Essence Lipliner 11 In the Nude

sobota, november 14, 2015

The fact that I'm not what you'd call the biggest fan of Essence's standard lip liners has never stopped me from getting, well, almost every colour that exists, so this is the latest one - 11 In the Nude. The reason I got this one, even though it's not what's you'd described a "me colour" is that I heard it's a dupe for Mac's Velvet Teddy. Petra from Adjusting Beauty clearly showed us that that was another exaggeration, probably designed to get more likes (why don't people get what a dupe is?) Any way, it doesn't really matter to me that it isn't a complete dupe, I just wanted to see how this type of colour looks on me. 

11 In the Nude looks very different on the lips from the colour of the pencil, for one it's lighter. It a warm nude with peachy tones that are probably a bit more exaggerated against my pale skin than on others. It's different from what I normally wear, but I like the change.

You may have noticed that the cap is different now. Essence literally changed the packaging overnight with no warning and it looks like they decided to change the formula too. The new formula is drier than before, it's closer now to Catrice's Longlasting Pencils. Personally, I don't mind. I've been complaining that Essence's lip liners are too creamy and therefore lack precision, however, that creaminess was the reason so many people loved them. Whether  the change was a good move, only time will tell, but I'm glad I don't have to constantly sharpen it any more.

These still cost 1.19 €, which is a bargain and I think they are still the best way to see if a type of colour suits you. I wish they had a vampy red shade in their selection, I feel that's the only colour that's been missing for years. Links to reviews of other shades I own: 06 Satin Mauve07 Cute Pink12 Wish Me a Rose14 Femme Fatale and 15 Honey Berry.

Have a great day!

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  1. That lipliner has a stunning color!
    Really lovely!

    ♥ Denna from

  2. Se mi zdi, da je tole res malo drugačen odtenek od ''tvojih'', ampak ti ful paše :)
    Sem pa pri swatchih ugotovila, da Catrice Vintage Rose še nimam in logično, da ga rabim :D

    1. Yup, res me ne vidiš dosti s takimi barvami :) Vintage Rose je kar svetel, ampak lep :)

  3. just got it too! still haven't tried it but I'm really excited, I have never tried essence lipliners!

    1. I hope you won't be disappointed by the new formula :). The ones before were super creamy and everyone loved them, but these are less lipstick-like.

  4. its actually super pretty! didn't realize it was a dupe!

    1. It's not a dupe :) I think Velvet Teddy is quite different from this shade :)

  5. The shade is very flattering. Love it.

    1. It's very different from what I'm used to, but I like it well enough :)

  6. I bought that lipliner! It is very flattering. Great blog! I just started a blog, please check it out :)

  7. Mi je všeč. Tak nenavaden odtenke za tvoj okus ;) Se mi zdi, da zdaj prav zares vidim kako hladne podtone imaš v laseh. Včasih ti nasprotni odtenki to še bolj poudarijo, kar sploh ni slabo :)
    Hvala za link ;)

    1. V laseh imam res hladne podtone, ampak fotoaparat mi pogosto naredi bolj zlate lase ker vključim HDR funcijo, da ni toliko kontrasta, drugače mi pokvari odtenke šmink. Moji lasje so pravzaprav temnejši kot na slikah in še bolj hladni :)
      Ni za kaj :)

  8. Sounds nice and the shade is really unique. Suits you:)

    Chaste & Beautiful

  9. I've tried a couple of Essence lip pencils so far and I definitely like the Catrice formula a lot better.

    1. I'm team Catrice as well, but the new formula of these is not bad at all :)

  10. you are so pretty ;_; this is literally like 2 years late but i was searching swatches of this lip liner, and that's how i got here. Thank you for the review!

    1. Thank you <3 I'm glad you found the review helpful :)
