Product of the Week #17
ponedeljek, januar 27, 2014
Back in the days, when I went through the enough-with-the-black-eyeliner phase in my teens, I discovered this gem - Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Stash. You know something achieved the coveted holly grail status when you're using it since secondary/high school. Stash is an olive green old gold shade with gold shimmer that just works so well with my grey-blue-green eyes. It's dark enough to give a sufficient amount of definition while not overpowering the whole look by looking too harsh, but it also gives you a bit of colour. I wear it either on the top lashline, waterline or on the lower lashline, it works everywhere.
I have a few of these UD's 24/7 eyeliners and all are amazing quality - so pigmented, creamy and smooth. They don't tug on the eyes, there is no need for a million swipes to show up, they really stay on and most importantly, they don't go hard after a while (looking at you Max Factor Liquid Effect Pencil. I'm sorry to inform you that our romance is over). Despite the heavier price tag, these are absolutely worth the money. The black one, called Zero, is my favourite black eyeliner.
I have a few of these UD's 24/7 eyeliners and all are amazing quality - so pigmented, creamy and smooth. They don't tug on the eyes, there is no need for a million swipes to show up, they really stay on and most importantly, they don't go hard after a while (looking at you Max Factor Liquid Effect Pencil. I'm sorry to inform you that our romance is over). Despite the heavier price tag, these are absolutely worth the money. The black one, called Zero, is my favourite black eyeliner.
Here is a comparison of Stash with L'Oreal's Infallible eyeshadow in Bronze Goddess (bottom).
What's your favourite non-black eyeliner?
Have a great day!
Zelo všeče liner, čeprav moram priznati, da mi je L'Orealova senčka bolj všeč, ker ima več zlate v sebi. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVšečen sem mislila napisati, sem se malo zatipkala. :P
IzbrišiSta podobna odtenka, ampak na očeh se pa kar vidi razliko. Meni so na splošno ti odtenki res lepi in oba rada nosim :)
IzbrišiSuper odtenek! Jaz moram nujno sprobat vsaj enega od UD linerjev, ker slišim samo dobre reči o njih... :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper so. Čisto resno :) Imam en poln lonček eyelinerjev miljon znamk in ti so moji najljubši :)
IzbrišiKakšna čudovita barva, mislim, da bi mi pasala k barvi oči (imam rjavo-zelene). :) Moram sprobat! x
OdgovoriIzbrišiZagotovo bi ti pasala :) Se mi zdi taka barva, ki dosti ljudem paše, ker je še vedno dosti nevtralna :)
IzbrišiI love olive greens but for some reason they just do not look good on me. I like Yves Rocher's Brun and Bronze khol liners even if they're not very long lasting.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh, that's a bummer. Such shades really bring out the blue in my eyes, probably due to the golden hue :)
IzbrišiI never tried YR liners, but I'd love to see them in person one day :)
Čudovit odtenek, prav nekaj posebnega :) Jaz imam pa take love/hate odnos do barvnih linerjev... po eni strani jih rada kupujem ker mi zgledajo lepi, po drugi jih pa redko nosim in mam raje kar črno klasiko ker se mi zdi da ostalo izgleda grozno na meni :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz jih imam cel kup, kličem lonček kjer so The Jar of Neglect, ampak od barvnih uporabljam večinoma tega, pa Bourbon, ki je tudi od UD. So mi pa všeč te alternative črni, npr. temno rjava :)
IzbrišiMoram te pohvalit za fotke, vedno ampak res VEDNO tako dobro poslikas da se res vidi proizvod/odtenek/kvaliteta itd.. hvala ti za trud, tvoje recenzije so zlata vredne
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajlepša hvala :) Takšni komentarji mi res polepšajo dan :)
IzbrišiOh, čudovit ♥ (pa senčka spodaj tudi) Že sto let gledam tisti set dveh obojestranskih UD svinčnikov, očitno jih res res rabim - itak imam ogromen primanjkljaj svinčnikov za oči.
OdgovoriIzbrišixx, moonchild beauty blog
Tiste obojestranske si tudi jaz ogledujem (Naked Basic varjanta), imam drugače obojestranskega Zero/Bourbon in sta res kul :)