My Top 5 Foundations
sobota, november 07, 2015
You'll laugh at me, but I finished this post months ago. It was literally one click away from being posted and this isn't the only such post in my drafts. I definitely decided to post this way too late. Why? Because in the meantime, I had a little bit of a crisis as four out of five foundations in this post are currently too dark for me. So naturally, yesterday I went out and bought two new foundations that are very, very pale and I suspect at least one of them is top 5 material, both are also easily available in our drugstores. However, since I only just got them and I've been using only samples for the past week, I won't get ahead of myself with such claims, as they could break me out or I end up hating them for some reason, so let's stick to my favourites so far and not waste a perfectly good post. I've been using all of these for a quite a while, especially Bourjois Heathy Mix Serum wins here, so these are the five that I rely on for a perfect base. By the way, under my About page, you'll find a list of every foundation I tried, complete with links to the reviews with swatches, before/afters and everything you may need.
I also did a similar post about my Favourite Concealers post.
Level of coverage: Light-medium
Finish: Dewy
This has been my favourite since it was launched and I haven't been without a bottle of it since. Up until I found this foundation, I could never wear anything on my forehead because it got so flaky over the day (I latter changed my skin care routine and it helped immensely), but with this foundation my forehead looked perfect. It appears to have been made for dehydrated flaky skin because it just glides over dry patches. The other reason I adore this foundation is because it looks almost invisible on the skin. It kind of just melts in and blends in with your skin. It also has lovely fruity scent that I've loved from the first day and the packaging is very travel friendly because it's made from plastic as well as it's slim. The finish it has it dewy and on my combination skin this looks very healthy, however, I can't see it working on oily skin.
Level of coverage: Medium-full
Finish: Satin
There is a reason much of the beauty community swears by this foundation. I would call it a princess foundation for one simple reason - it makes your skin look so perfect. However, it is a medium to full coverage, so it's noticeable you're wearing makeup. I really like the level of coverage it gives, I mostly don't even need to use concealer with this, but at the same time it doesn't feel heavy nor does it sink into pores or make a cakey mess. It's such a difference from drugstore foundations, you really notice it with this one, though the 40 € price tag makes me weep. The shade range is another huge plus at this foundation. It's one of the rare foundations that has a light enough shade for me; I use Siberia, which is a very pale yellow toned shade.
By the way, my pump is from Healthy Mix Serum as this one comes with no pump.
Level of Coverage: Medium
Finish: Luminous Matte
This is this years' discovery and boy do I love this foundation. I call it the perfect summer foundation because it just works so well on my slightly oilier skin in the heat. I like to apply thin layers of this, it's just a habit of mine, as I'm not a fan of heavy layers of makeup on my skin, so I get light-medium coverage with this one. It leaves a luminous matte finish, meaning this is far from that draining, clings-to-every-imperfection cakey finish and it actually disguises pores better than any primer or foundation I tried. It's also instantly dry to the touch, which I greatly appreciate. It can cling to dry patches though, just to warn you. The colour range is a bit of a miss as both lightest shades, Porcelain and Vanilla, are pink toned and L'Oreal is terrible at making foundation colours, so it can end up looking a bit orange if your skin tone is very warm, but on my neutral skin, it's decent enough. I think this is a foundation completely worth the hype, but it's more suited for oily/combination skin.
Level of coverage: Light-Medium
Finish: Satin
CC cream is actually very similar to Healthy Mix Serum. They are truly almost identical, especially in how natural and invisible they look on the skin. But there are some differences. Number one would be the texture, as CC cream is a bit lighter and another is the finish, namely CC cream has a satin finish instead of dewy. I just love how this melts into the skin and just looks so natural. I think this is one of those foundations/bases that genuinely fools people into believing that you have much better skin than you do. A huge disadvantage of this CC is the shade range. It's very small with only four shades and the lightest one is somewhat similar to the second shade in the Healthy Mix range, so I end up mixing it with a lighter foundation most of the time.
Level of coverage: Medium
Finish: Luminous Matte
This is not that dissimilar to the L'Oreal one, at least in terms of finish and coverage, but the texture is completely different. This one feels like those old school foundations and it kind of gives you an impression like there aren't any silicones in it, even though there are. It has again that luminous finish on the skin and it manages to keep my T-zone matte for a very long time, but I do find it a bit flip-floppy sometimes. It depends on a day, but some days it'll looks perfect, like the pores are disguised to a certain degree and it just makes your skin look so good, but then on other random days it settles into pores and looks obvious. I haven't figured out why it's like that, it must be my skin, but in general it's a very nice foundation for the price and the cheapest in my top 5. The shade range is again disappointing and the lightest shade isn't exactly light, but it is at least neutral, so it doesn't look orange, but again, I need to mix it with a bit of a lighter foundation.
What's your favourite foundation? Have a great day!
Razmišljam in ugotavljam,da sama težko najdem 5 najljubših tekočih podlag. Mogoče bi mi uspelo izpostaviti 3 in Bourjois HM serum in Catrice Nude Illusion bi bili zagotovo med njimi. :D Mogoče bi kot tretjo dodala Vichy Teint Ideal, ki mi je kljub temu da je odtenek čista katastrofa, zaradi formule kar prirasla k srcu in jo pogosto uporabljam (seveda jo moram mešati, da dobim želeni odtenek).
OdgovoriIzbrišiUh, meni je bilo pa težko jih izbrat samo pet :D Bi dodala zraven še Diorjevo BB kremo ali BB od Mishe. Meni je res škoda, da večina podjetij sploh ne ponuja svetlih odtenkov :/ Jaz zato večino pudrov mešam.
IzbrišiI love the infallible foundation I use it everyday! Nice too see other people loving it too :) nice post and pretty bows!
OdgovoriIzbrišiCally xx
Infallible is indeed a great foundation :) Thank you :)
IzbrišiMy favorite je itak Revlon Colorstay :). Med najljubše bi dodala Healthy Mix Foundation - sploh za zimo, ko imam bolj suho kožo. Nude Illusion je odličen pa še precej poceni. Itak bi bilo fajn, če bi bil malo svetlejši odtenek. Evo trije najljubši, pet bi težko našla :). Moram malo več sprobat drugih znamk. Komaj čakam oceno tvojih novih nakupov. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKolikor sem do zdaj uporabljala Colorstay za normalno/suho kožo, sem precej navdušena :). Res izgleda krasno na koži.
IzbrišiI experience the exact same with the Catrice foundation, some days it looks awesome and other days it doesn't, I think it starts oxidizing real bad when the skin needs a deepclean :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI have no idea why it behaves like that. I could blame it on the fact it's so cheap.
IzbrišiBourjoisova CC krema je super, ker če tanek sloj res dobro zablendaš, dejansko izgleda kot da nimaš nič na koži. :) Old fave je Deborah Radiance Creator (dewyyy), pa BB krema.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe pa mikajo zdaj Catrice pudri, ker so zdaj pred kratkim dodali neke nove, svetlejše odtenke v rang.
Cc krema je res praktično nevidna na koži. Deborah Radiance Creator sem si vzela tester prejšnji teden, odtenek 00, in je malenkost temnejši od npr. Colostay Ivory, ampak mi je dobro ustrezal in mi je tekstura zelo všeč. Je na wishlisti.
IzbrišiMislim, da je od Catrice svetel odtenek samo pri Even Better skin, pa vseeno le ni tako svetel, ampak je pa napredek :)
Sem si danes poswatchala Catrice Even Better 005, zraven Bourjoisovove CC in Healthy Mix Seruma, pa se mi je (pod lučjo v Milerju) vseeno zdel precej svetel :)
IzbrišiDrugače pa sem si ga ravno danes po par letih kupila Revlon Colorstay (sem videla purchase na Insta, creeper hihi :D), pozabila, kako dobra podlaga je to. <3 Je pa res, da sem imela včasih od odtenka Buff skoraj oranžno črto, zdaj mi pa ustreza. :)
Mislila sem, da pač ni tako svetel kot npr. Narsov Siberia ali Revlonov Ivory, je pa približno kot HMS 51, a ne?
IzbrišiCelo sem že imela Colorstay miljon let nazaj. Tudi odtenek Ivory. Se prav spomnim, da sem ga šla iskat v LJ v Ilirijo. Ampak sem vzela verzijo za mešano/mastno kožo in mi res ni bil všeč. Čisto sem ga vrgla iz spomina, potem je pa Petra (Adjusting Beauty) pisala o njem in sem šla še enkrat preverit odtenke. Čisto me je presenetilo, da je Ivory tako svetel, dejansko je roza verzija Siberie oz. praktično enako odtenek kot Rimmelov 010 Light Porcelain. Sem pa vzela zdaj za suho/normalno kožo in mi je všeč :)
I love the NARS foundation- it works wonders when my skin is normal to dry though. I wish Bourjois were available in the U.S; I want to try those foundations.
I hear that Chanel's Vitalumiere Aqua is very similar to Bourjois Healthy Mix serum :) You can get Bourjois on Feel Unique :)
IzbrišiYou know what! all these foundations are in my wishlist and I'm so relieved to hear praises and praises about them. Really lovely reviews:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiChaste & Beautiful
They are deserve the praise :) Thank you:)
IzbrišiReally interesting post
OdgovoriIzbrišiI dare again
Thank you :)
IzbrišiDefo want to try out the nars sheer glow foundation! Love your blog pics aswell.
Sheer Glow is so worth a try :) Thank you :)
IzbrišiI'm also still a big fan of the Bourjous 1 2 3 Perfect formula, both in the foundation and the CC cream.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNever tried the 123 Perfect foundation, but I love the CC :)
IzbrišiI chose 1 2 3 Perfect foundation of the Bourjois and Nars
OdgovoriIzbrišiNever tried the 123 foundation, but I love the CC :)
IzbrišiSicer nisem velika poznavalka, ampak jaz sem zelo zadovoljna z essence mousse matt ivory 😊
OdgovoriIzbrišiEden izmed mojih prvih pudrov je bil Maybellinov Dream Mousse, ki mi je bil sprva zelo všeč, potem mi je pa kar naekrat začel delat grozne luske, tako da se takih pudrom od takrat izogibam. Ampak sem slišala, da je ta od Essence zelo priljubljen in menda celo best seller že leta :)
IzbrišiJaz nisem opazila, da bi imela luske ali kaj podobnega, to potem res ni OK..jaz naceloma sploh ne maram pudrov, zato mi je vsec, ker je bolj kot neka krema in da se skoraj ne opazi, da imam puder (na ta racun pa je manj obstojen, ampak mene to ne moti) :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMoja koža je bila takrat zelo dehidrirana, zato ji niso ustrezali taki mat pudri :) Meni je pa Bourjois Healthy Mix najbolj všeč za no-makeup makeup videz :)
IzbrišiHvala za nasvet, bom probala Bourjois v kratkem 😉
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi ga priporočam, ampak če imaš mastno kožo ti verjetno ne bo tako všeč :)
IzbrišiHvala, imam kar suho kožo, tako da po moje OK :)