The Lipstick Tag - Mateja's Beauty Blog

The Lipstick Tag

nedelja, avgust 16, 2015

I had a request to talk about my lipsticks and I have indeed planned to do so for a while now, as in my mountain of post drafts, I had not one, but two lipstick inspired tags. One is called The Lipstick Tag and the other the Lip Products Addict Tag. I decided to combine them in one post as some questions were basically the same. 

1. What was the first lipstick you owned? 

I sort of answered this in my Make Up Memory Lane Tag a few months ago. The question there was about the first makeup item ever and as a true lipstick enthusiast it was of course a lipstick. It was one of L'Oreal's Color Riche ones in a my-lips-but-better rosy colour and I was 13 when I got it. I lost it within a month (this is a different Color Riche on the picture, but the packaging is still the same). 

2. What is your favourite lipstick brand? 

That's a hard one. I have so many different brands in my collection and the one thing I've learned through the years is how good drugstore lipsticks have become. On my All-time favourites page I have Catrice's Ultimate Colours under the category of regular lipsticks because they combine a great formula, affordability and lovely selection of shades. But there are so many other excellent lipsticks and the ones I have to mention are Bourjois' Rouge Edition and L'Oreal's colour Riche.

Of course if I consider liquid lipsticks here as well, then my absolute favourite are Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet.

3. What is your most worn lipstick? 

I swap colour so very often and it's not uncommon that I change it several times daily, but a couple of years ago my answer would be Catrice's Ultimate Colour 250 Matt About Pink, which I wore almost every day (it's now sadly discontinued). I guess if I have to pick one that is my default shade that I just pick up when I'm in a hurry, or I need to look good without being too made up, it would be Bourjois' Rouge Edition Velvet in 07 Nude-ist.

5. What is your favourite finish?
Matte. Especially at bright and deep shades.

6. What was the last lipstick you bought?

It's been a while, so I had to check in my New Ins and Instagram, but it was Kiko's Velvet Mat Lipstick 612 Strawberry Pink that I got back in March . That's the one I bought, but since then I got sent several lipsticks and I believe the last one was Hot Shop Lipstick 01 from Born Pretty, which turned out to be way too orange for me.

7. How many lip products do you currently have in your bag?  

Technically five, but I have two bags. In the big one, where I also have an emergency bag, I keep Catrice Pure Shine Colour Lip Balm 070 I Don't Red It for a sheer red pout, a mini H&M lipstick in Perfect Red that is a gorgeous, super glamorous red and a Burt's Bees lip balm, which I literally never use. In my other smaller bag, which I carry most often, I keep Max Factor Colour Intensifying Balm 30 Redefined Rose for a no fuss pink and I actually reach for it very often, and I also carry a dinky sample of Avon Ultra Color Indulgence lipstick in Red Tulip which Petra (Adjusting Beauty) sent me for my birthday. 
Why I have so many reds, I don't know.

8. What is your favourite red lip colour? 

L'Oreal's Color Riché Pure Reds Collection Exclusive in Blake. People you need this in your life. I think that everyone deserves one fantastic red in their collection and this one is so worth it. It blows all other reds out of the water, including the old classics from MAC, which I have four including Ruby Woo and Russian Red.

9. How do you store your lipsticks? 

Basically all my makeup fits into two smallest drawers in my Alex unit and even those are a third empty. Some lipsticks are in the two makeup/lipstick organizer units that I got from Müller, while the others are in Ferrero Rocher plastic boxes (as you can see I eat a lot of that stuff). The lip liners are in a candle holder that I got years ago in Rutar.

 10. Which lipstick are you currently lusting after?

I'm currently on a search for a perfect warm red-purple, think Mac's Rebel like. I saw a swatch of La Splash Studio Shine Lip Lustre in Aurora, but I don't buy that the colour actually looks like that. I'd like to give Wet 'n' Wild Megalast Lipstick in Sugar Plum Fairy a try, to see if it looks the way I want.
I have a few others on my wishlist, which you can see here.
Edit: I found the one! Rebel wasn't it, but MAC's D is for Danger is. Swatches here

11. Favourite balm/treatment? 

For several years now it's Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick. It's basically the only lip balm I ever use, excluding the Labello's Fruity Shine Peach Lip Balm as that one is more of a gimmicky product to me since it's a tinted lip balm with little moisturising properties. But I must confess that my lips don't even need a lip balm any more. For some reason my lips are never dry.

12. Best luxury and best drugstore?

I haven't even tried that many luxury brands when it comes to lipsticks, but my pick would be Lancome Rouge In Love Lipsticks, however Bourjois Rouge Editions feel pretty much exactly the same on the lips. 

13. Best MAC lipstick? 

Without a doubt Relentlessly Red. It's bloody gorgeous and I never found anything similar. It's a bright red-magenta pink with a matte finish. I still only have a sample that I save like crazy, but one day I hope I'll get a full size of it.

16. The most disappointing? 

Not exactly disappointing, but lacking in quality - it's Makeup Revolution's lipstick. It just feels cheap. Their Iconic Pro didn't wow me either. I'm also not a fan of Essence Longlasting lipsticks. The formula is ok, but they last a total of 15 minutes on the lips.

17. Liner, yes or no? 

Oh, yes. I also love wearing lip liners on their own, especially light colours. My favourites include Bourjois' Contour Edition Lip Liner 02 Cotton Candy, Essence's Lipliner 12 Wish Me a Rose, which is a dupe for Mac's Please Me, the űber gorgeous Catrice's Longlasting Pencil 070 I got you Babel, Essence's Longlasting Lipliner 05 Lovely Frappuccino as the 90's lip colour that actually looks like one against my pale complexion and Kiko's Smart Lip Pencil in 709 Magenta because it's a stunning red-pink shade. When it comes to reds, brights and deep shades I almost always use a lip pencil to fix the outer edges.

18. Best gloss? 

That would be L'Oreal L'Extrodinaire Liquid Lipsticks. They are expensive, but so lovely. The formula is super creamy, comfortable and these have great pigmentation. They also smell like peaches which for me is a huge plus.

19. Something extra? 

Some of my other favourite shades. Mac's Peach Blossom as my choice for a nude, Shiseido's Glowing Matte Pk224 Sugar Babe for the perfect peach on my pale complexion, Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet 02 Frambourjoise because it's an amazing pink-red shade, L'Oreal's Colour Riche in Laetitia for the best ever burgundy shade, Mac's Dangerous for a bright, warm orange red. Revlon's Ultra HD in Rose for a classic, everyday pink that smells like Planica ice cream, Revlon's Colorbust Matte Balm in Unapologetic for a bright coral-pink that is a good dupe for Mac's Impassioned and Catrice's Ultimate Lipstick 360 MATraction for an amazing deep red-pink.

My entire collection, which I posted a while ago on Instagram:
And link to a Lipstick Tag I did four years ago here

I hope you enjoyed this picture heavy post and have a great day!

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  1. ahhh, candy for my eyes :D Tele L'Oreal bi takoj preizkusila ampak me embalaža odbija. Mac, Revlon, Bourjois in Catrice so moja najljubša izbira znamk za šminke <3

    1. L'Orealove lip glosse ali šminke? Od glossov mi je embalaža všeč :) Ja, te znamke res izstopajo po kvaliteti. Od Bourjois bi rada še kakšen odtenek :)

  2. Čisto npter sm padla :D pa sem že mislila da imam jaz preveč šmink :D

    1. I'm not stopping any time soon :D Res jih rada nosim, pa menjam večkrat na dan :)

  3. Šminkeeee <3 Sugar Plum fairy bi bila mogoče po tvojem okusu, ampak jo je malce težko lepo nanesti na ustnice zaradi formule (klasična mat, zdrži nenormalno ampak suha je pa tudi nenormalno...)

    1. Sem se psihično pripravila na suho mat formulo :D. Upam, da mi bo okej, ker moje ustnice niso praktično nikoli suhe :) Res si želim, da bi bila barva prava.

  4. Yay, this is soooo the tag for you! It was really fun reading your answers.

    P.S.: I finally found that Catrice lip liner!!! I'd been looking for Upper Brown Side for the longest time after I finished my first one and now I finally have one again.

    1. It sure is and I'm glad you liked my answers :)

      Really? I actually went to look for it here because I remembered how much you like it, but I couldn't find it. Our Catrice stand is desolated though because they still haven't put on the new things, so everything else is out of stock as well.

  5. Thank you :D I designed the makeup desk myself :)

  6. Uaaau kako lepe slike :)

  7. Imaš pa zajetno zbirko. Zelo lepe fotografije :) Super imaš to organizirano. Jaz sem moje spet vse zapolnila. I really need some better storage :/

    1. Hvala :) Jaz imam še prostora :D In dosti teh Ferrero Rocher škatlic. Ampak v zgornjem predalu imam pa podolgovate plastične posodice iz Bauhausa, da lahko blushi stojijo en za drugim.

  8. Woww that is lovely post and wonderful tag :) Like all lipsticks you own :) It seems they are all perfect :) And finaly, I saw you full size makeup table - it is lovelly.
    Very interesting post ;)


    1. Thank you :) I'm very proud of my makeup table :)

  9. Ahhh, slinim se, slinim.
    Čudovita kolekcija šmink in če prav berem morem imeti L'Oreal Blake šminko. Laetitio imam, upam da se jih še kje najde. Je na moji WL.

    Bom tudi jaz naredila ta tag, ker imam sedaj že nekaj šmink. BTW krasna kraaaaasna zbirka!

    1. Blake se definitivno splača kupit, da imaš Laetitio pa vem :) Blake sem videla pred kratkim v Müllerju in DM-u, ko sem gledala še za Juliane.

      Super, ga bom z veseljem prebrala. Pa hvala :D

  10. You have such a great collection of lip products and their colors are so cute! Great tag post!

    Chaste & Beautiful

  11. Ahh, super tag. <3
    Všečna zbirka, sploh teh nude-roza in vibrantno roza odtenkov. :))
    Moram tudi jaz kdaj ta tag narediti, ampak bo težko na kup najdet vse šminke, ker mam v vsaki torbici/toaletki vsaj 2. :P

    1. Hvala :) Upam, da ga narediš kdaj :) Veš kako nas vse firbec matra o takih stvareh :D

  12. In ti nisi hotela Nude-ista, a? :D Je pa meni odtenek Sugar Plum Fairy tudi všeč, tebi bi 100% še bolj pristajala, ampak je skoraj nikoli ne nosim, ker mi je nanos nenormalno težak pa ko Sahara mi ustnice naredi, kar se mi nikoli ne zgodi :D

    1. I know, I know. I'm such a silly woman :D

      Ha, vsi mi govorite, da je Sugar Plum Fairy smotana za nanašat. Mogoče bi pa raje vzela od MR Velvet Rebel, čeprav njihova kvaliteta me ravno ne navdušuje :/

  13. OMG It feels like lipstick party when I see your collection :D I love it so much. It is always fun to read the lipstick tag



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