Forever Repurchased #2

sreda, julij 02, 2014

 SECHE VITE Dry Fast Top Coat
Best top coat ever! Believe me I am not a patient woman, especially when it comes to drying time of nail polishes and with this my nails are dry in less than a minute. I wouldn't know whether it prolongs the manicure or prevents chipping, since my nails are very strong and hard, hence why my nail polish always lasts very long (my nails don't bend, so the polish doesn't crack and therefore chip making me one of the laziest people when it comes to changing my nail polish), but it does make the nail polish looks shinier. Its only weakness? It thickens up before you have the chance to use it up.
There were a few weeks when I was without it because I was waiting for the parcel with a new bottle to arrive - longest weeks of my life - just kidding, but I did miss it a lot. The most important thing to me is that I can do what I want as soon as possible and not wait eons for my nail polish to dry. This does just that. Sold!

I don't talk about this gem nearly enough which is crime since it's one of the absolute best hair treatments I've ever found. On my scale of hair treatments it comes second right behind Masquitense. Texture-wise it's nothing special, just your run of the mill slightly thicker treatment and the scent is nothing to write home about, but it injects some serious boost of moisture and transforms the dries of mops into decent hair. It makes my hair super hydrated, silky and soft, I tell you this is far superior to anything from the drugstore. There are proteins and keratin in it, so I wouldn't advise this to be used regularly or even on undamaged hair, however, unlike the Reconstructor it can be used alone as it's not as potent (so no additional conditioner needed).

Yes, it's just a regular shower gel, but good lawd does it smell spectacular! It's the scent of my favourite bubble gums from my childhood -   Hubba Bubba in Peach flavour, so that super sweet peach candy scent. It's divine and it always brings a smile to my face. And it costs 0.99 €, what more could you want?

I know, I talk about this ALL the time, but I love it. I've been using it as a face moisturiser for the last three years and I just love how soft, radiant and healthy my skin looks and feels. It's my holy grail.
I'm sure that there are other oils that are probably just as good, but this one feels like it was made for my skin.
Just look how adorable is the current collector's limited edition packaging.

Have a great day!

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  1. tale Balea gel je božanski. :)
    za Nuxe olje pa jaz tudi razmišljam, da bi že počasi bil čas, da ga kupim. :) pa ravno zdaj malo v lekarnah 'akcijo' Nuxe olje+balzam za ustnice za 34€.

    1. Sem videla to akcijo :) Ta balzam, ki je zraven mi je tudi zelo všeč :)

  2. Se kar podpišem pod ta Balea tuš gel, čeprav mi včasih zadiši kar malo umetno, se ga naveličam in potem spet.
    Nuxe olje pa itak!

  3. Yesss tudi meni je ta gel za prhanje TOP. Ponavadi rotiram med dvema, ker se po eni flaški naveličam vonja (in čez par dni bi spet, haha).

  4. Za nadlak ti svetujem, da uporabiš thinner. Missly ima dobrega. Sem že probala z Essence, ko je postal zelo gost in je nadlak kot nov. :)
    Kje pa je ta akcija za Nuxe olje in balzam (ker me oba izdelka mikata), V vseh lekarnah? :D

    1. O, fino. Sem vedela, da ima Seche vite thinner, za misslyn pa ne. I will check it out, hvala :)
      Najverjetneje je v večini lekarn, ker to je od Nuxe akcija, ne od posameznih lekarn. Sem pa tudi na spletnih lekarnah videla ta komplet za 32 € :)

  5. Seche Vite je res top:) Se popolnoma poistovetim s tvojo zgodbo. Jaz sem imela neke Essie nadlake in več nisem vedela kaj naj delam, samo čakala sem kdaj bom spet prišla do Seche Vite:) Imam jaz ta njihov thinner in res povrne lak v prvotno stanje. Se mi pa zdi, da thinner ni nič drugega kot 100% aceton. Bi morala enkrat preizkusiti z kakšnim acetonom iz Merkurja (ceneje in verjetno deluje isto :) ). Joico Hydrator je meni tudi všeč. Poleti na morju ga uporabljam vsak dan namesto navadnega balzama - takrat si res privoščim, ker so drugače lasje kot slama :).

    1. Ja, ko enkrat sprobaš Seche Vite ni nič drugega več dobro :) Bi se splačalo to z acetonom, mi ga imamo polno doma in sem ga včasih dajala v zasušene lake pa je delovalo.
      Joico tudi jaz uporabljam normalno kot balzam in je super za moje lase :)

    2. A je še zmeraj tako, da se Seche lahko razredči samo s Seche Vite thinnerjem? Dve leti nazaj je še bilo tako (moja kolegica prisega na SV, je pa ugotovila, da se lahko seche razredči v prvotno stanje tudi tako, da uliješ notri še več SV laka - obstajajo profi večje stekleničke laka za refilat, vsaj ona je to imela). Pa z acetonom naj se lakov ne bi redčilo, ker je druga osnova, se kao uničuje lak s tem. Nisem pa nikoli primerjala rezultatov, imam samo Mavalin thinner. :)

    3. Vem, da obstaja SV thinner, to je pa vse :D Pa tiste velike flaške sem tudi že videla. Bom pa morala nekaj nabavit, ker ko se SV zgosti je zelo težak za uporabljat.

  6. hey!
    Nice post :) and nice blog, also :)
    I'm following you. You can check out my last post on my blog [ombre nails]:

    have a nice day xx

  7. Brez Seche Vite tudi jaz ne morem več živeti, Nuxovo olje se bo pa tudi ponovno znašlo v košarici takoj, ko ga porabim.
