Empties #5 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Empties #5

sobota, februar 15, 2014

This is surprisingly good for a drugstore conditioner and it's so affordable at only 2.45€ per bottle. I love the effect of it, the scent is nice and it moisturises my dry, coarse hair very well. My only real gripe is the packaging because when it's about to run out, you need Hercules' strength to get the rest of the product out (hence why mine in cut in the middle). I know there is a pot version available, which I'd prefer, but it's not sold in my country.
Repurchase: Yes.

An absolutely lovely conditioner that I have been repurchasing for years and have rarely been without a tube of this in my bathroom. In fact, I currently have a 500 ml bottle of this with a pump.
Repurchase: Yes.

(a.k.a. Dove Oil Care Nährplege 1 Minute Kur-Spülung)
I used up another one of these - I must have gone through at least a dozen tubes so far. This is one of my favourite drugstore treatments for dry hair. It's very thick, which I love, works great on my dry hair and it smells gorgeous. I recently bought the blue Intensive Repair version to try and it's nice as well, but I still prefer this one.
Repurchase: Yes.

Tigi Bed Head Masterpiece Massive Shine Hairspray
This was my only hairspray for years. I used to love it, but since I discovered Lee Stafford's Hold Tight, I find it a bit sticky from the start and doesn't hold as well as I would like. It can also feel a bit crispy, especially when you really go to town with it, while at Lee Stafford that doesn't happen to me. That being said, this is still a great hairspray and my second favourite. It smells like pineapples (like the (old) Dumb Blonde line), so obviously I like it. 
Repurchase: Probably not, only if Lee Stafford's Hold Tight gets discontinued.

L'Oreal Elvital Volume-Collagen Push-Up Spray
I actually bought this only for the packaging. I needed a better, preferably a spray bottle for Alpecin Medicinal Forte that needs to be applied on the scalp. The nozzle looks right, however, the I find it so hard to squeeze.
So on to the actual product. It's a volume spray that is supposed to be applied close to the the roots. It's a liquid that pretty much feels like water and can be used on damp or dry hair. Due to it's lightness, it doesn't weigh down the hair at all. I notice no additional volume, which is not surprising considering that it has no hold at all. It has a high alcohol content, which is never a good thing in my book, and it also contains sollutable collagen - in all honestly, I have no idea how collagen would be creating volume. It has a chemical scent that is nothing special nor does it last. There are far better volumising products.
Repurchase: No.

The Body Shop Coconut Oil Hair Shine
I wanted to like this, but I just can't. Though the ingredients are nice and there are no silicones, it feels too waxy. As a dry ends treatment on dry hair, it feels too heavy, waxy and it doesn't even give much of a shine. As a pre-wash treatment, it doesn't do much of anything either, particularly compared to proper coconut oil. This has a very hard consistency, especially if it's left in bellow 22°C degrees, so it's hard to scoop it out. You need to warm it up a lot between the hands and then it turns into a waxy oil. I place it on a radiator before use and it feels much more creamy, almost buttery and therefore easier to work with. It smells strongly like hazelnuts to me. The tin is nice and great for travel, I just wish there were a better product inside.
Repurchase: No.

Orofluido Shine Spray
It does what it's supposed to and nothing more. This is a typical shine spray with a high alcohol content as so many of them, though it didn't dry out my hair. As it's expected, it gives lot of shine, but doesn't weight down the hair. Orofluido packed it with their delightful fragrance, so I loved using it as a hair fragrance. It's nice, but I prefer Orofluido Sahara because it also provides care on top of shine (but it is much heavier than this). 
Repurchase: No, but it's nice for those whose hair gets weighted down by products and just want shine.

This is a very waxy feeling lip balm, but still moisturising, though you can feel how it mostly just coats the lips. This waxiness makes it less appropriate for wearing it under a lipstick. The scent is more of a honey and milk meet plastic and beeswax, but not in a bad way. 
Repurchase: No.

Labello Soft Rose Lip Balm
A very average lip balm, but one that a lot of people have/had and some really like it. It really doesn't stand out in any respect, neither the scent, colour or effect.
Repurchase: No.

Balea Sweet Wonderland Lip Balm
I used this only once and I'm tossing it. The scent is a weird, chocolate-chemical one, nothing like the yummy smelling shower gel from this LE. The texture and the moisturising power are below average.
Repurchase: No.

Yves Rocher Noix de Coco Malaysian Coconut Lip Balm
Apart from the scent, which is one of the best coconut scents I tried, it's just not worth it. It's not really moisturising and the packaging is very impractical. The opening is way to small, so the only way to get the product out is with a lip brush and I just can't be bothered. 
Repurchase: No.

Essence Matte Top Coat
I actually ended up using this a lot also as a base. It may sound odd to use it in such a way, but I like it because it dries in less than 10 seconds. The bottle didn't last me that long and what was left got completely unusable.
Repurchase: Not sure if they sell it any more, but I liked it.

Essence Profi-Nail File 4 in 1
I bought several of these so far. There are four different textures: one to trim, one to clean, one to smooth and one to polish the nails. I like it, it does what it's supposed to, does that well, and it's affordable. I still have one that I use all the time.
Repurchase: Not sure if they sell it any more, but I'm sure Essence has a similar one and I will purchase that one.

Have a great day!

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  1. I love to see a good empties massacre. :) I like labello, it is quite alright, but it doesn't really have anything that would make it my favorite. My mum on the other hand loves it and doesn't even want to try any other. :)

    1. Good, then I gave you plenty of material to read in these last two days :)
      Labello is allright and maybe that's the problem - it's just ok. I much prefer the Palmer's Cocoa Butter one :)

  2. Matt top coat ti priporočam od Manhattna je precej boljši ;)

    1. Sploh vedela nisem, da ima Manhattan tudi mat top coat. Hvala za priporočilo :)

  3. Mislim, da imate Essence novo verzijo te pilice, sedaj je v bolj temni pink barvi. Sem jo videla že v Müllerju, ampak tudi te stare verzije še obstajajo po nekaterih trgovinah.

    1. Se mi je zdelo, da je že nova :). Pa saj verjetno sploh ni neke razlike, pa tudi nisem neki zahteven človek kar se pilic tiče :)

  4. super blogec! obožujem take blogce, resnično pridejo zelo prav.


  5. Herbal essence imam že dolgo nagledanega, zadnji čas da grem po njega!
    Pa dove je res super!

  6. Essence mat top coat-tega mi je žal da nisem kupila, ker mislim da ga več ni:) Tale Dove maska pa meni ni bila preveč všeč. Jo moram še malo bolj preizkusiti. Mogoče imam presuhe lase:)

    1. Pa jo pustiš dosti časa gor? Ker jaz ima res zelo suhe lase, pa mi je dovolj. Je pa res, da ne ostanejo tako dolgo hidrirani kot pri dražjih balzamih :)

    2. Mora biti v tem problem. Bom zdaj dlje gor pustila, ker jaz sem zelo lena. Kakšnih 10 minut je moj maksimum:)

    3. Jaz maske kar dolgo puščam gor. Grem pač vmes kakšno serijo gledat ali pa pospravljat, tako da je gor kakšne 45min - 1ure :) Vem, pa da večina tega ne dela, samo jaz opazim razliko :)

    4. Vau, super:) No jaz imam problem, ker po navadi vse delam ob zadnjem trenutku, tudi perem lase. Ampak bom res preizkusila enkrat, ker me zanima ali bom videla razliko. Hvala za nasvet;)

  7. I've really got to try that Bee Strong from Herbal Essences, they make some of my favorite hair care products. The red pomegranate scent is my favorite!

    1. We have such a small selection here, so I've only tried Bee Strong and Hello Hydration :) I don't even know if we have red pomegranate one, but it sounds interesting :)

  8. So do you really feel like that John Frieda conditioner does something for the color of your hair? Or is it just a really nice conditioning treatment?

    1. In terms of colour I notice no difference at all, but maybe what's meant is that it perhaps helps prolong or something artificial colour (mine is natural). But, it gives the best shine out of drugstore conditioners :)

  9. Kje si kupila tale Herbal essences? A ga imajo že pri nas?

    1. Pri nas je na voljo v Müllerjih :). Je pa samo šampon in balzam, brez maske.

  10. The moisturizer conditioner by John Frieda is one of my staples too, I love its scent and the shine it gives to my hair!

