NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Cannes - Mateja's Beauty Blog

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Cannes

petek, februar 19, 2016

These type of liquid lipsticks were my first such matte lip products, except they weren't from NYX, but from Manhattan and those were essentially exactly the same, but since I loved them so much (I had a majority of the shades available), I got three of NYX's as well. Original shades were not the best colour range if you ask me now. Then I got Tokyo, Istanbul and Addis Ababa. The first one was a complete fail (you'll soon see why), nor did I wear Addis Ababa a lot, but Istanbul was my go-to everyday shade for quite a while. They have now significantly expanded the shade range and though I planned on getting a lot more of the shades, I ended up with only one, Cannes, which is perhaps surprising because it's not what I'd call a typical me shade, but I love exploring something new.

Texture: These are creamy liquid lipsticks, but the formula is thin and oily when applied. It then starts to dry slowly and after about 10 minutes it turns to a perfect matte finish. These feel light on the lips, a lot lighter than for example Sleek's Matte Me or Milani's Amore and don't feel like you have a uniform layer of product on the lips. I barely even feel these on the lips, they are only a tiny bit sticky when they aren't completely set, but after that it's like nothing on the lips. Basically no product dries my lips, so obviously nor do these and I can't definitively say these aren't drying (they are matte after all), but compared to Sleek these are so much more appropriate for those who often have dry lips. However, the colour is less rich and intense than at other lip creams, they are bit more watered down. As I said before, these are exactly the same as the now already sadly discontinued Manhattan's Soft Mat Lipcreams.

How it looks right after application:

And after it sets:

Colour: Cannes is my first such shade, an experimental shade. I've seen many girls with a medium skin tone rock this colour, but such shades can look very wrong on pale girls on me. Cannes is a medium peachy-rosy-brown shade. It's luckily more peachy-rosy than brown and though it's has that 90's vibe, it's fresher and more believable as a mlbb shade, though my natural lips as much, much paler and it's tone is more like Nude-ist.

Staying power: These aren't quite as long-lasting as other matte lip creams, but they fade nicer without obvious patches and more like regular lipsticks. They won't survive a meal intact, but how much will survive depends on what you're eating. 

Packaging: Packaging is a classic, lip gloss like tube which is opaque, so you have no idea how much is in. The applicator is a standard doe foot one in a nice size for application, but it doesn't hold enough product for one application.

Scent: These have a sweet vanilla ice cream scent.

Price and availability: I got mine on Boots International for £5.50. You can get them cheaper on US websites like Beauty Joint and on eBay. Feel Unique also started selling these and they even started appearing in some German DMs.

I decided to re-swatch my old shades. They are over five years old and have gone off, but I risked it, I've been keeping them purely for blogging purposes now, so why not use them.

Tokyo is a pale peachy shade with a white base. Absolutely awful on the lips and if I can't pull it off with my super pale complexion, I have no idea who can. Considering the type of shade, it surprisingly doesn't look chalky, dry or patchy.

Istanbul is a very wearable light neutral pink shade. It sets a bit lighter on the lips than right from the tube. I used to wear this one every day.

Addis Ababa is a hot pink shade. It's too cool for my liking and I wish it were a bit more vibrant in person.

It's a large picture if you want to see close-ups. I had completely different lighting conditions, but I made sure that the shades are correct.

I will pick up more of these, I've been delaying the purchase for years for no particular reason and I want Copenhagen, Paris, Ibiza, Zurich and Transylvania.

Emily swatched all of the shades here.

Have a great day!

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  1. Uuu super post :D Vedno me je zanimalo kakšne so te nyx-ove mat šminke :) Cannes je res krasen odtenek :D Si mogoče preizkusila relativno nove beauty uk lips matter velvet matte lip creams? Tvoj opis formule nyx-ovih me je zdaj res spomnil na njih, deluje podobno :)Če še nisi, so tudi res super :)

    1. Hvala :) Imam sicer že eno staro oceno teh NYX lip creamov, ampak je bilo dobro updejtano verzijo napisat, ker sem vmes preizkusila več takih izdelkov. Od Beauty UK jih pa nisem preizkusila, so pa moje najljubše do zdaj so TheBalm Meet Matt(e) Hughes in pa od Bourjois :)

  2. I love these kinds of colors! It looks great on you.

  3. Zanimiv mi je ta odtenek. Mogoče malo preveč roza zame. Ful ti lepo paše, čeprav ni tvoj tipičen izbor ;) <3
    Jaz bi pa verjetno imela še Athens in Morocco. Drugače mi je pa ta formula fantastična. Samo temnejši odtenki mi pa delujejo malo patchy.

    1. Meni se je zdel pa tako "Petra odtenek" ko sem ga preizkusila. Mogoče ti ga na tvojem ekranu kaže preveč roza, ker je v RL bolj peachy. Pa hvala :)
      Transylvania mi izgleda sumljivo patchy, ampak bi jo vseeno imela :)

    2. Mogoče pa res ekran kriv :). Sicer pa je včasih težko kupit take odteneke, ker na vsaki osebi izgledajo malo drugače. Mi je pa itak všeč ta rjavkast odtenek :D

    3. Jaz opažam veliko razliko med ekrani, ker jih imam več na voljo, ampak poskušam barve tako popravit, da je vsaj na dveh ekranih dobra. Pa ja, seveda, na vsakemu je barva malo drugačna :) Je pa Stockholm vseeno bolj zate :D

  4. Looks gorgeous <3 I need to buy Cannes! I've only got Ibiza, I love the formula.

  5. Odtenek Cannes <3 waw, lepo ti pristoji, kot tudi ostali odtenki :) xx

  6. Cannes looks so pretty on you and I really want to purchase it. You should try Antwerp in Nyx lip creams. You'll like it. Great review as always. :)

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. I have Manhattan 53M, which I think may be a dupe for Antwerp or at least very similar. It looks too orange on me when I'm super pale, but in the super it's quite a pretty peachy colour :)

  7. I've been thinking about getting this shade for the longest time! But it seems to be perpetually sold out :( They sound so good! And I'm still extremely jealous of your eyes!!

    1. It is one of the most popular shades, yes. The only place I can find it in stock is on Boots International, but I haven't checked eBay yet. I've had the same problem with tracking down Copenhagen.

      Thank you, but there's nothing to be jealous of :D

  8. I love the matte lip creams, these are beautiful shades x

    Zoe Mountford x

  9. Kje bi lahko našla alternativo temu odtenku?

    1. Kolikor sem zdaj googlala, mislim, da ni nihče našel kakšnega nam dostopnega dupa. Jaz nimam nobenega identičnega odtenka, mu je pa najbližje Kiko Velvet šminka 612 Strawberry Pink.

  10. Istanbul and Cannes look very nice on you :). I haven`t tried Nyx lipsticks ( yet :)) but I will. I recommend you Aura`s liquid matte lipsticks ( if you haven`t tried them already ), they`re really good. I`ve got two shades for now - because of them I neglected my other lipsticks :) Kristina

    1. Thank you :) I've been wanting to get my hands of Aura lipsticks for a while, but we don't have them here :(.

  11. OMG Cannes is adorable, and they set really nicely! All these shades look gorgeous on you!

    Katie | katieemmabeauty.com
