February Favourites - Mateja's Beauty Blog

February Favourites

petek, februar 28, 2014

I've been doing 'the cream blush as a base plus powder blush on top' to make sure that the colour lasts as long as possible for a while now. I use this one, which is favourite cream blush, as a base because it goes particularly well with Catrice's Rose Royce. It's has that silicone dry-to-the-touch/almost powdery type of finish, which ensures that the powder blush doesn't stick on top in patches rather it blends over smoothly.

My favourite blush at the moment. It's a natural nude-pink shade that works with any look and never looks overdone. The flush it gives is so pretty! Catrice's blushes are fantastic - really pigmented and last so long on the cheeks.

I finally found a concealer that matches me perfectly when I'm at my palest. The formula is super creamy, the coverage is almost full (pretty much identical to Collection's Lasting Perfection) and it lasts all day. 

I jut love this colour on me. It's close to Mac's Lady Danger, but prettier in my opinion. I love the texture and the excellent staying power of these lip creams plus they don't dry out my lips despite the matte finish. Too bad this shade was limited edition.

I never considered this heat protection to be anything special and yet I always mix a few pumps of this with Kerastase Nectar Termique. It has this gorgeous shimmer in it and it really shows on the hair as it makes it noticeable shiny (I always get comments on that). Now that it's running out, I know I want to repurchase it. Also every time someone asks me to do their hair, I always use this heat protection, simply because it works on all types of hair. It's like a light silicone-lotion that doesn't weight down the hair at all and it makes the hair sleeker when I straighten/style it. 

Love Spell is more of a summer fragrance with it's fizzy tropical drink scent, but I've been really enjoying using this body butter recently. The quality of the body butter is great as it's super moisturising and smells divine.

I already talked about this spray in my recent product of the week post, so I'll be brief. It smells like vanilla crescent cookies on me, so a very strong vanilla with a hint of coconut and it really lasts on the skin.

Yes, I know I complained that the staying power is very weak on me and it is, but I adore this scent. It's so sweet and cozy, just perfect for this time of year. I smell mostly berries with warm vanilla and sugar notes.

Have a great day!

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  1. S temi posti me spominjate, da jaz že celo večnost nisem napisala mesečnih favoritov. Med mojimi favoriti bi se tudi znašel Catricr blush, le da v odtenku Pinkerbell. :)

    1. Pinkerbell moram it pogledat, ker vas je toliko ki ga hvalite :)

  2. Uuuu... super 'favorites'. :D A se tale Tigi Catwalk dobi pri nas?

    1. Pomoje ja. Poglej v kakšen Simple salon. Ampak jaz ga kupujem na AllBeauty, ker je tam pol cenejši :)

    2. No, tako ja... ti kar meni raj povej kje je ceneje (hahaha). :D Jaz tudi raje iz spletnih strani naročim.

    3. Pri Tigiju se pa sploh pozna če z neta naročaš :) Pri nas v salonih so mal bolne cene.

    4. Ne maram te več Mateja! Zdej sm šla na AllBeauty pogleda tole zadevico in našla še en kup reči (znižanih) in spet pustila goro denarja tam... :D

    5. I'm so very sorry :P. Bi te mogla prej opozorit. Meni so res kul, ker tam so stvari ponavadi najcenejše in tudi parfume pošiljajo k nam (z veliko poštnino, ampak vseeno). :)

    6. Ja, naslednjič prosim opozorilo! :D Sej sem že velikokrat naročala pri AllBeauty (prej so bili Cheap Smells), ampak zdaj že od lani poletja nisem nič... in potem prideš ti, s tvojimi 'monthly favorites' pa sem spet ob denar. :)

    7. No, boš pa vsaj mela fine stvari :) Te že zdaj opozarjam, da ima pripravljen dolg New In post, samo še en paket mora pridt :)

  3. That Essence Lip Cream looks nice, it looks like the kind of shade I'd love :-)

    1. MUA's lipstick in 13 is another similar shade if you're interested. And it only costs a quid :)

  4. Imam oba ruza iz Essence Guerilla Gardening i super su mi.
    Jako lijepa bocica kod tog Taylor Swift parfema, bas mi se svidja.

    1. Lepa kolekcija je bila :)
      Meni pa flaška ni všeč. Malo prekičasta zame :)

  5. Essence lip cream je čudovita!! Mislim, da imam enako iz redne kolekcije – Stay Matt v odtenku Silky Red. Škoda, da nimajo kakšnih lepih nude odtenkov, ki bi bili primernejši za vsak dan :) Eva x

    1. Silky Red je temnejša in bolj nevtralna rdeča, jo imam tudi jaz :) Meni tudi tista dva nude odtenka nista pretirano všeč.

  6. I've been seeing the NARS concealer everywhere lately! I really want to try it, especially if it's pale :)

    1. There was hardly a best of 2013 video/post without it, so I had to try out myself and it's lovely :)
      Chantilly is the palest shade I ever found. It's great that at least some companies have us Snow Whites in mind when deciding on a shade range :)

  7. oo super blogec, top stvari. Moram probat tale nars korektor. :P iščem enega res dobrega.


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