junij 2016 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

June Favourites

TOO FACED Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette Now that it's been a while since I got this palette, I can say that it became my first choice when doing my makeup. It's such a wonderful palette for fans of neutral looks such as me. The colour range is more versatile than in any of my other palettes because it has a lot of medium...

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Slovene Bloggers Talk Sun Bathing: Pale is Ok. I Swear.

Slovenska verzija tukaj. When it comes to the beach, I'm a shade girl. I come from a family where finding a good shade on the beach was a top priority and we never lay in the sun. I don't have anything against sun bathing, I just never do it and I won't lecture you about the importance of sun protection because it's your...

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Slovenske blogerke o sončenju: Bleda koža je ok. Prisežem.

English version here. Na plaži me boste našli v senci. Sem iz družine kjer smo prečesali celo plažo za spodobno senco in nismo nikdar ležali na soncu. Sicer nimam nič proti sončenju, zaradi mene lahko delate kar se vam zljubi, itak sem prepričana, da dobro poznate vsaj osnovna opozorila o nevarnostih sončenja, ker nam jih trobijo na vsakem koraku in če jih odločite...

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Essence The Gel Nail Polish 63 itsy bitsy blue bikini

Itsy bitsy blue bikini, whose name is suspiciously similar to Bikini so Tiny by Essie, is surprise surprise is another blue shade. It a shade that was added to the line in the recent update, though we can't say it's the most original new colour, but I have a thing for pastel blue. I bought a few of The Gel Nail Polish formula,...

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Top 5 Essence Products

I <3 Extremes Waterproof mascara It's not the first time I've said this is my favourite budget mascara and it won't be the last. As an owner of lashes that refuse to hold a curl, this mascara is everything I need to get those big, voluminous and curled lashes that stay like that all day. It's just brilliant and I hope Essence never...

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Catrice Supreme Fusion Lipcolour + Care 070 Remarry Berry

The launch of these confused me because as far as I know, Catrice already has a perfectly good line of moisturising, glossy lipsticks called Luminous Lips. Why the need for another one, I don't know, but they utilised the idea that many had before - a lipstick with a different core. I got one of the two darkest shades in the line (there...

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Wet'n Wild Cover All Concealer palette

Colour correcting is quite a trend at the moment and lot of brands are releasing new correcting products, but this Wet n Wild palette isn't that new, though I think either a different colour combo existed before or it still does, but there are different combinations and packaging when you google it. I've never had a colour correcting palette before, not even a...

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Jordana Blush Powder 45 Apple Cheeks

When I was researching Jordana's products, two caught my eye due to high ratings - their matte lipsticks and blushes. I've tried the former and they really are as amazing as everyone says, but I've only now had to chance to try one of their blushes and I got one of the brightest one in the selection. Texture: It's one of those slightly...

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