Unboxing: My Beauty Box February - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Unboxing: My Beauty Box February

četrtek, februar 25, 2016

I talked about the January box just this month and that one was not one of my favourites, but they certainly stepped up the game with this one. In honour of the Valentine's Day month, they created a box with seductive reds and pinks along with romantic scents of roses. This box again contains five products: a full size lip gloss by Tanya Burr in Vampire Kiss, a full size nail polish by Revlon in Bewitching, a sample size of Weleda's Wild Rose Creamy Body Wash, a travel size Batiste Dry Shampoo in Cherry and CMD Naturarkosmetik Rose Exclusive Pflegemaske. 
Shades of Tanya's lip glosses in boxes differ as do of Revlon's nail polishes and versions of Batiste dry shampoo. Lip glosses in the boxes are Daydream, Enchanted Forest, Berry Picking, Exotic Island and Vampire Kiss. Shades of Revlon nail polishes are Pink Nude, Bewitching, Vixen and Plum Seduction. Batiste dry shampoos come in different versions too, I've seen Blush in one of them, but the picture also shows Original and Tropic.
The box costs 12 € + shipping here.

Vampire Kiss
I think this is actually already discontinued and the whole brand went through an overhaul, so won't do my usual proper review because it's a waste of my time. I checked Feel Unique and this shade definitely isn't sold there any more, though some of the new lip glosses still have the same names. I actually already bought two of these a couple of years ago, but they weren't for me, regardless I think my friend didn't like them very much. I'm not a fan of lip glosses in general, but these are really not my cup of tea.

The texture is incredibly thick, though not sticky, and the thickness does help in the longevity department, however, it bleeds. The latter shouldn't be a biggie at light shades. The finish is glossy, but not completely like a mirror shine as at for example Dior's Fluid Sticks. These glosses smell like Fru Fru sweets, the strawberry version in particular. The packaging is nothing special, very basic as is the applicator, which is a flat medium-sized doe foot. They aren't bad, but I'm not blown away by it.
Vampire Kiss is a deeper more cool red, a very simple shade that isn't quite opaque, but close.

REVLON Nail Polish
620 Bewitching
A deep cool red shade with a hint of purple. I've done a separated review about it here.

BATISTE Dry Shampoo
I'm a fan of Batiste, but I don't actually care how well dry shampoos perform in terms of absorbing oil, since my hair is never greasy. All I care about is the fragrance and volume. This one smells like cherry blossoms, which surprised me greatly. I always assumed it smells like sickly sweet like cherry candy, but this one's scent is a floral version. Maybe they should call it cherry blossom instead. It's fresh, floral and feminine - I like it! It my favourite Batiste so far. It is one of those shampoos that feels most powdery, hence why I assume it's probably the best choice for sorting out oily hair. It's not too white on my dark hair and whatever is there, I simply brush it out. 
I have the Wild version as well and that scent is very heavy oriental, more appropriate for cold months. I also used to have the Tropical version, which smells like coconut.

WELEDA Wilrosen Verwőhn-Cremedusche
I'll start by saying that I absolutely abhor rose scent. Those granny rose ones that is, not the real scent of roses that grow in the garden, but I've never found a product that would smell like the real deal. This creamy shower gel had the awful granny version when I opened it, so naturally I had a hard time convincing myself to use it, but I did nonetheless. Under a shower it a different, less rosy scent and it reminds me a lot of a face wash I used as a teenager, it was Dr. Scheller Zitronenmelisse Waschgel if anyone remembers it. Basically it's a more citrusy herbal scent. The texture is like a lotion, thick, but runny and it doesn't foam much, but it does feel nice for dry skin. 

CMD Naturarkosmetik Rose Exclusive Pflegemaske
Yet another product with the awful rose scent. I've never heard of this brand, nor do I know where to buy it, but it's a nourishing face mask for dry skin that you apply instead of a moisturiser in a thick layer and you can go to bed with it. The ingredients are lovely, it's clearly a very nourishing blend of almond, avocado, olive and rosehip seed oil, as well as shea butter. It's a medium consistency, so not terribly thick and it's easy to apply. My skin isn't dry this winter, but it felt nice on my skin. I don't have any dry patches, so I could see if this heals them, but I assume it would. It's 100% vegan.

Have a great day!

*Box was sent to me.

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  1. Meni so dejansko tile boljši še od novejših Tanya Burr :) Tisti so šele srednja žalost (khm, made in PRC)!

    1. Mene te Youtuberske zadeve nekako ne pritegnejo, tako da tistih njenih novih stvari še nisem pogledala bolj podrobno. Čudna poteza, da naredijo še slabše glosse. Pa iz Kitajske, ajoj.
