It's Mateja's Beauty Blog's 10th Birthday + a Giveaway
ponedeljek, september 21, 2020I don't even know what to say. I've been trying to come up with something original for days now, but I've got nothing. All I can do is a few unimportant sentences and basic stats. No deep thoughts on the current state of blogging because I don't care anymore. Though at least I planned a giveaway, which is something, considering I completely forgot my 8th anniversary (then randomly remembered in November) and all I did last year was a pathetic quick story on Instagram. 10 years. A lot of time to waste on something so irrelevant as makeup and beauty, yet I enjoy it. For now at least. I hope you still find my work somewhat helpful, I try to do my best. I guess I'm gonna do this for a while longer, but we'll see what the future brings.
I thank all of you who are subscribed or just passing by for taking the time to visit my blog or Instagram, read my work or just check out the pictures. Thank you for every view, comment, Instagram and Bloglovin' like, repin on Pinterest and links to my blog, I value every one.

Number of views: 8.5 million
Number of posts: 1,259
Number of comments: 14.5 thousand
Most traffic still comes from Google searches, second from Pinterest, then Facebook and Instagram.
Top searches on Google that lead people to my blog are strangely "amazon" and less strange that is followed by many variations of "mateja's beauty blog".
Pictures are links

By the way, most read posts about Mac lipsticks are on top due to views from Pinterest and the "20 MAC lipsticks swatched plus their dupes" is still the fourth most read in this year (after Catrice Luminice), but so it's not repeated below, I excluded it.

How to curl stubborn and difficult-to-curl lashes is an ancient post that gained popularity through Pinterest (most pinned image in recent years), so I decided to update it with better pictures. How to Determine your Skin's Undertone is also here due to Pinterest, but I actually originally wrote this post in Slovene - Slovenke lahko (sicer krajšo) objavo Kakšen podton kože preberete na Click2chic blogu. Vse iz časa ko je bil blog še aktiven lahko vidite na tej Pinterest tabli.
I'm currently working on updating some favourites posts and my routines. These are the ones I've done so far, but I have several others lined up like current skin care, favourite foundations, mascaras, lipsticks, … You can find these and some older such posts on the page called Reads.
I mentioned Pinterest above and you may not know that I use it a lot. I have all the posts arranged on my Pinterest board as a more visual version of directory. I'm not sure you can see it without an account, but those who have it might find it more helpful than a classic directory. Also my wishlist is there, as well as what I already tried arranged in simple groups of what I loved and disliked, as a quick way of seeing what works for me. I've also done a board with all the swatches in one place.
I'm sure you already know this, but I also run Subrina's, Click2Chic and Green Line Facebook and Instagram accounts, where you can see more of my pictures, as well as stories with mostly hair care and colouring tips.
This is for residents of Slovenia only, I'm sorry to my international readers, you know I'd set it up differently if shipping cost weren't an issue. I picked two products I've never tried myself. I just got two things that I assumed are popular and will make one of my readers happy. I'm giving away Huda Beauty Medium Nude Obsessions palette and Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Pillow Talk Original lipstick.
Za sodelovanje je potrebno odgovoriti le na eno vprašanje v Rafflecopter obrazcu, drugo pa ni obvezno ampak prinaša dodatne glasove za žreb. Na novo mi mi treba nikjer slediti, ker ta nagradna igra ni namenjena povečanju številk. Nagradno igro ni treba nič deliti - raje vidim, da ne, ker želim, da nagrado dobi nekdo, ki me resnično spremlja in bere, torej ne ena naključna oseba, ki me je odkrila le zaradi giveawaya. Zaključi se v nedeljo 28. septembra 2020. Veliko sreče!
Thank you again for all the support over the years and have a wonderful day!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPoucne vsebine in res res res lepe fotografije!
Najlepša hvala <3
IzbrišiČestitke Mateja, 10 let je super dolga doba! Občudujem tvojo vztrajnost :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČestitke Mateja! <3 Jaz sem res vesela, da po vseh letih še vztrajaš. Tvoje objave so vedno zanimive za nekoga, ki pač obožuje makeup in vse povezano z lepoto. Fotografije so itak vedno božanske in objave vsekakor uporabne za nakupovalca. Želim ti, da te ne mine volja. Pokrajina se mogoče spreminja, ampak zato imamo pa pač druga omrežja preko katerih delimo to ljubezen do lepote. Jaz vsekakor občudujem tvoje delo na IG storyjih, ker imaš verjetno kar dela z vsem. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala <3 Ja, IG storying vzamejo isto časa kot blog objava, ampak kaj pa naj, če otroc samo še to gledajo :D
IzbrišiMateja, čestitke še tukaj. <3 Veš, da te občudujem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti, da nas po teh letih še vedno razveseljuješ s svojimi natančnimi ocenami in prekrasnimi fotografijami. :) Upam, da nikoli ne obupaš in da boš še doooolgo z nami delila strast do kozmetike.
Hvala <3 No, saj kot sem ti rekla - za zdaj se mi še da :D
IzbrišiČestitke! Berem te že leta, čeprav redko komentiram. Lahko potrdim, da še vedno z veseljem preberem vse tvoje objave, kupujem (in redno dodajam na wishlisto xd) produkte, ki jih pohvališ, saj se kupec res vedno lahko zanese na tvoje ocene izdelkov. Čeprav sama nisem v bloganju, sem vesela, da še vztrajaš ter da kvaliteta tvojih objav po toliko letih še vedno ostaja top:))
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajlepša hvala <3 Upam, da pa vseeno ne povzročam prevelikih računov v drogerijah :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiI bookmarked myself to read this post later.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat's fine ;)
IzbrišiMateja čestitke! krasne objave in super blog :) edina škoda, da ga nisem že prej odkrila :D vendar že nadomeščam za nazaj
OdgovoriIzbrišiLp, Nastja257
Najlepša hvala <3
IzbrišiCestitke ob obletnici, 10 let je res dolga doba. Veseli me, da se vedno vztrajas, tvoje vsebine so bile odlicne ze od samega zacetka
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajlepša hvala <3
IzbrišiČestitam! <3 Še vedno z veseljem berem vse tvoje objave :D Upam, da boš še dolgo vztrajala. Meni je res škoda kako branost blogov pada, včasih dobim kar motivacijo za pisanje, ampak jo potem kar hitro spet zgubim ravno zaradi tega.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala <3 Meni je branost padla, ko je Bloglovin začel poste objavljat v okviru njihove strani, tako, da še vedno ne vem, če je to razlog za manjše številke in je preostal del zapisan kot del Bloglovin statistike. Vsako tvojo objavo vedno preberem in je pravzaprav preko Bloglovina.
IzbrišiBravo ti Mateja! Odličan rad, ovaj blog ima sve, mislim ne znam jel stvarno ima sve ali kad god sam ja tražila da vidim neki review ili swatch, ja sam to našla :) Plus sam videla i druge zanimljive artikale šminka. Slike su vrlo lepe! Srećan rođendan i tako da nastaviš da pomogneš tvojim postovima! 👏🏻
OdgovoriIzbrišiCongratulations on so many amazing years of blogging!! I cannot wait to continue reading your posts! Good luck to all involved in the giveaway!
OdgovoriIzbrišiCharlotte / Charlotte's Picks