Golden Rose Velvet Matte Lipstick 12 - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Golden Rose Velvet Matte Lipstick 12

torek, februar 02, 2016

When I was asking about what's good from Golden Rose, these Velvet Matte lipsticks were the top recommendation. I usually feel very overwhelmed in front of a new stand, so I almost always research the shades online before going to the shop and I found a comparison of shade 12 with Mac's Mehr on Instagram. It's not a dupe, but a similar shade and I wanted something like that to see how such shades would fit me. They have an impressive selection of colours, 27 here in Slovenia I believe, and I was right to check the shades before because I really wouldn't know where to turn. I picked shades 12 and 23, but unfortunately they didn't have the latter in stock, so I picked up a dupe colour in the Crayon Matte Lipstick form instead. While I like those, I actually find the lipsticks a bit better.

Texture: Compared to their matte crayons, these are slightly less creamy, but that doesn't mean they are too thick to apply. This shade applies nicely, though if you have dry skin on the lips, it will emphasize patches, so exfoliate before, at least at light shades. It's a nice matte lipstick, quite creamy once you get through the top slightly harder layer and the texture reminds me of a mix of Mac's matte lipsticks and Milani's Mattes. The finish is decently matte, it still has a little bit of a shine, so it's not like liquid lipsticks matte, but pretty good and I like to blot it so I get that proper matte finish.

Colour: 12 is a medium muted pink-rose shade. I can imagine it looking almost a my-lip-but-better shade on medium skin tones, but on me it's like a darker version of my natural lip colour. It's like a darker version of Bourjois' Nude-ist on me, even though when I swatch them side by side, Nude-ist appears darker and brighter. I heard it looks almost orange on some people, but on me it's definitely leaning to pink. 

Staying power: It stays on rather well. I thought it was long gone after several hours of eating, drinking and talking, but it was surprisingly still hanging on. It's not an outstanding staying power like at some liquid lipsticks, but really good.

Scent: It has a gentle warm vanilla scent, but more fake vanilla that cupcake vanilla.

Packaging: A rubberised burgundy tube. Well-made and not flimsy at all.

Price and availability: These cost an affordable 3.90 € in Golden Rose shops/stalls.

I'm a fan of this shade, it's become like my second Nude-ist, so I shade I just grab without thinking because it works well with any look and brings some colour to my face. The quality of this lipstick is fantastic for the price, though I have tried many very affordable matte lipsticks and there are some really impressive ones to rival these. Crayons and Velvet Mattes are similar, even in terms of the shade selection, so you can choose the form of lip colour you prefer, but I like Velvets a bit more because they have a better matte finish. If you happen to stumble upon a Golden Rose shop, these are a nice little buy.

You can find swatches of all shades at Makeup Arena.

Have a great day!

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  1. Mene je tudi tale premamila, čudovit odtenek in ful ti paše :) sem pa šele zdaj preko tebe ugotovila da imam doma dupe za Mehr, haha (rimmel 104) :)

    1. Hvala :) Rimmelovo 104 imam že nekaj časa na wishlisti, pa je nisem nikjer našla, ampak saj zdaj imam itak to GR 12, ki je close enough :)

  2. So po tvojem mnenju Avon mat šminke boljše?

    1. Tistih pa še nisem preizkusila :) Mogoče ima Sara (Passing Fancy) kakšno Golden Rose Matte Velvet šminko, da ti bi lahko primerjala, ker ona ima vse Avonove mat šminke.

  3. Does kiko 612 suit medium skintone with neutral to warm undertone?

    1. I can't be sure, since I'm pale, but it's a neutral medium brown-peachy-pink shade, so I think it would suits such skintones. But it'll look lighter than on me :).

  4. Meni je tudi tole ekvivalent Nude-istu, čudovita, kvalitetna, pa povsod paše <3

  5. Hello my favorite blogger <3
    I have this lipstick and I absolutely adore it. I also have it in 7 other shades (02, 10, 14, 20, 27, 31, 32), with 20 being my favorite one and 27 my most worn one (12 is second most worn). Apparently, a lot of these are MAC dupes, 31 is a dupe for Velvet Teddy, 27 is a dupe for Kinda Sexy, 29 is a dupe for Smoked Purple.
    I saw one thing the other day that made me think of you- Too Faced is releasing Sweet Peach palette this spring, it's supposed to smell that way too :D
    Thanks for a great review once again, finally something that I already have, as you're quite guilty of most of my makeup purchases in the past couple of years :D (THANK YOU <3)

    1. I almost forgot- it's criminal how expensive the lipsticks are over there! Here in Serbia, they are 2 euros and crayons are even cheaper!!!

    2. Hi :) Wau, that's an impressive collection :) I love the look of 14, I don't know how I missed it. I think we don't have shades above 27 yet here or maybe I just forgot if I saw them, I've only been there once for a few minutes, but the dupes thing sound intriguing.

      I heard the new about the peachy palette :) I'm sooo enjoying the Chocolate Bar palette I just got, it's so amazing, maybe I'll like the look of the peachy one too :)

      I hope you didn't spend too much because of me :P

      Wow, that is some serious price discrepancy. Now I feel a bit cheated :/ Why do the always do that, it's so unfair.

    3. Where do I even start, Nuxe oil, Balea body butter, Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum, Catrice blushes, Catrice Nude Illusion, L'Oreal eyeshadows, a ton of nail polishes and lipsticks, Essence jumbo pencil that they're discontinuing (RIP, though new spring collection has one that looks just like it), Bourjois Poudre de Riz, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but generally what's available at DM here in Serbia, student budget doesn't stretch too far :D It does help that we're close in age and skintone xD
      Thank you for replying, you're super nice!

    4. Oh and perfumes, can't believe I forgot about those, Lady Gaga Fame and La Rive Moon.
      I never regretted any of my purchases and I'm enjoying all those things daily.
      I trust you so much that I don't even bother checking other reviews online when I see something I like on your blog :)

    5. That great to hear that most things suit you:) I buy mostly budget stuff too because I'm very frugal, hence why there are so little high-end stuff here, with exception of hair stuff, but for this birthday I finally treated myself a bit more, since I was saving the entire year.

      I actually just got send a few bits from that spring Essence collection, but sadly not that liner. It would be nice to at least compare them. Anyway I'm stocked up, I bought three before they are gone.

      Thank you for your trust in me :) That's so nice to hear and I hope there are as little miss buys in the future :)

  6. Ta barva ti zelo paše, Mateja! Zdaj pa še mene mika. Zadnjič sem šla mimo standa in vzela barvico za ustnice in je glede na ceno res super :)

    1. Hvala :) Dobre stvari imajo za njihove cene. Mi je bilo do zdaj, kar se kvalitete tiče, vse všeč :) Škoda, da nimajo stojala tudi v NM.

  7. Zdej me pa vedno bolj mikajo GR izdelki. Ta odtenek mi je čudovit.

    1. Zdaj ste dobili stojnico v Kopru, a ne? Tale odtenek je res lep in primeren za vsak dan :)

  8. Too bad about the fake vanilla smell, but otherwise this sounds great. Looks great, too!

    1. It's actually barely noticeable :) But Makeup Revolution's Pro Lipsticks are so heavily scented, they can knock someone down :D

  9. Imam isti odtenek, tale mi je res všeč :)

  10. The lipstick looks beautiful. It leaves with a nice matte finish.

    1. It's close to proper matte finish, for a lipstick that's really good :)

  11. I have GRVM 12, but on me it looks completely different, much darker, leaning to brown... I love this lipstick anyway, its texture is very pleasant :). I've been following your blog for some time, your posts are really something else :). I'm commenting for the first time now but there will definitely be more of my comments in future :). Kristina

    1. I actually heard from another subscriber that it looks orange on her. I guess it's such a shade that looks a lot different on different skintones :)

      Thank you, Kristina :) Looking forward to you comments :)

  12. Ta odtenek mi je bil zelo všeč in ga imam tudi sama.. Mi pa žal ne pristoji.. Ampak tebi pa res super!! :) xoxo

    Visit me: http://naturallymarcela.blogspot.si/2016/01/milani-lipsticks.html

  13. Has anybody with brown eyes tried this colour??

    1. I changed mine to brown in the same picture if it helps: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1FtWMsaug-4/WLt81ukgtfI/AAAAAAAAU1o/OOFVn8EbLB0Qm9fE7pL2YLaIGPT53C_fwCLcB/s1600/Golden%2BRose%2BVelvet%2BMatte%2BLipstick%2B12%2B%25285%2529.jpg
