Lancôme Rouge In Love Lipstick 340B Rose Boudoir - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Lancôme Rouge In Love Lipstick 340B Rose Boudoir

nedelja, februar 02, 2014

I got this as a very generous gift back in December (thank you!) after it was pinned on my Pinterest wishlist for over a year. Lancôme Rouge in Love lipsticks were launched a couple of years ago and there are 31 shades available. Rose Boudoir is in the Boudoir Time or B group, which are cocktail shades.

340B Rose Boudoir is vivid pinky-coral with a creamy finish that is very, very similar to Bourjois' Fraise Remix and a colour that is more suited for spring/summer time. It's not just the colour that is similar, but also the formula. I've often said that Bourjois' Rouge Edition lipstick are the best formula I've tried and Lancôme Rouge in Love feels almost spot on. It's another pigmented, lightweight formula, but Lancôme's feels just a touch creamier. I need one, maybe two swipes for full intensity, however, I also like to blot it and wear it as a sort of a stain. Like that it gives that lovely flush of colour that really brightens up the face (wearing it like that here). It doesn't dry out my lips, nor does it settle in lines. It is slightly rose scented, but it's barely noticeable.

There are no outrageous claims on this lipstick, but a rather down to earth promise of a 6 hour wear. I'd say it lasts about as much, but of course, if you eat or drink in the mean time you might want to refresh the colour, though it fades evenly without leaving a ring of colour, so it's completely up to your own preference of whether you like that half-worn off or the full intensity look.

The tube is heavy, metallic and daintily chic. It's smaller than most lipsticks, though it still holds 3.4g of lipstick which as much as the Bourjois one and 0.4g more than a MAC lipstick.

As far as dupes go, I'm always very conservative with that word, but Fraise Remix and Rose Boudoir are incredibly close. Fraise Remix is pinker, however, I tried them side by side on the lips and I don't notice much of a difference. Pink About it, on the other hand, is less pigmented and matte. (The lipstick on the right in the second picture is Maybelline's Shocking Coral, which is much pinker.)

I don't know the exact price because it was a gift, but I believe it was about 28€ in Müller (I'm guessing). It's 27.30€ on Feel Unique.

If you ever wanted to treat yourself with a good lipstick, these are incredible, however, the drugstore range offers another gem formula, Bourjois' Rouge Edition that feels almost exactly the same for about a third of the price, it's just the colour range that is different. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Zelo lep odtenek in zelo ti paše:) Nisem vedela, da ima Bourjois tako dobro kvaliteto šmink. Bom morala malo pokukati v trgovini:)

    1. Thanks :) . Sem že dolgo nazaj govorila o njih. Odlične so, ampak imam še vedno samo en odtenek :)

  2. I recently read somewhere about this lipstick's formula and how great it is, so I am glad that you found a cheaper version. The shade is lovely, though. A true pink coral.

  3. Res je lep odtenek, se pa pridružujem Petri, tud sama nisem vedla, da so te Bourjois šminke tako super :)

  4. krasen odtenek, ki ti super paše! :))
    jaz tudi moram iti v trgovino pokukat tale Bourjoisovo šminkico, še nimam nobene njihove in mi je tale odtenek preleeep (super dupe za tale lancome-ovo, ki žal ni ravno za moj žep).
    Super objava drugače, kot nalašč zame, ki imam najraje take pink odtenke na svojih ustnicah. :)) mam tudi tale Shocking Coral od Maybelline in jo obožujem (že komaj čakam poletje, da bo spet večino časa v uporabi)<3 :)

  5. Divna boja i super ti stoji. Ja budem potrazila taj Bourjois.

  6. Odtenki rdeče so najboljše... Obožujem šminke. Se zdaj tudi moja zbirka šmink veča... Nimam pa še nobene zgoraj omenjene..

  7. u, kot bi se zmenile sva obe objavili o Lancome :D
    se strinjam z vsem. mene so zelo prijetno presenetile, nisem mogla verjeti da lahko tako dolgo obstanejo na ustnicah.

    1. Sem videla :D. Res so dobre, dobiš za kar plačaš :)

  8. Super zgleda na tebi! Pa zelo nosljiv odtenek se mi zdi... :) Jaz sem ravno danes dobila svojo drugo Lime Crime šminko v nabiralniku... :D

    1. Hvala :) Je med bolj živimi barvami, ampak se strinjam, je nosljiva :)
      O, fino. Jaz nimam še nobene, bi pa tiste Velvetines :)

  9. Zelo lepa je, ampak moram priznati, da mi je Bourjois za odtenek bolj všeč. :)

    1. Sama ne opazim neke resne razlike, mi je pa Lancomova lepša za pogledat :).

  10. Oh pretty, and thanks for letting us know about this fantastic dupe! I have to admit that I still like the original Lancome shade the most though... :-)

  11. Ful lep odtenek. Glede šmink od Bourjois se pa čisto strinjam. Super so!

  12. Hej...mogoce ves katera znamka ima mat šminke? in da jo lahko kupim pri nas v slo...Imam od manhattan lip matte in so mi super.Ostalih nisem zasledila.Mogoče poznas? hvalaa

    1. Kar je v drogerijah se trenutno spomnim Essence, ki ima super mat tekoče šminke (Stay Matte), pa Catrice ima vsaj en mat odtenek (250), potem se mi zdi da so pa samo še dražje znamke - Illamasqua (odvisno od odtenka), Shiseido Glowing Matte šminke in Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet. Verjetno je še kakšna, samo se ne spomnim/ ne vem :)
      Od naših spletnih trgovin pa:
      - Destination Pretty Etude ima House Vivid Pop Sticks in Etude House Rosy Lip Tints;
      - Click2Chic ima City Colour mat šminke;
      - Ličila.si ima Barry M (odvisno od odtenka), MUA matte lipsticks in pa Lime Crime Velvetines;
      - MojaDrogerija.si ima NYX matte lipsticks
      Bourjois bo imel tudi te tekoče mat šminke, naj bi bile v prodaji od marca, samo ne vem če pri nas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLw1MRxtZJQ
