Wishlist #14 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Wishlist #14

sreda, oktober 08, 2014

1. ZOEVA 223 Petite Eye Blender Brush
 Zoeva brushes are highly praised and honestly, I wouldn't mind owning a whole set of their brushes if I didn't find them such a big investment, however, I'd love to own at least one. I've owned the Coastal Scents Round Crease brush forever now and it's the only brush that I truly love for using in the "crease" of my hooded eyes both for applying and blending eyeshadow, so I'd like something similar, but of great quality and this Zoeva one appeals to me greatly.
Zoeva, 7.80 €. 

2. ECOTOOLS Tapered Blush Brush
Another brush that caught my attention. Currently I'm using an Artdeco blush brush that is again ancient and is getting scratchier with every wash, so I need a new one. All Ecotools brushes I own are great quality and affordable, so their blush brush is the next on my list also because of great reviews on Makeup Alley. 
iHerb, $6.99.
3. TWEEZERMAN Mini Slanted Tweezers
After my recent tweezers disappointment (Ebeline's ones), I'm splurging for a highly praised Tweezerman ones. I want them to be as small as possible because I need them to be really precise and able to pluck any hair. These minis look like they're able to do the job and they are mint green - my favourite colour.
Beauty Bay, 12.70 €.
4. NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Copehagen
I'm a fan of NYX matte lip creams and of burgundy shades, so this immediately caught my attention. I actually already ordered it, but I still have to wait 3 weeks for it too arrive.
eBay, $5.40 (+ shipping).
5. Bumble and Bumble Suft Spray
I don't even know why I want this. I'm kind of thinking it'd be great for third-fourth day hair when I put it in a bun overnight to revive the curls. I'll settle for the travel size first.
Look Fantastic, €12.35. 
6. RIMMEL Lasting Finish Nude Foundation in 010 Light Porcelain
Since I just used up my Match Perfection foundation in the same shade, I desperately need a new light pink toned foundation for mixing, but instead of repurchasing MP, which I never really liked, I'd like to try this one. It's supposed to be a lightweight medium coverage foundation, a sibling of the original Lasting Finish and I hope it'll sit nicer on my skin than Match Perfection .
Feel Unique, 10.39€. 
7. KÉRASTASE Discipline Range 
Fluidissime, Bain Fluidealiste, Maskeratine
Kérastase is my favourite hair brand and they recently launched the Discipline range designed for unruly frizzy hair, which sounds right up my alley. The first reviews sound amazing, so I'm itching to get my hands on it.
All Beauty, 16.33-26.41€. 

Another wishlist I already posted long ago on social media. My fragrance wishlist is getting a bit out of control, but I love fragrances and I just used up quite a few, so I'd like to treat myself a bit. 
Fantasy The Nice Remix by Britney Spears
A fruitier version of the original, but still a lovely, warm scent for these colder months. Notes on Fragrantica
 All Beauty, 25.60 €; Salma, 25.25 € (100 ml).

Boss Ma Vie Pour Femme by Hugo Boss
It reminds me of a shampoo with a slightly tropical scent and to me it smells very soft, modern and feminine. A great everyday scent. Notes on Fragrantica
Műller, 49.79 - 69.99 €.
Royal Revolution by Katty Perry 
How awesome is the bottle? It's quite unusual for a celebrity scent meaning it's more sophisticated and not the typical fruity vanilla scent. Notes on Fragrantica
All Beauty 21.05 - 34.49 €; Salma 19.20 - 26.20 €.

Reveal by Calvin Klein
It smells so sexy and deep. I mostly get cinnamon mixed with their Euphoria fragrance. Notes on Fragrantica
Müller, Salma 57.90 - 64.20 €.

Volare by Oriflame
I shallowly admit I want it purely for the gorgeous bottle. Apparently it smells similar to Tresor. Notes on Fragrantica
Oriflame 27.9 € (50 ml).

Can Can Burlesque by Paris Hilton
I'm a huge fan of the original and the new one supposedly smells similar, but woodier. Notes on Fragrantica.
Salma, 27.90 € (100 ml).

Just Cavalli by Roberto Cavalli
I adore this scent. It's similar to Lâncome's Poeme, which to me means very 90's, since my mother wore that fragrance. It's creamy, sexy and cosy. Notes on Fragrantica.
All Beauty, 37.05 - 49.85 €; Salma, 30.90 - 46.90 €.

The Body Shop Vineyard Peach Body Mist
Vineyard Peach is my favourite ever scent and I want this so bad, but I just can't get this anywhere online, at least not for a decent price. 

I already posted this on Facebook, but Ebeline (DM brand) included quite a few hair brushes in their range and I hope these reach Slovenia. I'm temped by most of them, especially by the Teasing brush (2.95 €), Shampoo and scalp massage brush (2.95 €) as well as the Keratin brush (6.95 €). If you know German, you can find more information here and here

Have a great day!

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  1. Čudovit wishlist (kot ponavadi)! :) In pa hvala ti za linke do Fragrantice, si mi olajšala delo - jaz tudi vedno tja pogledam ko iščem nov parfum. :) Tale od Calvin Klein-a zveni zanimivo, a ga imajo pri nas za povohat?

    1. Fragrantica je super, ena izmed najbolj uporabnih strani ever :)
      Aha, Reveal je že pri nas kakšen mesec ali dva :)

    2. Se strinjam, jaz sem že precej parfumov kupila s pomočjo te strani - samo glede na opis vonja. :) Jah, bo treba tega od Calvin Klein it povohat, čeprav si trenutno želim od Estee Lauder Sensuous Nude in Noir. :D

    3. Yup, jaz isto :) S to stranjo sem našla Can Can in ga kupila na slepo. Zdaj je eden izmed mojih najljubših parfumov ever :)

  2. I have this Ecotools brush, but I do not particularly like it, mainly because of the shape. I just prefer those angled brushes to apply the blusher. But of course, its quality is very good, especially regarding the price :)

    I would also love to check NYX's Copenhagen, as I'm a big fan of wine lip colours. However, I have so many lip products and today my Bourjois Grand Cru arrived ;) I have to think about it.

    1. I've never used an angled blush brush. Perhaps I should invest in one?

      I love Grand Cru :) Gorgeous shade. Wear it well :)

  3. Oooh NYX šminka <3 In wow zanimive zadeve od Ebeline.. Res upam da pride kaj od tega v Slovenijo.. Si mi kar lušte naredila s svojo wishlisto :)

    1. Sploh nisem vedela, do enega tedna nazaj koliko novih odtenkov ima NYX. Sem se morala kar malo nazaj držat pri naročanju :) Za Ebeline si pa res želim, da bi to bilo tudi pri nas.

  4. Mene tudi ful zanimajo te nove krtače za lase! :) xx

    1. bo treba it pogledat, če že imajo pri nas, ker v Nemčiji so že :)

  5. Ta EcoTools blush brush je res super. Ga ima moja mami in si ga pridno izposojam ko se občasno naveličam moje od Real Techniques.
    U, za to Teasing krtačo pa tudi jaz upam da pride k nam :)

    1. Ta Ecotoolsov čopič sem vedno gledala v Intersparu, pa ga nisem nikoli vzela. Je že čas da ga kupim :)

  6. Omg, naslednjič ko grem v Body Shop ti lahko kaj prinesem :D Nisem veliko tam, ampak se mi zdi da ravno obratni čas hodima v BS. Keratinska krtača zanima tudi mene, upam da manjša puhek po dežju.

    1. Seriously I will love you forever, če mi ga najdeš! Samo kar ga na spletnih straneh ne najdem več in me je strah, da ga ne prodajajo več.
      Sem videla že par teh keratinskih krtač, pa se mi vse zdijo kar drage, tako da se veselim bolj ugodne opcije. Menda te keratinske krtače na splošno delujejo :)

  7. NYX šminka je krasna! :) Ne dvomim, da je dobra, ker odt. Instabul mi je po formuli super. :)
    Pa tale parfumček od Katy Perry fuul diši, sem ga ravno včeraj povohala v drogeriji.

    1. Upam, da res :) Vsi trije odtenki NYX, ki jih imam so super tako da upam, da so novi enako dobri :)

  8. I love the Ecotool blush brush, it's the best, softest brush I've ever had for the purpose. I though I would prefer the Real Techniques one, but with Ecotools you get so much value for money it's crazy :) They come in sets which are pretty good value as well. And they're easy to wash and dry quickly.

    Bumble and Bumble surf spray is sooo not worth it in my opinion... I know that many bloggers rave about this but I had a travel size as well and wasn't impressed at all, so I wouldn't repurchase. Considering their prices, I think going for the travel size is the only way to go, really. I'm excited to hear what you'll think of it.

    As for the blending brush - I am actually really, really impressed with the Essence brush. Have you tried it?

    1. I have the Real Techniques blush brush, but it's too fluffy for blushes, except those that are very pigmented, so I love using it as a powder/bronzer brush instead (it's brilliant!). I have a few Ecotools brushes and I agree, they are amazing for the price :)

      Really? I still kind of want to try it. I've made my own salt spray before and liked the results, but I still think it could be better that's why I'd like to try a pre-made one.

      I actually have two of those Essence brushes and I really liked them from the beginning, but now I find them painfully scratchy, so I avoid using them. They just don't stand the test of time and frequent washing.

  9. I'm also curious to try the new Killer Queen fragrance! And the B&B Surf Spray is really great wish list material. Also pretty intrigued by that ZOEVA 223 Petite Eye Blender Brush.

  10. I've heard many great things about the rimmel lasting finish foundation so now i'm definitely tempted to make a purchase of it! All the products you mentioned are ones I really want to try now.

    - Holly | thechroniclesofholly.blogspot.com/

  11. Super seznam, jaz bi kar polovico vsega imela. Prvič vidim te krtače za lase in sem zelo zainteresirana:). Ecotools tapered blush brush imam in mi ni všeč za blush, bolj ga uporabljam za puder. So pa njihovi čopiči res vsi kvalitetni in odlično vzdržljivi. Zoeva čopiče pa si tudi jaz zelo želi. Nekaj jih imam za oči, zdaj pa bi rada še za obraz, ampak se mi nekako zdijo predragi. Tudi ne vem, če si domišljam, ampak se mi zdi, da so podražili čopiče, vsaj te za oči. Mogoče jim je "slava" stopila v glavo, pa so kar dvignili cene. Meni je za crease všeč 231 petite crease:).

    1. O tale Petit Crease izgleda tudi kul :) Meni se zdijo tile Zoeva čopiči kar dragi, pa jih vsi hvalijo kako so poceni :/

  12. I have this Ecotools brush and I like it :) it's nice and really affordable :) but now, we have a new brand 'Glam' in Poland and I have fallen in love with it ;) A few days ago GlamSponge appeared (it's similar to BeautyBlender, but GlamSponge is made of different material, a gel-like sponge) and GlamGlove - a glove for cleaning brushes, and now I want it so badly ;) Interestingly, it's a brand created by a Polish youtuber ;)
