New In #20 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

New In #20

sobota, avgust 23, 2014

URBAN DECAY All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray
I finally managed to get a hold of the travel size of the famous setting spray. Hailed as the best setting spray that truly keeps your make up in place, I desperately wanted to try it, however, since I've never tried any setting sprays before, I didn't really want to splurge for the full size without testing it. It certainly works, however, although supposedly 88% of women claim it's the best thing to prolong makeup, actually I find that Max Factor All Day Primer perhaps works a bit better. The combo of the two is of course unbeatable. There will be a full review.
Feel Unique, 11.70 €.

BOURJOIS Cream Blush 
03 Rose Tender
I bought another one of these, since I absolutely adore 01 Nude Velvet. These are without a doubt my favourite cream blushes because they apply so easily and have a lovely velvet-matte finish. 03 is a classic pink blush - the kind that gives that adorable i-just-came-from-the-cold flush. There will be a review with swatches.
Feel Unique, 10.39 €.

BEAUTYUK Posh Palette 
Oh, how I wanted to love it. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it the first time and it has precisely the combination of colours I love, featuring matte and satin shades. But damn the pigmentation! It's so poor, especially the mattes, actually almost all the shades I really like are of poor quality. I'm so tired of these cheap palettes, I'd rather buy UD's Naked than faff around with these wannabe dupes, but that's just my humble opinion. I'll do a review with all the swatches.
Kozmo (Croatia),  49.99 kn (6.5 €).

CATRICE Beautifying Lip Smoother 
020 Apricot Cream
I didn't really plan to get this as I already owned Clarins Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector in the past until someone nicked it (may your foundation always look cakey, whoever you are!) and I never thought of it as being anything particularly special, but when I saw these in DM, I just instinctively grabbed one. I actually really like it. It's such a wonderful, creamy and balmy lip gloss, it feels quite luxurious on the lips. My only issue with it is that it gets a bit odd when it's wearing off, like it's peeling, but I just wipe it off and apply it again. The colour is very nude for my liking, but pretty nonetheless. I'll do a review.  
DM, 3.79 €.

BOURJOIS  Volume 1 Seconde Mascara Waterproof
Wow it took me forever to buy this. I set upon finding a more affordable waterproof mascara that would hold the curl well. Based on my first use, it's a mascara that gives a lot of definition and some volume, however, not so much length. It's still pretty wet and prefer mascaras when they are a bit drier, so when that happens I'll give you a full report, but so far its curl holding abilities didn't not impress me.
Müller, 14.25 €.

CATRICE Nude Illusion Foundation
010 Nude Ivory
This is a brand new foundation by Catrice and I've already mentioned it in my recent wishlist post. It feels like a typical old school foundation with that thick texture and a lack of silicones that would provide slip, however, it still applies nicely and gives a matte finish. Actually the bottle says luminous matte finish - that's exactly right. None of that heavy, my-skin-can't-breathe mask finish, but light, healthy matte skin-like finish. What most impressed me about this foundation based my short time of owning it, is how fantastic it holds on the skin. Even after seven hours my skin looked matte (without any powder on top!), but in a healthy way and it just looked like my skin is flawless because the pores weren't so visible. I need more time using it, but there will be a full review. 
By the way, the lightest shade is similar to Healthy Mix 51, maybe a hint darker, but neutral.
DM, 7.69 €.

L'OREAL Color Riche L'Ombre Pure 
106 Breaking Nude (matte)
No one in the drugstore can make an eyeshadow quite like L'Oreal. After the Infallibles, they've scored again with L'Ombre Pures. This particular shade is soft, super pigmented, blends well and has good staying power - a dream texture. The colour is just stunning and perfect to apply in the crease. I completely adore it! I think I might pick up some more matte shades. I'll do a review with swatches.
Műller, 8.99 €.

CATRICE Ultimate Nail Lacquer
59 First Class Up-Grape
It is very rare that a nail polish catches my attention in the shop, but this one certainly did. The colour is stunning, a dark purple with red tiny shimmer giving it a very warm undertone, however, I finally get why everyone dislikes Catrice nail polishes - the formula and the brush are awful. I'll post swatches. 
DM, 2.59 €.

I <3 MAKEUP I Love Sin Palette
Hmmm… When I got this, I was immediately put off by all the bright colours. I'm very much a neutral girl at heart and one that just barely got into eyeshadows, so a neon pink is not something I'd wear (actually, I though this is such a Taya palette). I <3 Makeup is a subsidiary brand of Makeup Revolution and why exactly did they feel the need to create another brand is beyond me, as they have very similar products in their standard line. I Love Sin palette has 18 eyeshadows ranging from matte to shimmery, most are bright colours and there is a handful of neutrals. The quality differs from shade to shade - the neon yellow-green is absolutely rubbish, while the bronze shade is just lovely. I'll post swatches.
I was sent this by Ličila.si. Cena: 10.95 € (trenutno 7.45€).
Makeup Revolution, £7.99.

AUSSIE Miracle Hair Insurance Lightweight Conditioning Spray
I'll openly admit, I bought it purely for the scent. It has the same bubble gum scent as the Miracle Moist shampoo and the 3 Minute Miracle - divine! Based on one use I can say this has no frizz control whatsoever, but hydrates the hair well enough. Still, Sexy Heathy Hair leave-in is miles better. I need more time using it, but I'll report in time with a full review.
DM (Croatia), about 5-6€.

This is a very popular pre-wash treatment for damaged hair that helps reduce breakage. It is ridiculously expensive, but so many people rave about it, so I ordered a small size to try it out first. You're supposed to apply it on damp hair before washing your hair and conditioning. I've only used it once and so far I can say it's a good treatment, though, I'll have to use it longer before writing a review (here is a picture of my hair the first day after using it). By the way, this has no scent whatsoever.
Feel Unique, 19.50 €.

REDKEN All Soft Heavy Cream
I got this based on a recommendation from Petra from Adjusting Beauty and it's been on my wishlist forever. Haven't used it much yet, but so far I can report that it suits my super dry hair. It's not as good as Joico Intense Hydrator, but it's definitely one of the better treatments available. There will be a review in time.
Feel Unique, €20.67.

Lavender Hydrolate
I wanted this because I expected an intoxicating lavender scent (I love lavender), but much to my disappointment it smells like something's gone off. Lavender hydrolate  is supposed to be good for problematic skin as it is antibacterial, but it can be used on all skin types and it's said it's good for itchy scalp as well. I've been using it on my face for the past two weeks and my skin looks pretty good at the moment. I just wish it smelled better.
Random souvenir shop in Zadar (Croatia), 50 kn (about 6.5 €).

GATINEAU Melatogenine AOX Probiotics Youth Activating Beauty Serum 
I quite liked this serum. It's a light, milky white serum that absorbs quickly and I definitely needed something on top as my skin felt a bit tight after it absorbed, however, during the short trial my skin looked quite good. It smells very inoffensive and nice. Ingredients here.

CAUDALIE Vinosource S.O.S. Morning Eye Rescue 
Another thing that I liked and I don't even use eye creams. It moisturises well, yet it is light enough that I would apply makeup over it.

EBELINE Pinzette 
I have the most rubbish tweezers on the planet that I bough a million years ago and I've been avoiding buying a super expensive pair, though I'm aware it pays to invest. Taya recommended Essence tweezers and for the life of me I cannot find them (looked in three countries no less), so I settled on Ebeline's. These look similar to Tweezerman's with the sharp slanted edge and I've seen three different colours (aside from the hot pink also a baby pink and I think a navy or black). I have to report that I find them clumsy, too big, not particularly precise and they rip the hair. I need something smaller, perhaps the mini Tweezerman's version.
DM, 1.99 €

Molecule 01 Iso E Super
Me: (shoving my wrist under their nose ): Hey, do you smell anything?
Every-person-I-asked: "What? Erm..No. Well, maybe. A bit. Why?
Me: But would you say it smells nice?
 Every-person-I-asked: (shrugs shoulders): Meh.
Remember that fragrance by Escentric Molecules called Molecule One? The one that every British blogger was raving about forever and then some more because it supposedly attracts compliments? Well that famous molecule is called Iso E Super and it's not spectacularly rare or so exceptional that it might justify a 80 € price tag for 100 ml. There are a lot of these Molecule 01 dupes on eBay, which are just a dilution of Iso E Super in perfumer's alcohol. I didn't quite know what to expect as it's a fragrance that's supposed to smell different on each individual and you yourself can't smell it, but you smell nice to other people. I ordered a small bottle, so I wouldn't be too disappointed and so far I am a bit disappointed - it smells like, I don't know, almost like nothing. It's such a weak scent that smells like water, earth and wood, like walking in a forest or similar to the oris root note in Britney Spears' The Naughty Remix, but super gentle and it lasts just a few seconds. It's a bit too masculine for me and I guess my chemistry does not comply with this scent because I read tons of favourable reviews, but no one can smell anything on me. I'll try mixing it with other scents and if my opinion changes, I'll give you an update.
 I bought it from a Slovene seller on eBay for 13 € (50 ml, seller's name is Tributes 8 and he offers free shipping worldwide)

Invisibobbles dupes
These look so silly to me. I just don't get why anyone would want to wear telephone cable in their hair, but curiosity got the best of me and I picked up a pack of 5 in a Chinese shop. They hold well, but look odd on the hair. They supposedly leave no trace in the hair, but that never really posed a problem to me. Personally I prefer the soft elastic ties, the ones I make myself and the ones from O'Twist (they started selling these hair ties everywhere, even Eveline has their own version).
Chinese shop, 1.5 €.

Have a great day!

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  1. Sem bila presenečena, ko sem preizkusila Catrice Nude Illusion v trgovini - ekstremno lahka podlaga, a se je takoj spremenila v mat teksturo. Mogoče malo premalo prekrivna za moj okus. Bom počakal tvojo oceno:).Catrice lak mi je všeč. Bourjois maskaro imam že 2 mesca in mi še kar ni všeč - imam navadno verzijo, ne vodoodporno. Sem šla kar nazaj na mojo L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes. Ebelin pinceta pa je meni drugače zelo všeč, sploh ker je bol debela in ker ima odrezano spodaj. No me veseli, da ti je Redken maska dokaj všeč;) (hvala za omembo).

    1. Prekrivnost se mi zdi nekje srednja kar je meni dovolj, mogoče pa ne zate, ker vem da imaš rada še bolj prekrivne pudre. Sicer se da lepo nanesti še kakšno plast čez:)

      Jaz sem tako navajena na megasuperdobro Hypnose, da dvomim da me bo Bourjoisova zares prepričala, ampak je treba počakat, da bo bolj suha.

      Redkenova maska mi pa dobra, tako da hvala za priporočilo :)

  2. I can confirm that Iso E Super is good for layering: you might find it interesting to tone down overly sweet perfumes or to add depth to greener, woodier fragrances. Anyway Iso E Super is part of many commercial fragrances, it clashes with practically nothing, just play around with it liberally! :)

    1. Thank you for the advice :) I'll definitely try it with different fragrances :)

  3. invisibobble - got mine as a freebie, i'd never think of as you say "telephone cable" for my hair :-) i get this impression that it does leave traces on my hair and even tangles it.

    1. I don't like how they lose their shape after first use and the tie itself gets tangled. I just like the good old classics for my hair :)

  4. Aussie izdelke imajo zdaj tudi v Müllerju:)
    Zadnjič sem kupila eno masko tam, cena pa je bila okoli 7€ nekje če se prav spomnim.

    1. Vem :) Ampak tega balzama v spreju pa nisem videla pri nas, v hrvaških DM-ih pa ja.

  5. I love, love, love the UD setting spray as well, but I got mine in de-slick for oil control.
    Thank you also for the tip on Feel Unique, never heard of it but it seems that my credit card will get some use today :)

    1. I just used it yesterday on a girl when I was doing her makeup for a wedding and she say it lasted all day. Great stuff :)

      There are quite a few of these UK sites, Feel Unique is probably most known, but mostly I find better bargains on HqHair, Look Fantastic and Beauty Bay. Also All Beauty is nice, but it has high-ish shipping costs.

    2. If my husband asks, I'm blaming you for the €50 that I just left at the Feel Unique. The Naked palette was on sale and I've had my eye on it for quite some time now but never got around to it (also no shelf space left in the bathroom and too many palettes which confuse me in the morning).

      But yes, thanks. I will probably have a look at the other pages some other day when I get over this guilt trip ;)

    3. Oh, and another thing. Since you've obviously got great insight into all of the brands and pages, you probably know if there is any EU based online store that ships Benefit to Slovenia? Thanks :)

  6. OMG, and I mean OMG! Just found Benefit on Lookfantastic. I cannot thank you enough!

    1. Yes, Look Fantastic recently started to ship Benefit. Also Boots International :)

      Naked palette is well worth investing in, I wouldn't feel too guilty if I were you ;)

  7. Ooo, a imamo že tele L'orealove senčke? Zgleda, da se bo treba do Müllerja v kratkem odpeljat :D

    1. Aha, že kar nekaj časa. Ti jih zelo priporočam :)

  8. I just bought one of these Beautifying lip smoothers from Catrice and like it: I took the darker shade in Cake Pop :)

    I really like the fact that you like cream blushes, this is really hard to find in the blogging community. Since I like them too, it is nice to see swatches and read reviews about them.. thanks!

    1. I love cream blushes :) Bourjois' and Maybelline's are my favourites.

  9. Wowza, that's a lot of new goodies you got there! I've heard great things about the Catrice Lip Smoother.

  10. LOL kabel za telefon. :D It cannot be unseen. :D Sicer pa čudovite pridobitve, se že veselim podrobnih ocen. :)

  11. I am absolutely IN LOVE with your blog! Really enjoyed reading it, a lot :) X
