Empties #8
ponedeljek, junij 02, 2014
I haven't got the foggiest who actually used this up (thieving bubble bath fairies?), but here it is even though I only used it a couple of times. It's a bubble bath with a piña colada scent, however, the bubbles are pretty pathetic. The scent, on the other hand, is lovely exotic and it makes you feel like you're bathing in a massive piña colada cocktail. It's inexpensive for a big bottle, but I prefer more bubbly products.
Repurchase: Probably not.
One of my favourite shower gels ever! It smells divine - like peach flavoured bubble gum and it's only a €. Love it!
I hear they released a passion fruit version recently, which I obviously need and I have my eye on the strawberry one as well.
I hear they released a passion fruit version recently, which I obviously need and I have my eye on the strawberry one as well.
Repurchase: Already did.
Another lovely smelling shower gel, except this one smells like sweet honey. It had one of the best honey scent ever and a gentle, jelly-like texture formula. Unfortunately, it was limited edition, so I was super frugal with it, but sadly it had to run out one day.
Repurchase: I would if it weren't a LE.
A boring empty. It's a staple in my bathroom. I love the powdery floral scent and the quality is fantastic for the price.
Another product I was very sparing with since VS isn't available in my country. The scent is a winner at this body butter. Love Spell is one of the most delicious tropical scents I've ever tried and layering the body butter with the body mist made me smell like a fizzy tropical drink. The texture is almost like a body butter meets gel and feels strangely wet, but it's super moisturising.
Repurchase: Yes.
Yes, I'm getting boring again. I used up another one of these. You know I love it and there is nothing more to say.
Repurchase: Yes.
Maybelline Eye Makeup Remover Waterproof
The same story as with Bioderma, this is my staple and it excels at removing waterproof mascara. I recently purchased Nivea's version because DM doesn't carry Maybelline's one and it just made me appreciate it more. Fantastic product for a reasonable price.
Repurchase: Yes.
It is great defrizzer in a spray that smells like lemon candy. I used this before I found Healthy Sexy Hair Three-Wheat Leave-in conditioner, which also defrizzes very well as well as provides my dry hair with extra moisture. Spoil me is a super light product that feels like nothing on the hair and yet it works. It's great for those who have hair that gets weighted down or greasy easy and need a light taming product. The bottle is massive and it lasts long, however, it appears that perhaps gas escaped from mine, since there is still product inside, but it won't come out.
Repurchase: No. Since I discovered Three-Wheat Leave-in conditioner I don't need it any more.
Another dandruff shampoo that I gave a try and it failed. It's a very gentle sulphate, silicone and paraben free formula that doesn't clean the scalp well which is essential if you have dandruff. It's also a bit stripping and it leaves my hair tangled. Basically, I didn't like it at all.
Repurchase: No.
I have to say with each use I love it more and it's fast becoming one of my favourite hair treatments. I literally repurchased it the day I used it up (and I haven't repurchased the Dove Oil care one yet). It hydrates my dry hair well and performs similar to much more expensive products. Not to mention it smells amazing like bubble gum. A winner.
Repurchase: Already did.
I have mixed feelings about this one. It's undoubtedly a good product, but is it really so good that it deserves that extra few euros when there are very similar performing products in the drugstore range? It just lacks that bit of oomph that something from Joico or Kerastase has. The pot contains only 200 ml of product which didn't last me many treatments and though the scent is very cinnamon-clove-Christmas-y, it is strong and only appeals to me in the winter months. I also noticed a very unattractive crust on the top when I didn't use it for a few weeks. It's not bad, but for the price there are better.
Repurchase: Probably not.
Rexona Clear Pure Crystal
Deo stick antiperspirant
This is the first deodorant ever that didn't stop working on me and I've used every bit of it! I was quite shocked when I hit the plastic bit at the bottom as I didn't expect to use it up and not toss it before that. It's a stick deodorant that smells nice (fruity) and works well enough on me by keeping BO at bay. The only bad thing are the white marks, however, I can forgive that. I actually bought a different deodorant out of curiosity, but I don't like it nearly as much.
Repurchase: Rather surprisingly yes.
The so called "invisible umbrella" that promises to prevent curling due to the moisture and fight frizz. It should work in theory, but in real life situations it didn't quite cut it. Actually, it's pretty much the same thing as got2b Öl-La-La Styling Öl-Spray and it leaves the same same light oily-siliconey feeling as well as gives loads of shine. And that's what I've been using it for, as a shine spray and a tamer. It has the typical Lee Stafford scent, a heavy oriental one with flower notes and patchouli. I would recommend only girls with dry(-ish) hair should use it as it is oily.
(Re)purchase: No. I prefer Öl-La-La because it smells nicer.
lee stafford Dry ShaMPOO ORiGiNAL
Not my favourite dry shampoo since its oil absorbing properties are not the best and it doesn't refresh the hair as effectively as for example Batiste, however, it doesn't leave that powdery, gritty texture as most dry shampoos do. It has a very strong parfumey scent, again the typical Lee Stafford one, but a very intense version which can be headache inducing for more sensitive people.
(Re)purchase: No.
Have a great day!
Uuuu... si bla kar pridna! :D Tale Spoil me od TIGI misliš da bi bil primeren zame (za moje tanke lasje, ki se hitro zmastijo)? A to je kot sprej - da pošpricaš po laseh?
OdgovoriIzbrišiGel za tuširat od L'Occitane izgleda super (embalaža), pa tudi predstavljam si, da je čudovito dišal. Me drži, da bi sprobala tisto njihovo slavno mandljevo olje za tuširat, ampak se mi cena zdi res pretirana - kaj ti praviš? :)
Spoil me sem imela tudi jaz pa mi je bil tako tako, načeloma pa nič posebnega. Lepa vpadljiva embalaža in noro hud vonj :D
Izbriši@ Maja: I know, I was :) Spoil me izgleda kot lak za lase v aerosolu, samo kar jih ne zlima. In ja, bi bil zate :) Tigi pravi, da naj bi se ga uporabljalo na suhih laseh, samo jaz sem opazila večji efekt če sem ga uporabila preden sem si posušila lase s sušilcem in krtačo.
IzbrišiTisto L'Occitanovo olje pa moraš sprobat! Jaz ga kupujem že od leta 2006 in je vedno v moji kopalnici. Diši božansko in je super negovalno :) Enkrat sem pustila novo flašo v enem hotelu v Franciji in sem šla takoj novega kupit :)
@Kris Tina: Jaz tudi dolgo nisem vedela, kaj naj počnem s Spoil me dokler ga nisem uporabila na mokrih laseh pred sušenjem. Izgleda da na meni deluje samo z uporabo vročine :)
Ja, potem bom pa zgledala kar morala sprobat tole olje za tuširat... :) Pa tale Spoil Me je mogoče tudi za pogledat. :D
IzbrišiAja, pa čestitke za diplomo - moram o tem prebrat na Živinem blogu... ti, ti, ti! :D
IzbrišiHvala :D Saj skoraj noben ne ve, nisem hotela naredit big deal iz tega. I know, I'm super weird :)
IzbrišiZaj pa res morem sprobat Aussie 3 min miracle reconstructor. Se vedno vračam k tistemu od Dove, od kar sem ga pri tebi zasledila in me zanima če mi bo ta od Aussie še bolj všeč :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOba sta super :) Je pa Aussie lažji in lepše diši.
IzbrišiJaz tud morem enkrat sprobat Aussie :3
OdgovoriIzbrišijaz si tudi že celo večnost želim sprobati Aussie. :) mogoče veš, če je na Hrvaškem na volju v vseh DM-ih oz. večini? Žal nisem tako blizu Zagreba doma, ampak bolj drugim (manjšim) krajem, kjer imajo DM. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVem da je v Karlovškem DM in pa v Zagrebškem West Gate :). Za druge pa žal ne vem. Je pa DM v West Gate majhen proti večini naših.