Budget Wishlist - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Budget Wishlist

torek, februar 04, 2014

 1. Garnier 2 in 1 Express Eye Make Up Remover 
(3.95 €)
I've long been loyal to the Maybelline make up remover waterproof, but this one looks intriguing. It promises to remove waterproof make up without leaving a greasy finish. I would like to see if it lives up to the claims. It also looks nice, doesn't it?

2. Catrice Ultimate Colour in Kiss Kiss Hibiscus 
(4.19 €)
After swatching all the new Catrice products for spring, this is the only one that I genuinely like. I already have the "shiny" version (this one), but I actually think this one is prettier.  

3. H&M Matte Lipstick 
(4.19 €)
I was a bit surprised to see this in H&M, normally we don't get much make up here, but I tried it and I really like it. It's a proper matte formula and the red shade is so beautiful. I regret not buying it, so I hope it's still there the next time I'm in H&M.

4. Labello Fruity Shine Peach 
Anything with peach gets me excited and this is no exception. I hope it smells good.

5. Oriflame Volare eau de parfum 
(15.49 €)
I don't even know anyone that sells Oriflame nor do I know how this smells, but look at that bottle. It is stunningly beautiful! I would just keep this on my vanity. This is a LE version for Valentine's day and currently on a very appealing offer. 

6. Essence XXXL longlasting lipgloss Matt Effect 15 coral mousse 
(2.29 €)
The Stay Matte Lip Creams have been discontinued, but I am really hoping that they were just repackaged under another name and in a different packaging. All four matte shades have the same name as the previous ones, but there is also a new shade which I would love to check out.

7. Essence eye blender brush  
I actually like Essence's eye make up brushes, so I have high hopes for this one as well. Maybe it'd be a nice brush for under eye concealing as well as blending.

1. Pantene Expert Collection Age Defy Conditioner
I never even look at Pantene since their commercials are always so retouched it instantly puts me off, plus I think their products are packed with silicones and no care. So imagine my surprise when I read several good reviews about this conditioner. It actually has quite a high rating on Make Up Alley, so I think it deserves a try. I already saw it in Müller, don't know why I didn't take it.

2. Oriflame Chocolate Dream Bubble Bath 
(3.29 €)
Apparently, it smells like chocolate. Who can resist that?

3. Balea Teint Perfektion
 (6.95 €)
I think 2014 will be the year of primers and of course, Balea came up with their version as well. I haven't seen it yet in DMs, but it looks quite affordable, lets just hope it also good. 

4. Garnier Perfect Blur 
(about 12 €, but currently 3€ off in DM) 
I tried this when my cousin came round and I was surprised at how nice it felt. After the Catrice primer fiasco (so greasy), I swore off drugstore primers, but this one I could get along with. I used to use Clinique's Pore Minimiser Instant Perfector, which is brilliant and this one feels a bit less drying and it's not tinted, but the finish is similar. 

Have a great day!

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  1. I bougth the Garnier eye makeup remover not long ago and I'm not sold on it. It doesn't leave a greasy residue so that's good but I don't think it does that well at removing regular makeup, so no idea how it'll far with waterproof mascara. Also, it seems to leave my eye area not stingy but a bit...sensitive? Maybe that's just my skin but I'm letting you know just in case.
    I didn't know there was a new Fruity Shine lip balm, I love that line haha And I definitely wanna check out the Essence brush and matt lip cream too!

    1. Oh, really? I hoped it was good since their micelar water is fine. I don't know, maybe I should just buy my favourite one again. Thanks for your feedback :)

  2. Razmišljam, da bi si tudi tale odtenek Catrice šminke kupla, kot ga imaš na wish listi :) .Drugače pa definitivno morem sprobat Essence matirne glose, pa Garnier perfect blur tud :)

    1. Sem videla da si kupila The Lips are on Fire. Mi je tudi lepa :)

    2. ja :) sem malce obsedena z oranžnimi odtenki. Nisem pa taki fan pink barv ampak tale zgleda ful fajna :)

  3. Imajo v H&M tudi kakšne druge matte barve? Jaz imam Labello Peach in Garnier Blur in sta super! Labello še pusti malo barve (minimalno sicer) ampak diši božansko :D

    1. Mislim, da bi mogle bit 4. Jaz se spomnim samo dveh, to rdečo in eno tako bolj vijola (ki bi bila tebi zihr všeč). Sem pa gledala v Cityparku :)
      Res? Yay, I love peach scents :D

  4. Garnier remover mi ne potegne..veliko boljša je npr Lorealova micelarna.

    1. No, si že druga ki pravi, da ni tako kul. Fino, mi boste prišparale denar :)

  5. Uuu Essence čopič izgleda super! :)

  6. Par teh stvari je tudi na moji WL, ampak se morem zajle mal nazaj držat :) Bom pa definitivno šla pogledat za tele H&M šminke...Sploh nisem vedla, da jih imamo :)

    1. A veš da je kar lepa izbira make up-a v H&M. Sem bila kar presenečena :)

    2. Kje pa majo tale make up, k js ga v ljubljani v centru nikjer nism vidla?

    3. Jaz sem ga videla v Cityparku tam kjer so modni dodatki nasproti čevljev :)

  7. jaz sem pred kratkim kupila tole šminko od Catrice Kiss Kiss Hibiscus in je res woow barva. <3 :))
    mam pa jaz tudi na wish listi tale Garnier perfect blur in ga mislim takoooj ko bom kaj v bližini DM-a, kupit. :)

    drugače se pa meni tale odstranjevalec tudi ne zdi nič kaj posebnega, mi je njihova micelarna raztopina trenutno preveč všeč<3 :)

  8. Od Garnier si pa res že dolgo nisem nič kupila. :) Men so ti 'dvojni' odstranjevalci tak všeč, sploh ne vem zakaj. :D

  9. Peachy labelo mora božansko dišati <3
    Garnier blur grem ju3 kupit, upam da mi ne bo žal, me pa mika tudi novi primer od Catrica samo moram prvi vidit, da ni slučajno takšen kot tisti stari v lončku, ker tisti mi ni všeč niti malo.

    1. Od Catrice v lončku je bil obupen. Sestrična je kupila tudi tega novega od Catrice (zeleno verzijo) in pravi, da ji ni všeč, še posebej v primerjavi z Garnierjevim Blurom.

  10. Garnierjev odstanjevalec tudi mene mika, no, po prebranih komentarjih malo manj. Za H&M šminke tudi nisem vedela, moram skočit pogledat pronto :) Pa Garnier Blur hočem!
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

  11. Kiss Kiss Hibiscus is such a pretty shade! And I would also love to give that Garnier blurring primer a try. I am always looking for the next HG primer :-)

  12. Garnierjeva nova linija je tko vabljiva-res lepe embalažice. Js mam tale odstranjevalec (1) in je super, kr moj new favorite, tko da hitro v trgovino :) :)
