Golden Rose Eyeshadow Crayon 14 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Golden Rose Eyeshadow Crayon 14

torek, februar 09, 2016

During my first ever visit of the Golden Rose counter/stall, I picked up one of their crayon eyeshadows, even though I haven't heard anything about these, but since I found Kiko's Eyeshadow Sticks, I'm a bit obsessed with these types of products because they are the perfect base for powder eyeshadows. They have quite a nice selection of shades, a lot of very familiar colours to me (the classic bronze ones like Golden Bronze by Kiko, some taupes and also some bold shades like blue and green), so I tried to find a nice neutral that's different from what I already have and I chose a shade called 14. 

Texture: The texture is similar to Kiko's and Maybelline's Tattoos. It has that same soft, but silicone-y texture that glides on the lids with ease and is very easy to blend. The pigmentation isn't quite as strong as at those two, but it can very simply be layered up. The format of the pencil that requires to be sharpened proved itself to be an inconvenience of a sort, since the texture is soft and you tend to  use up the product quickly, it therefore needs to be sharpened a lot. Another problem I encountered is that it breaks a lot. 

Colour: The "very memorably named" 14 is a warm bronze-hazelnut shade with a metallic finish. It's a very wearable and simple shade that is a classic crowd pleaser.

Staying power: It's not as good as Kiko's or Maybelline's. I noticed quite a lot of creasing when worn on its own, so I use it more as a base for eyeshadows. With a powder eyeshadow on top, it performs brilliantly, just as all the rest such products.

Packaging: A jumbo pencil that needs to be sharpened. I use Essence's sharpener.

Price and availability: These are very affordable at 3.30 € per pencil.

I always like to write a review months after I got the product because I want to see if it survives the test of time. I found myself not picking it up often as of as Kiko's for two simple reasons - it needs to be sharpened and it breaks. While the quality is very nice, though maybe not the best as an eyeshadow on its own due to creasing, but as a base, it's always the little things that matter. Its a nice product and you'll enjoy using it if you get a shade or two, but I wish it came in a twist-up form instead of a pencil.

Have a great day!

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  1. Jaz vedno tako hitro zapravim te zadeve, ki se šilijo. Kot khol eyelinerji in vsi v oblikah svinčnikov..vedno želim imeti ostro konico in potem vsakič šilim, izdelek pa izpuhti. Res je bolj priročna, če bi bilo kot ima Kiko. Odtenek mi je pa zelo všeč <3 :) Zato ker ima tak rumenkast podton :).

    Btw verjetno si mislila crowd pleaser?! Pa...picking it up as often? Jaz nisem "strokovnjak", samo vem kako je, ko pišeš na hitrco, ali misliš zraven na 100 stvari :D.

    1. Ja, hitreje grejo taki svinčniki, pa še izgubiš veliko izdelka ko šiliš. Ta odtenek je najtoplejši od mojih kremnih senčil, bi ti bil zagotovo všeč :)

      crowd pleaser ja, sem popravila. Hvala :) Sem šla desetkrat čez tekst, ampak včasih ne vidiš svojih napak :) Danes me je nekaj drugega zamotilo.

  2. Aw, too bad about the cons... Because the color is truly gorgeous.

    1. Well, nothing is ever truly without cons, right :) I am bothered about how much it breaks, but I like it as a base for powder eyeshadows :)

  3. Ah, I hate sharpening pencils too because they always get broken. The shade is lovely but I wish it came with a twist up packaging.

    Chaste & Beautiful

    1. So true. I used it today and the tip just fell out. Very irritating, but the formula itself is nice :)
