TheBalm What's Your Type? Mascara "the body builder"

petek, februar 12, 2016

I honestly had no idea theBalm even had mascaras. I've never heard anyone talking about them, but it's kind of obvious that they would have them. There are two versions of "What's your type?" mascaras and I got the volumising one called "the body builder". I don't have the box, but I think there is an actually body builder on it. You may know by now that regular formula mascaras aren't my favourite and to be fair neither is this one, but not everyone has the same preferences as me, so this review is for all those who are interested in such mascaras.

This is such an old school mascara with a basic brush and it doesn't have any special design. I don't think that definition was considered when designing the brush and it is indeed not the best at that, the primary focus is on the volume. I use an old mascara wand to comb the lashes after application, but that's because I'm a fan of a more defined look. The formula is very wet and thick, which means it can clump the lashes together and get messy. I prefer formulas to be almost dry because they perform best on my lashes like that, so I let the mascaras sit for a while before I commit to use them. This one does give a lot of volume and it's a very black formula, so if you're a fan of wet formulas that give you a lot of volume, this one might be worth checking out.

My lashes of course drop like a rock with this mascara, so I had a lot of problems actually taking a picture of it, as my lashes were so low, it looks like I have only half of my lashes, but if you don't have such problems like me, this obviously won't be an issue for you. 

This just wasn't made for me. I have very high standards when it comes to mascaras and holding a curl is at the top of my list, so a regular formula mascara has yet to truly win me over and this one clearly didn't. It's not a bad mascara, but also not mind-blowingly amazing. It's predominantly a volusiming mascara with a thick, wet formula which fails at definition and the latter is one of my top preferences when looking for mascara. I love TheBalm, they have amazing products and it's quickly become of one my favourite brands, but this mascara did not wow me.

Have a great day!

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  1. Hmmm, that's not too promising. My lashes drop low with any non-waterproof mascara really, so good to know I can skip this one. Great review!

    1. I wear regular mascaras only when I'm testing them for reviews or when I'm having a lazy day and I don't want a long removal process, but otherwise they do nothing for me. With non-curled lashes, it just looks like I have none at all.

  2. Ah well, you win some you lose some, thanks for the review!

  3. Waa imaš zelo dolge trepalnice! :) Sama ne morem uporabljati takšnih maskar, ker mi vse trepalnice spacajo skupaj in pol moje oči ne dobijo nobene oblike.. Veš kaj me še zanima, a si morda kdaj sprobala Physicians Formula BB kremo z arganovim oljem? Sem jo videla danes na C2C pa sem se spomnila, da te povprašam :) xoxo

    Visit me:

    1. Hvala :)Jaz imam tudi raje take maskare, ki dobro definirajo.

      Žal nisem :(. Pravzaprav nisem preizkusila nobenega pudra ali korektorja iz C2C, ker so njihovi odtenki meni zelo pretemni, pa potem nič ne dobim od teh stvari.

  4. The results are good but the droopy look isn't very pretty. Now, I know why you didn't like this one much.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I haven't found a mascara with a regular formula that would truly impress me.
