Pantene Expert Collection Anti Age Conditioner

petek, julij 04, 2014

I should have known that Pantene will disappoint me again. I haven't bought anything from their brand in a decade because I find their products are just silicone-filled stuff that essentially merely coat the hair and do nothing to nourish it (and frankly their ridiculously retouched advertising campaigns piss me off). However, I'm always eager to try drugstore hair treatments and I heard great things about this one, so took the plunge, even though at 7.49 € per tube it's not exactly cheap. 

Right off the bat, the thick, balmy texture looked very promising. For some reason I think that the thicker the conditioner, the better it will work (does anyone else think that?). It smells all right and has sort of a nondescript clean scent. And what about the effect? Well, I don't like this at all. Even though I apply it generously and leave it on the hair for about 30 minutes (it's the time when all the ingredients get either absorbed or deposited on the hair), it does literary nothing to my hair apart from coat it with a thick layer of silicones that give that sort of a silky feeling. But if your hair is as coarse and dry as mine, the silicone coat won't do much as my hair needs nourishment to even have a base to be silky. From my perspective this was a waste of money. I used it a few times, but after getting the same result each time, I started avoiding it and honestly I'm using it just for shaving that's how much I don't want to use it on my hair. 

Can I just quickly say how stupid the name is. Anti age conditioner? Did my dead hair gain an ability of ageing without me knowing? Give me a break.

This is a product for those who don't need much moisture or care for their hair rather they just want their hair to be detangled and silky, so try it if your hair is like that, but those with dry hair, try something else (I have plenty drugstore recommendations on my blog).

Have a great day!

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  1. A veš da maš prav, meni so šamponi in balzami še kar ok, ampak tolk silikonski in umetni kot so, so redko kateri.

    1. To sploh ni nega, to je skoraj kot samo silikonski serum, pa še dober ne povrhu. Herbal Essences ki je 2€ je milje boljši.

  2. A veš, da imaš prav. Jaz sem tudi opazila, da gostejši kot je balzam, boljše deluje. Jaz pa sem od Pantene preizkusila samo šampone, balzama še nikoli, ampak to je bilo že dolgo nazaj. Se pa meni zdi, da je "anti age" bolj reklamna poteza kot karkoli drugega.

    1. Ja, večinoma je tako, izjeme so le med dražji balzami. Ravno zato mi je Dove Oil Care tako všeč :)

      Ah, pretiravajo s temi bednimi imeni. Me včasih že zaradi samega imena odvrne od nakupa, če ima pa še kakšno trapasto zretruširano reklamno kampanijo pa sploh.

  3. Joj, Pantena se izogibam že leta, odkar sem imela izredno slabo izkušnjo s šamponi in balzami. V glavi imam zdaj tak halo efekt, da ko vidim Pantene, se ga samo ognem v velikem loku. :) Od drogerijskih znamk me je zdaj impresioniral Le Petit Marsaillie (sp? French! ;)), z mandeljevim mlekom. Ampak ko porabim moje drogerijske balzame (trenutno jih imam tri v obtoku, se mi zdi, z Aussijem vred), grem na profesionalne maske, moram mal WL, ki si mi ga ustvarila, spraznit. ;)

    1. Moja prva izkušnja s Pantenom se je zgodila mnogo, mnogo let nazaj in splošni vtisi so bili zelo mlačni. Je Fructis, ki je nekje v enakem cenovnem rangu mnogo boljši.
      Od Le Petite Marseilles sem do zdaj sprobala samo en tuš gel, ampak če praviš da je balzam kul ga moram sprobat :) Od dražjih mask imam pa prvo na seznamu za preizkusit Redkenovo All Soft Cream :)

  4. Zdaj si me spomnila na eno frizerko iz mojega otroštva. Je mami vedno rekla, da so Pantene izredno slabi izdelki :). Očitno je že nekaj vedela o sestavi. Jaz od takrat ne maram te znamke, ne vem niti zakaj. Imam pa popolnoma enako mnenje, bolj je gost balzam, boljše deluje. Kar se po navadi izkaže za resnico:).

    1. Sem slišala že kar nekaj zelo slabih stvari o Pantene, čeprav tisto so bila pa že pretiravanja :). Mene moti predvsem ta podpovprečnost kar se tiče efekta.

  5. Name is funny. But at the same time there is a like name lines in pro hair products and aging hair is just old hair. Like if you have hair till waist,half of your hair is over 3 years, that what they mean usually under words "old hair".

  6. I fu****g hate Pantene! It's one of the worst brands of shampoo ever! And I hate their fake promises, fake shine full of silicones and everything else about it!
