Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacquer Eclipse - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacquer Eclipse

torek, januar 21, 2014

Since I fell in love with Rimmel's Kate Matte Lipstick in 107, I've been on a search for a similar shade in a matte lip cream form which is my favourite formula to wear. I didn't find a matte version yet, however, I stumbled upon a post about new shades of Apocalips by chance (is it just me, or did this launch go mostly unnoticed in the blogging world?) and the deeper shade called Eclipse landed in my cart in minutes.

I already own the shade Stellar which is an absolutely gorgeous, bright pink-coral and it landed in my Best Buys in 2013 post. Apocalips are very pigmented liquid lipsticks with a glossy finish that gets more satin/matte when it's wearing off. The doe foot applicator is excellent for a more precise application (you'll notice in my review for 107 how difficult it is to apply nicely based on my lip swatch, but I managed to get some nice results with this one). The applicator has a small depression on one side of the applicator where the product gathers, so there is no need to dip the applicator in the tube several times. Due to the pigmentation, it's better to apply it gradually. I apply it in dots, then spread the product by rubbing my lips together and fix the edges with the applicator. I'm not a fan of a shiny finish, so I almost always blot it and I'm left with a matte finish, but there is enough intensity left for my taste. I also love wearing this as a stain as shown in the last picture. I apply a dot of product and rub it in with fingers. What's left is a nice berry stain that is very everyday appropriate.

Eclipse is a deep burgundy, a very vampy colour and perfect for autumn/winter if you're into such shades. Compared to Rimmel's 107 it's more red/burgundy and less berry. When I saw it in the tube, I thought this is not what I expected. It looks different in the tube than on the lips, almost a bit grey and brown.

What bothered me most at Stellar was the horrible scent, but it looks like they fixed that problem since Eclipse has a much more mild and a bit different version of the scent. 

It lasts so long on the lips and leaves a lovely stain behind. Like Essence matte lip creams, it does transfer on the glass when you're drinking, however it does survive a meal well enough, providing you don't eat anything greasy. It looks great as it's half worn off since it fades evenly. It doesn't dry out my lips at all.

As a stain. It's a bit more burgundy and not as intense, but my camera picked it up as too pink.

Rimmel is available almost everywhere with a notable exception of Slovenia. You can get Apocalips lip lacquers on Feel Unique, All Beauty, Fragrance Direct and Asos. I paid 7.49€ on Feel Unique.

I've been feeling über crappy today, but writing this post made me feel so much better, so I hope you enjoyed it and have a great day!

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  1. Gorgeous! Zelo ti paše tale odtenek:)) Mi je všeč in vsepovsod vidim te lacquers, da zdaj še mene mikajo. Sploh pohvalno, če so spremenili vonj:)

    1. Hvala :). Ne vem zakaj sem se takih odtenkov toliko časa izogibala, zdaj pa že tri mesece zapored nosim samo 107 in Eclipse :).
      Pri prvih je bil vonj res obupen, pri tem ga pa sploh ne opazim :)

  2. Oh, krasen odtenek. <3 Pa res imaš obraz za tako barvo, pristoji ti. :) Sem pa prepričana, da Eclipsa tu v Bratislavi še nimajo, ker bi ga gotovo pograbila, ko sem frantično brskala po teh Apocalips barvah ... upam da ga dobijo preden grem nazaj v Ljubljano.

    1. Hvala :). Ja, bolj nov odtenek je, od jeseni. No, upam, da ga dobiš :)

  3. Res je prekrasen in zelo ti paše. Tuje blogerice veliko pišejo o teh izdelkih in jaz imam ene par odtenkov nagledanih, res škoda, da niso na voljo pri nas za tiste, ki (še) nimamo Vise. :P

    1. Hvala :) A veš, da imaš nekaj odtenkov na Salmi.si?

    2. Šele zdaj vidim ta komentar (vedno pozabim klikniti obvesti me). Za Salmo.si pa še nisem slišala, grem takoj preverit. Hvala, Mateja. :D

    3. Ah, kolikokrat jaz pozabim :D. Neka nova trgovina je to, mi je ena bralka nalimala link enkrat ker jo je zanimalo če poznam. Ena izmed redkih trgovin z dokaj primernimi cenami in dobrim izborom znamk (čeprav so zavajujoči ponekod, ker potem piše, da ni zaloge). Sestrična je že nekaj naročila tam, moram vprašat kako je kaj :)

  4. Čudovito zgleda! :D Jaz sem imela Big Bang, pa je bil malo 'premočan' odtenek zame, ima pa še vedno Celestial. Ga moram malo ven zbrskat pa spet uporabit... ga čist zanemarjam. :)

    1. Big Bang sem skoraj naročila takrat ko sem kupila Stellar, samo se mi zdi, da ni bil na zalogi. Jaz imam res rada rdeče odtenke, tako da bi ga verjetno kar dosti nosila. Je pa zdaj še en nov rdeč, Across the Universe :)

  5. Such a pretty colour! ♡ I haven't heard/read much about the new shades either, which is kinda strange.

    1. It is, isn't it :). These shades really went under the radar which is so strange considering all the buzz the original shades' launch created.

  6. Res čudovita barva, odlično ti pristaja :) Še stain je čudovit :)) Sem videla zdaj že na par blogih te produkte in me ful mika, da bi si tudi jaz kakega naročila :))

  7. Wow, what can I say? You look stunning, such a pretty colour, it enhanced your features:).

  8. Gorgeous, I have this one too! It looks great on you!
    Kiss from one of your Italian followers ;)

  9. Very vampy! You wear it well :-)

  10. Hej. Ali mogoče veš, kje se da kupiti Rimmel izdelke? Oz. se dobijo v Grazu? Seiesberg mogoce? Hvala.

    1. Ja, je v Seiersbergu, in sicer v Műllerju. Samo dosti stvari ni na voljo, čeprav lahko, da so dobili bolj nove stvari v teh zadnjih mesecih :)

    2. pa do sedaj se nisem zasledila rimmla v mullerju,....bom ko grem bolj pozorna pa upaaaam da najdem.hvala

    3. Nasproti Catrice je bil včasih. Menda je še :)

  11. Ooo res čudovit odtenek <3 u Beogradu ga decembra ni bilo, so bili samo "tastari" odtenki, za tega sploh nisem vedela da obstaja, je pa zdaj že na moji WL.

    1. Res se ni sploh nič pisalo o njih, pa so menda v prodaji že od jeseni. Sem ga pa že decembra kupila na Feel Unique :)

  12. I don't even know what is it with cameras not being able to pick up reds. I had so much trouble with another one that I had to call in a friend who is a pro photographer. Anyway, these are absolutely amazing for the price tag! :D

    1. Mine usually works, but don't know why it made this particular shade look too pink as a stain. I agree and the shade range is excellent :)

  13. wow ful lepi odtenki ! res hudo !! :D morm si jih it poiskat :))

  14. Nisem vedela, da so Apocalips izdali nove odtenke! Tale je killer, čudovito ti paše!
    ♥, moonchild beauty blog

    1. Čisto po naključju sem videla, da so novi odtenki na Feel Unique, drugje pa niti besede.
      Hvala :)

  15. Jooj, škoda da nisem tegale odtenka v Londonu videla. Takoj bi ga kupila!

  16. Beautiful shade and it goes so well with your hair and eyes. :) I am more for matte finish so I will research this Rimmel lip liner.

    Hugs from Bosnia and Herzegowina. :D


    1. Thank you :) If you like matte finishes (like me :)), try L'Oreal's Exclusive Reds in Laetitia, Rimmel Matte Lipstick by Kate in 107 or NYX Soft Matte Lipcream in Copenhagen.
