-ist (which I think might have been Sanja-inspired as well), I had this urge to experiment with more rosy-brown lip colours. Pretty You is precisely such a shade and it's one of those classic autumnal shades that it's safe to say was very 90's inspired, but thankfully they restrained themselves from making it too brown. I think it might even look like a my-lips-but-better lip colour on medium skin tones, especially because of the texture. 

Ironically, the one time Essence could call their lip product a lipstick, they call it a sheer lipbalm. The pigmentation is far from sheer, it's almost fully opaque with one coat, however, this starts disappearing from the lips in about 15 minutes or even less, so it does end up looking more like a tinted lip balm or one of their Sheer & Shine lipsticks. The texture is thicker and creamier than their usual lipsticks, which makes it very comfortable on the lips and this is definitely the product for those with dry lips. The finish is quite glossy that's why it's disappearing from the lips so fast and I must admit I'd love a more matte version a lot more. I don't know why Essence does this, but they put the nicest fruity scent to their limited edition lip products, but not to their regular line. I really enjoy the scent of this, despite it being a bit teenage-y. The packaging is a slim tube, but after only two days of use, the lipstick broke off the base, so it doesn't twist back inside any more and I have to push it manually.

I like this. It's not amazing, but I had a chance to experiment with some interesting new shades for me for a very reasonable price. I got mine in DM for 2.49 €

Happy Girls are Pretty Multi Colour Blush
01 you sweeten my day
This one, on the other hand, was totally spur of the moment purchase and I kinda, sorta regret it. I got this because the colours looked so "me", though admittedly the design of the blush was part of the reason as well. This has almost no colour pay-off on me. I was told that only the top layer is like that, but I've been trying to get something from it and I'm still failing miserably. I did some rubbish swatches, the heart is a light pink with brown tones and the other part is a pink-ish highlighter. It looks rosy-brown on my cheeks, but it's subtle, I took a picture, but my camera isn't the best at taking pictures of very pigmented blushes, let alone a sheer one and it's been so rainy for the past few days, so it's not the best. 

I also got this blush in DM for 3.29 €

Have a great day!

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  1. meni je bla ta kolekcija tak všeč, da sem kupla skoraj vse. No kupla sem obe šminkici, ki sta mi ful všeč sploh temenjša, contouring set me je prijetno presenetil, tudi rdečilo je bilo moje ampak je zame malo presvetle barve in pa obe paletki senčil, od katerih mi je ljubša temnejša. <3 drgače pa super objava ! <3

    1. Je ena lepših, se strinjam, medtem ko Urbanized me niti malo ne pritegne. Contour kit se je meni zdel tako temen, sem mi mislila, da zihr ni zame.
      Hvala :)

    2. meni je pa od urbaniced ful všeč rdečilo, je eno izmed lepših v moji kolekciji. Contouring kit sploh ni temen veš, na prvi pogleda res tak izgleda ampak na obrazu pa je videt super.

  2. That lip balm looks too good to be called a lip balm. I loved the color and the pigmentation. Too bad that the lip balm broke. That blush though, is a great disappointment. Essence do know how to make eye catching products but they are very poor when it comes to quality.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I agree about the lip balm, I don't know why they decided to call it that :)
      Some of their stuff is pretty great, like nail polishes and mascaras, but some things are a miss :)

  3. Ravnokar sem napisala objavo o blushu. Zdaj moram malo počakat, da ne bom na isti dan objavila :). Meni je pa zdaj spodnji sloj malo bolj pigmentiran, čeprav je še vedno slaba pigmentacija. :) Mi je pa odtenek zelo všeč. Moja vrsta roza odtenka, čeprav jaz bi imela samo odtenek iz srčka, brez tistega okrog :). Tole res ne izgleda kot lip balm, hehe. Je pa lep odtenek in ti paše ;).

    1. Ma ne, ti kar objavi, kaj se zaradi takih stvari sekiraš :D Da ne bo prepozno, ker je ravno TE. Res me ne navdušuje pigmentacija, so že naredili veliko boljše blushe :/
      Hvala :)

  4. Ko sem jaz te balzame poswatchala v trgovini, so se mi zdeli zelo prosojni, zdaj pa pri tebi vidim, da je tale ful pigmentiran. Meni je bila ta kolekcija na promo fotkah prekrasna, v živo pa me ni nič prepričalo. In to se mi zadnje čase pogosto dogaja. Upam, da se mi z božično ne zgodi isto, ker tista mi je res prekrasna. :)

    Btw, na tisti full face fotki makeup z balzamom na čelu pričara pravo jesensko vzdušje. ;)

    1. Skoraj kot šminke so, očitno si naletela na neke čudne testerje. Uh, jaz tudi upam da me merry berry ne razočara. Zdaj sem našla en DM, kjer vem da bom lahko celo dobila, če mi bo všeč :)

      Sem ravno slikala za jesensko objavo, pa sem bila inspirana s takimi barvami :)

  5. Imam isti balzamček, tak jesenski je..sicer na meni ni neki obstojen, je pa zanimiva barva, lepo vlaži, me spominja na kakšno labelico, ki je malce bolj obarvana:) Blush mi je pa bil ful lep v trgovini ampak nekako sem ga pustila kar tam:)

    1. Obstojnost res ni nekaj posebnega, čeprav kot stain mi je danes še kar okej zdržal :) Mi je boljši od njihovih longlasting in sheer šmink, ampak vseeno nič posebnega kar se tiče kvalitete, je pa kjut :). Blush je pa morda bolje, da ga nisi vzela.

  6. Oh, your whole makeup looks so pretty on, what is this fantastic colour on your nails and eyes??? <3

    Besides, I have the same items from this TE :) I love the lipstick and the blush is okay, at least, it is visible on my skintone and not too brown, which I prefer..

    and again: BEAU-TI-FUL Makeup!!

    1. Thank you <3 I have Models Own Hyper Gel in Midsummer Mauve on the nails and on the eyes it's theBalm Nude'Tude palette (lip balm picture: Selfish on the lids, Sophisticated and Sleek in the outer corner, blush picture: Sexy on the lids and Sultry in the crease).

      The lipstick is nice, but I wish the blush were more pigmented because I like the colour. I usually wear stronger blush, it's just a beauty habit of mine.

  7. Zdej mi je pa ful žal, da nisem šminke vzela! In to ravno zato, ker sem mislila, da bo spet en brezvezen prosojen balzam. Res mi je všeč barva, bom morala poiskat kaj podobnega. (Pa še dvakrat sem na polno stojalo naletela, kar mi praktično nikoli ne zgodi ...)

    1. Zihr je kakšen še v DM-ih. V NM je bilo v najbolj obiskanem DM-u polno stojalo dva dni nazaj, tako da morajo biti še kje :)

  8. Thanks for sharing the useful info here. Keep up the good work.

  9. O, tale je pa res ful lepa. Veliko bolj pigmentirana kot bi si mislila :)

    1. Sem kar presenečena, da je nisi vzela, ker je odtenek čisto v tvojem stilu :) Dobro je pigmentirana za Essence šminko.

  10. Ooooooh, I reallu love the lip color! And I love the creaminess of it.

  11. such a beautiful shade and it looks perfect on you! Aren't Essence cosmetic products the best? Love the creaminess of the lipsticks :)

    Annie | DrugstoreDreamer

    1. Thank you :) They are ok, but more of a hit-or-miss products :)

  12. Balzam je zakon. Ga nosim skor vsak dan :)

  13. Evo, kaj sem rekla, da bo na tebi še lepše izgledal ta odtenek :) Ga pa jaz tudi še vedno nonstop nosim :)
    Za blush sem pa že pri Petri komentirala, da ga res moram začet uporabljati, da vidim če bo res samo za gledat :D

    1. Yeah right *blushes* Hvala <3
      Ga je skoraj škoda uničit, ker barve ma tako malo :/

  14. Beautiful shade and it looks perfect on you! Thanks for sharing the useful info here.
