Catrice Nude Illusion Foundation (010 Nude Ivory)

petek, september 19, 2014

My first Catrice foundation. Nude illusion is a newly launched foundation by Catrice, a part of the semiannual revamping of their line for Autumn 2014 and its launch would pass me by just as most of their base products do if it weren't for a couple very favourable reviews I stumbled upon, one even comparing it to the Giorgio Armani's Luminous Silk, which we can't get here, but it's a favourite of many. My first impressions were marvellous, though during my month of use, I discovered it has its good and "bad" days, regardless it is a wonderful foundation and I've already used up a quarter of the bottle. 

Texture and finish: It feels very much like an old school foundation in a sense that it's very thick and I think it could benefit from a touch more silicones to make the application a bit smoother, easier and faster. Nonetheless, it blends in well, despite the lack of the silicone slip and has a dry to the touch, matte finish, but not a draining matte one, rather a natural matte finish. I said before that it claims to have a luminous matte finish and on good days that is exactly what you get - that is what I call a perfect finish. It doesn't really emphasize dryness, though it can catch on an occasional dry patch and doesn't look particularly well over dried up spots, however, it's not that tragic.

Colour: I have the lightest one in the selection of five called 010 Nude Ivory. The undertone is brilliant, neutral which suits me perfectly, however, I wish it were a half a shade lighter, as in that case it would be my perfect match.

Coverage: Is medium, but can be built up to medium-full, though it's never full coverage and my darker freckles still show through. It gives a relatively flawless finish, even covers circles well enough if you layer it. Of course, the more you use, the more obvious it is on the skin.

One layer:

Another comparison of pictures but with two layers of foundation here.

Staying power: This wears so well. Even after seven hours after application my skin looks matte, but in a healthy way, even if I haven't used powder or a primer. On good days it looks flawless, the pores look disguised and the skin looks fresh, the foundation doesn't look at all patchy and even on the sides of the nose it looks very decent. When it's not performing that well, it settles into pores and lines, but for some reason all foundations started doing that on me recently, so it might just be a weird skin day for me. At the end of the day there is a  lot of foundation on the pad when I use micellar water.

Scent: This has no detectable scent during application or when it's on the face. Straight from the bottle, it does have a faint paint scent if you really put your nose to it.

Packaging: A glass bottle with a good pump that dispenses the desired amount of product. The matte glass makes it look a lot more expensive than it is. 

Price and availability: Mine is from DM for 7.69 €.

I really like this foundation, despite it not being the perfect match due to being a half a shade too dark. On a good day it can look fantastic, disguising pores and with a luminous matte finish. On not so good days it's can look more obvious when it settles into pores and lines (again it could just be my skin's problem), but the natural, matte finish as well as it's lasting power is a winner. For the price, it's a great buy.

Have a great day! 

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  1. Sliši se res super. Nekoč, ko porabim True Match ali pa mu poteče rok uporabe, jo bom verjetno preiskusila :)

    1. True match je na moji wishlisti že milijon let, pa sploh nimam najmanjšega pojma kateri odtenek izbrat. Pri nas najsvetlejših sploh ni za preverit in nočem preko neta naročit nekaj kar mi bo potencialno spet pretemno :/

    2. Sem se kar vrinila v pogovor :) Mateja, vidim, da ti True match odtenek povzroča probleme. Sama sem se imela za zelo bledo, dokler nisem naročila odtenka N1 na feelunique in mi je kar presvetel... ta odtenek je zelooo bled... mogoče celo malo svetlejši od 51 pri Bourjouis. Mislim, da bi ti kar ustrezal, če si zelo svetlopolta! Drugače pa, tale puder od Catrice je tudi meni zelo pri srcu!

    3. Hvala! Točno sem rabila - nekoga, ki mi lahko pove primerjavo s HM 51. Sem gledala reviewe in swatche po internetu, pa praktično nihče ne dela primerjav, vsaj ne takih koristnih. Super, potem bom kar pristala na N1 :D

    4. Tud jaz sem rabla to. HM51 mi je se vedno malo pretemen, na obraz pride super, samo vrat imam svetlejsi:( In pa nekako prerumen. Ce prav razumem majo pa tuki roza podton C, rumen podton W in potem je se N za nevtralno;)

    5. Anna. meni je HMS 51 tudi prerumen zato ga mešam z Rimmelovim Match Perfection 010 Light Porcelain, da dobim svetlejši, nevtralen odtenek :)

      Tako je, L'Oreal ima TM tudi po podtonih, ampak se po svetlosti C1, N1 in W1 razlikujejo, zato si nisem upala N1 vzet, ker je menda W1 svetlejši.

  2. I have it, I use it and I love it!

  3. Ga takoj dam na seznam nakupov, ampak za zimo. Trenutno imam še malo pretemno kožo. Uporabljam zdaj All Matt Plus od Catrice in me je presenetil. Ne vem zakaj sem imela občutek, da so Catrice podlage slabe. Sem tega Nude Illusion preizkusila v trgovini in mi je finiš res všeč. Sploh če ostane tak čez dan:).

    1. Sem slišala veliko pohval na račun All Matt Plus-a in njegovega prehodnika, ampak nisem nikoli kupila pudra od Catrice, čeprav sem jih vedno imela na seznamu, Bourjois je pač bolj "zihr" stvar kar se podlag tiče :)

      Dolgo ostane zelo lep mat finiš pri tem pudru, imam pa nekako normalno/mešano kožo.

  4. Ne vem če sem orav zasledila...kakšen je pa vonj? sem imela njihov photo finish in me je vonj tako motil (in občutek na koži) da sem ga dala stran :/

    1. Vidiš, nisem sploh nič napisala o vonju in sem šla zdaj preverit - ga sploh nima. Pravkar iztisnjen ima zelo rahen vonj po barvi če povohaš res od blizu, ampak ko ga nanašaš in ko je na obrazu nima nobenega zaznavnega vonja :)

  5. Super ocena, ampak meni bo pretemen. Mi je pa prvi padel v oci, na novem stojalu;)

    1. Kot pri prejšnjem odgovoru zgoraj - jaz ga občasno mešam s svetlejšim odtenkom, ampak tale se mi ne zdi tako temen na koži, ker nevtralen podton veliko pomaga, da se ne vidi vidna razlika obraz-vrat. Če bi bil roza ali rumen, bi bila razlika veliko bolj očitna. Vsaj tester si natoči v drogeriji, da vidiš kako ti ustreza :)

  6. For that price I'll take it! Thanks for the review.

  7. I'm really thinking about buying it although I'm not quite sure how it matches my really dry skin. Matte finish is not what I can wear :-D

    1. Hmm... I'm not sure it'd be good for dry skin. It's not drying, but it could emphasize patches. It's actually the nicest version of matte I've seen, very natural looking and not cakey :)

  8. Thank you for your review! Greetings from Slovakia

  9. Jaz imam tudi ta odtenek pa ko ga nanesem na obraz se mi zdi, da mi je še kar pretemen :/ Pa meni se začne čez čas svetit t predel

    1. Saj meni tudi večino leta ne ustreza in ga zato mešam s Rimmelovim Light Porcelain odtenkom :) Kaj pa All Matt si že preizkusila? Mislim, da je tam najsvetlejši odtenek bolj svetel kot od tega. Pa še menda bolj matira :)

    2. Jaz imam tega od Catrice odtenek 015 nude vanilla... Mogoče bi morala vzeti še odtenek svetlejšega.. S čim pa nanašaš na obraz? S čopičem ali kako drugače?
      Hvala, ga bom preizkusila :)

    3. Catrice ponavadi sploh nima odtenkov po vrsti, ampak 010 so najsvetlejši, tisti za to številko so pa zmešnjava. Ampak novi Even Better Skin 005 je še svetlejši in ga nameravam enkrat vzet.

      Nanašam pa večinoma s prsti, ker tako dobim najbolj naraven videz, ker se mi zdi da se pod toploto prstov puder lepše zlije s kožo. Če se mi pa mudi, potem pa nanesem s čopičem, jih imam več, in sicer Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, Real Techniques Buffing Brush in pa E.l.f. Powder Brush :)
