Labello Fruity Shine Peach Lip Balm - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Labello Fruity Shine Peach Lip Balm

sreda, februar 26, 2014

There is a new kid on the Labello's Fruity Shine block. Peach version joined the family which already includes Strawberry, Cherry and in some countries also Guava, while Dragon fruit and Pomegranate mysteriously disappeared. I did make an unidentified high pitch sound when I first saw it, since I absolutely love peach scented products.
For those who are confused about the name Labello, it's just how Nivea's lip balms are called in this part of the world. To the best of my knowledge this version doesn't exist under the Nivea name.

The peach version has a hint of colour on the lips just as the rest of the Fruity Shine lip balms. This one is, obviously, a peach shade but with tiny gold shimmer, except that the shimmer doesn't show on the lips. The colour pay-off is minimal, but still noticeable, especially if you go to town with it. The finish is shiny.

The scent is divine! Just like peach yoghurt and very similar to The Body Shop Vineyard Peach body butter that I love so much, only sweeter and not as fresh. 
Formula-wise, despite the fact that they are loved by so many, Labello were never my favourites. I find them not moisturising enough, too light and they wear off so fast. Yet they are cheap and there are some fun colours in the fruity shine line, so I do tend to get one once in a while.
Labello Fruity Shine in Peach is widely available in drugstores as well as supermarkets. I got mine in DM for 1.85€. If you love peach scented products, give it a go.

Have a great day!

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  1. I love me some Fruity Shines! I agree that they're not the most moisturizing but they're great for a hint of colour and/or over a lipstick.

    1. I used to have Cherry and Dragon fruit and I agree, they are nice for a hint of colour, but not the best care products :)

  2. Meni je še vedno najboljši navaden moder Labelo, če primerjam balzame te znamke, ti obarvani me nikoli niso navduševali ravno zato, ker se mi ne zdijo dovolj vlažilni. So mi Maybellinovi Baby Lips balzami boljši, čeprav za nekoga, ki ima zelo suhe ustnice, verjetno ne bodo dovolj dobri.

    1. Mene pa nobena Labella ne navdušuje po kvaliteti, tudi "originalne" ne :)
      Baby Lips pa še nisem sprobala in jih verjetno tudi ne bom, čeprav vem da je ena Peach varjanta tudi med njimi. Ne vem, me nekako ne pritegnejo, verjetno zaradi tega pretiranega "hypa", čeprav verjamem da so boljši od Labell :)

  3. Znala sam da ces ga uzeti jer volis breskve/marelice kao i ja. :-)
    I ja ga imam i skoro sam ga recenzirala, super je.

    1. Normalno :D Sem prebrala tudi tvoj post. Sem jo celo imela še preden si ga objavila.

  4. It does smell so lovely! I love peach scents :)

  5. Oh, Peach sounds nice! I still have a Fruity Shine Pomegranate in my drawer. Germany very recently got Watermelon, which I bought at Rossmann instantly. It's a beautiful, muted light pink. Now I wonder if we'll get Peach too...

    1. I had pomegranate as well a long time ago. I haven't seen watermelon here yet, but it sounds nice :)
      I'm sure you'll get peach too :)

  6. imala sam sva mouća labella,slaba sam na njihove mirise ali nikako ih potroit do kraja :/

    1. Jaz tudi nisem še nobene porabila do konca :) Mission impossible :)
