Jordana Best Lash Extreme Mascara - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Jordana Best Lash Extreme Mascara

nedelja, februar 21, 2016

If you spend any time watching Youtube tutorials, praises of this mascara may not have escaped your notice, but it's not just individuals singing it praises, it also has a very high rating on Makeup Alley where is very uncommon for a mascara to have a rating above 4.0. I'm not one for regular formulas, I say that so often that I have a feeling someone will write it on my tombstone one day, but I wanted to test this one because I thought some might be interested in it. 

Wand: It has the most basic, old school wand that really doesn't look like anything special. But to me, these are some of the best ones (like at Lancome Hypnose). It's not the best at defining, it's more for volume, as is usual for such brushes.

Formula: This is the type of mascara that performs well from the moment you open it. It's among the wetter formulas and it gives a lot of volume and length, but gets even better as it thickens with time. This is a mascara for those who love massive lashes.  Because it's so wet from the start, there is bound to be some mess, so application should be done with a bit more care and very importantly with patience to avoid any clumped bits. Pieces don't fall off during the day, it doesn't flake nor smudge (after it dries on the eyelashes), but don't cry with it. In general it stays on well. It doesn't manage to keep my lashes curled, though I heard some reviews say it's good at these thing, but my lashes drop almost immediately with this one, as I expected considering it's a regular formula and a very wet one at that. The best regular formula mascara I found that isn't a complete disappointment when it comes to holding lashes is Physician's Formula Va Va Voom.

I get the hype of this mascara. It's a volume bomb, just like some Essence mascaras and its very affordable abroad. It's very basic looking, but it delivers. Since it a regular formula it's also easy to remove. After over a month it's still quite wet, meaning it will probably last a very long time, however, it is still a bit messy, so not a mascara I would put on in a hurry. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Super izgleda, tole imam že nekaj časa na wishlisti :)

    1. Jo tako hvalijo na Youtube, da sem jo še jaz želela sprobat, pa sploh ne maram navadnih maskar :D

  2. Mene je pa tale čisto razočarala... za moje naravno majhne/kratke trepalnice ni naredila nič. :P Na tvojih izgleda pa čudovito...

    1. To me je pa presenetilo, ker meni se zdi pa ravno za take trepalnice ta maskara. Res da lahko zlima skupaj trepalnice, sploh če si ne vzameš čas, ampak meni da ogromno volumna. A od Essence Princess Lash ti je isto brezvezna? Če si jo sploh sprobala, ker meni se zdita dokaj podobni po učinku.

    2. Ej sploh ni blo nobene efekta... pač črne je naredila in malo bolj povdarila kot če bi bila brez maskare, to je pa bilo to. Mogoče še dobro, da nisem nikoli kupila Princess Lash, če sta podobni. Meni super odgovarjajo Better than Sex pa zdaj tudi od Lancome Doll eyes. ;)

    3. Lancomove maskare so itak top. Pač so dražje, ampak dobiš za kar plačaš. Od Too Faced pa nimajo vodooporne :(

  3. Sem slišala že veliko pohval o tej maskari. Meni se zdi, da tebi vse te maskare za volumen ustrezajo. Imaš svoje naravne trepalnice itak goste in dolge, tako da ne rabiš neke definicije :D. Meni pa te navadne krtače večkrat samo zlepijo trepalnice. Maybelline Lash Sensational še vedno moja HG, zaradi tega, ker mi drži zavihanost. Ta se mi bere zanimivo, ampak mi ni všeč krtača in če je šrecej mokra, bi mi verjetno kar zlepila trepalnice.
    Tvoje trepalnice pa itak <3 :)

    1. Vsaj to imam na tem svetu, da imam dosti spodobne trepalnice :D Ampak rabim definicijo, ker se mi zatikajo za očala in zato je vsaka v svojo smer obrnjena. Sem se navadila skoraj vedno spodaj uporabit maskaro, ki dobro definira, potem pa volumensko čez. Samo tale je pa tako mokra, da je še vedno lahko problematičen nanos, če si ne vzameš čas. Lash Sensational je tudi meni top :)

      Pa hvala <3

  4. Sounds alright but nothing to be blown away by. Your lashes however? SO BLOWN AWAY BY THOSE, every single time :-)

    1. Nothing I haven't tried like it before. Many affordable brands make excellent maskaras nowadays :)
      Thank you <3<3

  5. The mascara is adding amazing volume to your eyes.
