Empties #13

četrtek, januar 15, 2015

This was a nice drugstore makeup remover, however, it's not as good as Bioderma. It feels the same, so like water and it's also unscented, but it just wasn't as effective and I needed to use a lot more of it. But considering the price, it's a great drugstore buy.
Repurchase: Yes.

This was one of the two drugstore creamy cleansers I tried when I was searching for a decent, budget-friendly replacement for Balance Me Cleanse & Smooth Face Balm, but unfortunately this didn't wow me at all. It's a standard creamy cleanser that cleans well and keeps dry patches at bay, but my skin didn't like this as much as the cheaper Good Things one. The strong granny-ish rose scent wasn't appealing either.
Repurchase: No.

I did not like this at all. I picked it up quite a while ago when I couldn't find my regular remover from Maybelline and I was struggling to use it up. It's a classic two-phase oily remover that's meant for removal of waterproof make up, however, the two "phases" wouldn't stay mixed after shaking the bottle for more than a few second. It's not particularly oily and that's probably one of the problems as it proved to be much less effective than my usual one and it required a lot more rubbing to get the mascara off (and even then I wasn't convinced it removed all). There are better drugstore ones.
Repurchase: No.

Pure Melt has such a unique texture that starts off as a thick gel, which when massaged into the skin turns into a thick oil and when water is added it emulsifies. It does a great job of removing make up, especially when it comes to waterproof mascara (it is an oil based cleanser after all). There is a slight filter left when just rinsed off with water, so I prefer using a washcloth to completely remove it and as most oil-based cleansers it makes my vision very foggy. I liked it because it removes makeup very well and has a unique texture, however, my skin didn't look as good as when I used other cleansers and my forehead became bumpy again. 
Repurchase: I don't think I will.

My favourite ever moisturiser and I will miss it so much. It's light, yet intensely moisturising, sinks in super fast and leaves a semi-matte, velvet finish on the skin, so it's a perfect choice for under make up. If only it weren't so expensive…
Repurchase: Yes.

This was such a hit and miss. Each of the strips worked differently (there were three). I followed the instructions exactly for the first one meaning I re-wetted the strip before peeling it off, but instead of pulling the blackheads out, it separated and left sticky blue goo on the skin that needed to be washed off.  I used the second one as I'd normally use any other, so just peeled it off after 15 minutes and it worked very well giving the strangest feeling of satisfaction when looking at all that gunk on the strip. The third one again malfunctioned and did a mix of the previous two experience - it worked on some sections, but still left the blue goo on some areas. These smell weird, like that red stick glue everyone had in school (Pritt, I hated it). I'm going to try strips from some other brand. Any recs?
Repurchase: No.

This is my favourite foundation and it has been for years. I love it because it looks incredibly natural on the skin and gives a light-medium coverage. The shade is very yellow, but it still blends well in my skin tone. I'm on my third or fourth bottle.
Repurchase: Already did.

LIP SMACKER Coca Cola Cherry and Coca Cola Vanilla
I found these lying somewhere in the drawers as I must have completely forgotten about them probably due to them being unremarkable or just because of my general indifference to most lip balms. Cherry version smells just like the real stuff in the bottle, so that candy sour-sweet scent, while Vanilla smells close to the original Coca-Cola. The formula is creamy and moisturising, and I can't deny they're not good lip balms, but I barely used them because I always use Palmer's Swivel Stick or Labello Peach.
Repurchase: No.

Average. That's the best way to describe this shampoo. It foams marvellously and it smells great as well, but it's not moisturising, in fact, it stripped my hair a bit, but not dramatically. It's a nice shampoo for those whose hair isn't particularly dry and it might even work for those with oily hair, but I can't be sure. I just really loved the bubble gum smell.
Repurchase: I don't know, maybe.

I often raved about this in the past and it was in my top 5 favourite drugstore hair treatments post. I have very dry, thick hair that demands a lot of moisture and quality products, and this just delivers. The bubble gums scent is a huge plus as is the packaging. I'm happy that they finally started selling these in Slovenia, so I don't have to keep ordering online.
Repurchase: Yes.

(old packaging)
You may know that I'm a huge fan of Kérastase, especially of their Nutritive line which just suits my dry, coarse hair like nothing I've ever tried. Nectar Thermique is my favourite heat protectant because I really notice the difference on my dry hair. It feels more nourished and even silky after blow-drying. When my hair feels especially dry (usually it's in winter), I apply this more generously than usual and it fixes the problem. This is the old packaging and I must say that getting the last bits out was a chore, but I already have a new one, which is in a soft squeeze tube.
Repurchase: I've already got a new one.

I think it's safe to call this my HG and to this day it remains to be the only stick deodorant that I've repurchased (several times now). Every deodorant so far stopped working on me before I used it up, but this one is really doing its job. It keeps me fresh, but keep in mind I don't sweat a lot, the most important thing is that it keeps BO at bay. This with Nivea Pearl & Beauty one are my power combination.
Repurchase: Yes.

I really, really like this deodorant. It smells so lovely - powdery floral and just very feminine. It's far better than any of those Balea deodorants, which are just fragrance because this one has powder in it that absorbs moisture to a certain degree.
Repurchase: Yes.

I enjoyed this a lot. It looks like a cheap scented shower gel, but it actually lathers well and feels expensive. It has the same scent as the fragrance, which sort of reminds me of a vanilla version of Chanel N°5 as I find it has the same soapiness in it, probably from the jasmine note.
Repurchase: Maybe.

When I got this scent, it wasn't like I expected it to be. It's not a Rafaello type of coconut scent, but less sweet and has that touch of artificialness especially from the start. Otherwise it's a lovely coconut scent, in fact the closest to the real thing I found. It has a nice staying power and it's very inexpensive. I liked it especially for mixing with other fragrance to add a coconut note to the scent (vanilla-coconut-amber was a particularly nice combination). I've had this bottle for a really long time, too long in fact and the liquid turned grey, which was my cue to just use it up already.
Repurchase: Maybe.

Loved this. It's one of my favourite scents ever and one of those that could be worn on any occasion. I get a nice burst of peach from the start and then it settles into a nice clean-but-sophisticated/ fabric softener kind of scent. I purchased the La Rive Moon dupe of the same fragrance and it smells pretty much the same.  
Repurchase: Yes.

I will probably always have a bottle of this in my collection, you just cannot ever really let of the scent that was for a time "a signature scent". It's a scent for sweet tooths with a combination of kiwi and lychee notes over an even more gourmand vanilla with white chocolate base. It's the definition of űber girly and yet when someone wearing this walks by me, I can't help myself thinking: ''Man, does she smell great.'' Great fragrance and you can get it for a very reasonable price online.
Repurchase: Yes. I already ordered The Nice Remix version, which is very similar. 

Have a great day!

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  1. Zaradi tebe sem si tudi jaz kupila LaRive Moon, kot da nimam že dovolj dišav :P Ampak je super in poceni, zadnjih nekaj dni ga neprestano uporabljam <3
    Sem si pa za Aussie Reconstructor obljubila, da bo naslednji na vrsti za nakup že ko sem prebrala Tatjanino oceno, ampak kaj ko tako počasi uporabljam balzame, da se mi zdi da teh, ki jih imam na zalogi ne bo nikoli zmanjkalo -.-

    1. Si ne bi mislila, da je lahko parfum, ki ga lahko kupiš tudi v Intersparu tako dober :) Res je prekrasen <3

      Meni pa balzami tako hitro grejo. Jih namenoma kupim kakšne 3-4 naenkrat, da mi ni treba prepogosto kupovat :)

  2. Joj meni tale Essence "obliži" za nos tako smrdijo, pa še včasih mi ostane kaj lepila na nosu haha.. meni so fajn tisti Balea iz DM :) .. Sem pa tudi jaz imela tale C.A. tuš gel in je bil res prijeten in bolj luksuzen :)

    1. Oh, to Pritt lepilo je meni vedno tako smdelo. Sploh pa ne vem zakaj bi morali obliži bit odišavljeni. Iz Dm jih pa še nisem preizkusila, hvala za priporočilo :)

  3. Jaz se kar ne morem pripraviti, da bi ponovno kupila HM, ker imam nekaj podlag, ki jih želim porabiti, ker vem, da če ga vzamem, bom posegala samo po njem, ker je res najboljši.Tale Aussie šampon pa meni skupaj z Aussie balzamom odlično ustreza, da ne govorim o vonju. Božansko. Je pa cena žal malce previsoka. :/

    1. Imam vedno en HMS v zalogi, ker ga dosti mešam z drugimi pudri, da jih naredim boljše :).
      Tile Aussie res lepo dišijo, ampak ja, 8 € je veliko denarja za "drugstore" balzam. V ZDA je veliko cenejši.

  4. Odlican post! :)
    Mnogo mi se svidjaju Aussie proizvodi :) jako ih koristim, a 3 Minute Miracle je moj omiljeni!

    Nikoleta, xoxo.


    1. Hvala :) Meni je tudi 3 Miracle Miracle najljubši Aussijev produkt :)

  5. Meni so tile Essence obliži bili čisti crap, prav tako tudi od Balea...Edino od Nivea vem da so mi bili v preteklosti všeč, samo nevem če jih še imajo....
    Me je pa tale gigantski Yes pri Britney parfumu nasmejal :D

    1. Niveini so celo prvi, ki sem jih preizkusila, ampak že milion let nazaj, pa se spomnim da niso nič naredili, čeprav je čisto možno, da "najstniška jaz" nisem imela pojma kako to sploh dela :D Mislim, da jih še imajo.

      Sploh nisem opazila, da sem dala veliko pisavo tam :D Pa tolikokrat grem preverit objavo *face palm*. Čeprav si zasluži velik yes, ampak grem vseeno spremenit :)

  6. Za ogrce je zakon zmesat zelatine in mleko pogret v mikrovalovki in nanest na nos. In potegne vn ogrce super, pa se bol8 ne tok koker mene tile oblizi. Poisci na youtube video od Phanove mislim da je.

    Men je tok skoda ker je Bourjouis tok rumen :'(

    1. Sem preizkusila ta recept že nekajkrat and hated it with passion each time. Sploh se ni strdilo pa še miljonkrat bolj bolelo kot obliži. Ne grem več delat :D Mislim, pa da je originalno bil ta recept prvo na Pinterestu.

      Res je škoda, ko bi vsaj bil bolj nevtralen, ampak meni je še kar ok, drugače ga pa večinoma mešam enim od mojih bolj roza pudrov :)

  7. Teli obliži za ogerce so meni od Balee najbolj fini :D Res vse vn potegnejo :D
    Oh Fantasy js mam mogoče za 2x pošpricat še not pa nočem porabit :(

    1. No potem moram sprobat te Balea obliže, če bodo za kaj :)
      Jaz sem mojega šparala nenormalno dolgo. I have a problem... :D

  8. Got the Kerastase Nectar Thermique leave in and I love it. Definitely worth the money

  9. Pore strips have never worked for me and I have tried several brands. I think you're better off just using a clay mask.

    1. I never see much effect from the clay masks on my blackheads, but then nothing else really works either. I can see the stuff from my pores on these strips, however, I don't see much improvement on the skin. I guess I just shouldn't be bothered...

  10. Bas si bila vredna,volim tvoje empties postove.

  11. Jaz imam še dve tubi Kerastaseja v tej stari verzije. Iz ene sploh ne morem vsega ven spraviti. Pa še prerezati se mi ne da, ker mislim, da se bo prehitro posušilo. :/ Nekako se ne morem navdušiti nad tem Yves Rocher parfumom. Sem preizkusila nekaj vonjev v trgovini in so se mi vsi zdeli, kot si napisala artifical. Jaz še kar "šparam" ta Britney parfum, da mi ga slučajno ne zmanjka:).

    1. Jaz bom kar prerezala če je še kaj notri, čeprav se mi zdi, da sem vse spravila ven :) Ampak je res nepraktična embalaža, še dobro, da je zdaj v mehkejši tubi.

      Tudi meni od začetka ta YR parfum ni bil kaj preveč všeč, ker je tudi meni dosti umeten (želela sem nekaj kar diši prav kot Rafaello), ampak ko sem ga nosila je bil vsem zelo všeč in so takoj prepoznali vonj kot kokos ter nihče ni rekel, da diši preumetno. Še posebej čem ga mešala z drugimi parfumi, ta umetna nota ni prišla do izraza.

      Meni gre kar na smeh ko se zavem, da sem parfum, ki ga lahko dobim od 15 € naprej tako šparala :D. Ta flaška je celo samo 30 ml. Ampak se ga tako vsaj nisem naveličala.

    2. Haha, hecno ja to s šparanjem. Ampak kaj hočeš, če ti je nekaj všeč, ni pomembna cena:). Jaz imam z vsemi parfumi ta problem, da jih kar šparam. Na koncu še zadje nočem porabiti in vedno malo pustim v flaški. Pa tudi vse steklenice imam shranjene. Oh, zdaj sem dobila idejo, da bi to lahko bila kakšna posebna objava:).

  12. Joj jaz ti nikakor ne priporočam Baleinih obližov :D Tako zelo me je bolelo, ko sem ga hotela odlepit in po tem se imela še filing kot, da sem si kožo dol strgala :S Meni je z ogrci edino pomagal Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing piling, sicer ga ne uporabljam več (kupila in porabila na Portugalskem, ampak zdaj vidim, da ga imajo tudi na Salmi). Sem mislila, da mi bo morda clarisonic kaj pomagal s tem, pa mi ne, tako, da ga bom verjetno spet kupila :)

    1. Oz.bom verjetno prej še kaj drugega sprobala, ker je kar visoka poštnina :D

    2. No, saj to večina tako boli ali si samo prav s temi imela take izkušnje? Hvala za tole priporočilo :) , čeprav vidim, da tudi na Salmi ni na zalogi (nenormalno veliko stvari v resnici sploh nimajo) in se popolnoma strinjam glede poštnine. Jaz ravno zaradi poštnin in odkupnin ne kupujem v naših spletnih trgovinah, pa zato ker nimajo paypala.

  13. I love empties posts... they're always so fun to read. This was no exception! I have that Britney perfume as well, I like it, it reminds me a bit of my teenage years! :)

    1. Thank you, Astrid :) I actually wore Puma fragrances and Paco Rabanne Black XS in my teens, while I got Britney when I was already 20 :)
