Revlon Colorstay Satin Ink Liquid Lipstick - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Revlon Colorstay Satin Ink Liquid Lipstick

petek, oktober 08, 2021

Revlon has plenty of liquid lipsticks and all I've tried, I really liked. They have some of the most comfortable formulas (Ultra HD Matte & Vinyl, Kiss Cushions) as well as the some of the most long lasting ones in my collection (Overtime). These are fairly new and come in 21 shades, while we have these 7 here in Slovenia. They kind of fit into both groups of being comfortable and very long lasting, though I won't claim they will surely be comfy to everyone, but they are certainly not like matte liquid lipsticks, yet the last. 

Formula and finish: These are slightly thicker liquid lipsticks with excellent pigmentation, apart from two of the darkest shades, 012 Seal the Deal and 019 My Own Boss, which are a bit less pigmented, but miles from being sheer. Application is easy and smooth. Formula changes during wear time, as it starts glossy, then slowly starts to dry to a satin finish that's not dry, but also doesn't transfer, though there can be some small traces, but it's generally mask-proof especially after it fully sets. If you apply just one layer on one lip and then spread it all over, you get the satin finish faster and still get a fully opaque look, it just won't be quite as long lasting as at full application. These also change colour as the dry, especially 009 Speak up goes from a light-ish mauve-pink-nude to a medium mauve. The only two that don't really change are 012 Seal the Deal and 019 My Own Boss. Though they are glossy at the start and dry in time, they never felt drying or tight to me, so they are more comfortable than matte liquid lipstick and you still get that same long staying power.

Staying power: These are very long lasting and can survive a lot. After they set they don't smudge, bleed, crack or peel and at the end of the day when I take off my makeup, which for me is about 12 h after application they still look great. They last through drinking and eating anything that's not too greasy. This also means that you need an oily remover at the end of the day to get all off. Overtime liquid lipsticks last just as well as these, but are less pigmented and need two layers.


001 Your Go-to

A classic Revlon beige nude, similar to their 003 Pick me up in the Luscious Mattes range. You can see how it darkens as it's setting. I didn't take pictures of these when they are satin, sorry for that.  

005 Silky Sienna

A marsala shade that is already leaning to burgundy on me. It's deceptively light in the tube, but I'm very pale and lipsticks tend to look darker on me. 

007 Partner in Crime

A light pink nude shade. My most worn, since it's most light and an everyday colour for me.

009 Speak Up

A chameleon. It start as the lightest almost bubble gum pink, then oxidises to a darker, more cool purple-mauve shade on me. 

010 Your Majesty

Medium rosy mauve shade that's most "stable" in term of oxidising from the lighter shades.

012 Seal the Deal

A basic fuchsia. I've reviewed tons of similar shades. This one is less pigmented than the shades above, which is usual, as such shades tend to be very pigmented.

019 My Own Boss

A neutral warm red.

Packaging: a square tube similar to their discontinued Colorstay Moisture Stains. Doe foot applicator is a petal design, so precise. 

Price and availability: These are sold in drugstores and on Click2Chic for 12,19 €.

A very long lasting and resistant formula that unlike matte liquid lipsticks feels more comfortable on the lips without any tightness. It's a lipstick that changes from glossy to satin and in some cases from light to a darker shade, so the colour you see in the tube may not be what you get on your lips. I'm a fan of these types of formulas where I can apply it in the morning and it's still on at the end on the day and this is such a product. 

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  1. Ti kar tukaj odgovorim, tudi 001 me ni pritegnil. Nekako se mi zdi vseeno preveč basic, bolj grey toned zame, pa mogoče malo presvetel v tubi. Ampak zdaj, ko si omenila, da se posušijo na temnejše pa očitno niti ne bi vedela katerega toččno kupit :D.

    Če bodo uspešni, bo Revlon verjetno razširil odtenke. Formula se mi sliši super. Na sploh te njihove formule, ki so sijoče na začetku potem se pa posušijo na satinate, se na meni včasih kar na semi-mat posušijo tako da mi je to vedno všeč, ker so precej bolj udobne od navadnih mat.

    Jaz sem samo naveličana teh klasik rdeče, fuksije...ki so praktično značilne za ves nabor, tudi npr. pri Avonu, a dejstvo je da večina nosi itak nude odtenke. :)

    Parther in Chrime izgleda čisto tvoj odtenek. Ti res pristoji. <3

    1. Ja, dosti se jih spremeni v temnejši odtenek, samo noben pa ne postane bolj topel. Bi morala pustit swatch na roki nekaj časa, da se vidi koliko oksidira. Odtenkov je drugače 21, Wild Ride bi morda ustrezal tvojemu okusu, samo kar verjetno ne bo pri nas, razen če bodo mega popularni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3FDD1R9BUI

      Hvala :)
