Makeup Wishlist TAG

sobota, november 17, 2018

I was tagged by Sandra from Keep Calm, Wear Lipstick blog to do a wishlist tag - you can find her's here (post is in Slovene). I post my wishlists regularly in monthly favourites if you're interested and I have a wishlist board on Pinterest.

#1: What's the next makeup item you want to buy?
I'm currently actually looking more into computer components and I just got quite a few PR products, so I have no makeup items that I really want to buy, at least for a while, but when I was browsing in DM, I saw that Versace Crystal Noir is very reasonably priced and I've been in DM twice already with the intention of buying it, yet I walked out without a new fragrance.

#2 If you could walk into Sephora today, what product would you get if money were no object?
I'd like Smoke & Mirrors Conditioning Cleansing Oil. I've never seen a cleansing oil for hair, but it sounds perfect for my dry mane. 

#3 What's the oldest item on your Sephora Loves list?
I have no idea, but probably Hourglass Ambient Lighting powder, though I never use powders and I'd prefer a blush from this line.

#4 What's the newest item on your Sephora list?
Benefit Roller Lash since there are several people who recommended me to try it.

#5 Which fragrance is at the top of your wishlist?
Like I said above it's Versace Crystal Noir, but also very high on my list is Paco Rabanne Olympea Intense or Olympea Aqua Legere - I can't decide between the two. 

#6 Which new launch are you most looking forward to?
I'm not excited about anything really. Balea Body Parfum Jellies caught my attention because it's something different, but I doubt they are any good.

#7 Are there are drugstore items on your wishlist that you're postponing buying?
I'm the queen of postponing - I've just purchased Deborah liquid lipstick (which is amazing btw) that was on my wishlist for years. Number one is Essence Glow to Go highlighter palette which I always put back on the stand. There's also Avon Mark nail polish is Rain Washed, H&M blushes, Catrice Glam & Doll False Lashes in waterproof, L'Oreal Nail Polish in Nude Mademoiselle that I've seen at Metka two years ago and a super cheap S-he Nude nail polish in 040 to name a few - all have been on my wishlist for years and I have all the rest on my Pinterest. Oh, and another one of Beyu Beauty Queen mascaras, but I know I'll buy something cheaper again (like I just did Essence Lash Stylist) or use up one of my PR mascaras that I end up hating 95 % of the time.

#8 Which eyeshadow palette is on your wishlist?
I'm going to end up sounding so pathetic here, but Makeup Revolution Fortune Favours the Brave. It's so cheap, there have been tons of offers so far and I've swatched it a million times when it was still sold in DM, and yet, I just keep avoiding it. I have trust issues with MR stuff, it's just not quite there yet in terms of quality, apart from their highlighters. That one is my reasonable wish, but my unobtainable one is Tartelette in Bloom since it looks like a collection of shades I wear most.

#9 Product you wish for your birthday or Christmas?
I haven't been thinking about it, I don't get gifts for Christmas anyway. I already know I won't buy any of the Paco Rabanne fragrances because prices are so high, and I doubt I'll ever splurge on a Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush because I don't think it's really so good that it deserves such a price. I'll probably something from Bath & Body Works because I adore that brand.

#10 Which product do you wish was available in your country?
I'd love to see shade 50 of Bourjois' Healthy Mix foundation in drugstores (I mean honestly, what the hell were they thinking when they were picking shades for Slovenia. Do pale shades really sell so bad here? 90% of people I know buys the lightest shades), also the three lightest shades of Max Factor Radiant Lift foundation because I have two bottles of the stuff in such dark shades, but the formula seems very interesting, dry to the touch, yet glowy. I'd also very like to see Colourpop here one day, or at least a warehouse somewhere in EU so we wouldn't have to pay customs.

#11 What's on your wishlist, but you'll never buy it because of high price?
I don't put many very expensive things on my wishlist. I find it almost insulting when a company has the gall to charge an obscene amount of money for a beauty product, especially brands like Charlotte Tilbury that I won't get anything from out of principle, no matter how many praises I read on the internet. Also crazy expensive skin care brands like Drunk Elephant or Sunday Riley, even Hourglass, but since the stuff I want are powders which tend to last me forever, I'm a bit more lenient to that. But I am a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to hair because I am willing to shell out 30+ € for Moroccanoil Intense Hydrating mask when it runs out because it's the only thing right now that makes my hair normal and it's a thousand times better than anything drugstore.

#12 If a beauty genie could grant you one wish, what would it be?
A cheap amazing hair mask, a Moroccaoil dupe, but so far everything falls short.

I don't know who to tag, so I tag everyone.

Have a great day!

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  1. Podpišem pod vse od Hourglassa. :)

    Te Balea jelly parfume sem zadnjič videla v Avstriji in so res cute. Malo je meni cena pretirana, sploh glede na to, da ni bilo testerja, da bi sploh preizkusila kakšni so vonji.

    Jaz bi tudi rada dodala še kakšen blush od H&M-a, ampak nimamo beauty oddelka nikjer v bližini. Vem,d a so v LJ včasih znižani na 2 ali 1€. Nisem pa nikoli opazila, da bi bili znižani preko spleta.

    Colourpop bi pa že res lahko naredil neko skladišče v EU. Po mojem bi se jim prodaja precej dvignila. Vprašanje pa če imajo dovolj delovne sile za kaj takega.

    1. Sem pričakovala, da za Balea parfume ne bo testerjev :/ Itak mi je zanimiv le koncept, ne bi pa kupila. Imam nekaj podobnega od L'Occitane, pa nikdar ne uporabim.

      To pa nisem vedela, da so H&M blushi včasih znižani. Nisem bila v Cityparku že zelo dolgo, grem raje na Rudnik zaradi Leclerca.

      Glede na ogromno popularnost bi res že lahko naredili skladišče kje na tem koncu ali pa vsaj začeli s prodajo na kakšni evropski spletni trgovini. Dvomim pa da se do kdaj to res zgodilo...

  2. Hvala, da si naredila tag. <3 Sem vesela, da ti je uspelo. :)

    Versace CN je tudi všečna dišava. Jo je že pred leti imela moja prijateljica in vem, da mi je bila precej všeč, ampak je zaradi višje cene nisem nikoli kupila.

    Kakšna pa je tale Olympea Aqua verzija? Se mi zdi, da je še nisem preizksuila. A je v primerjavi z Intense bolj sveža, lahka?

    Catrice vodoodporna maskara je precej dobra. Mene pa žal tale Makeup Revolution paleta ni prepričala in sem jo dala dalje.

    Olympea Intense dišava je res pretirano draga, zato jo jaz noro varčujem, čeprav mi je božanska in bi jo brez težav lahko nosila vsak dan, tako jo obožujem. :)

    Pri meni je Bath & Body Works trenutno ena redkih znamk za nego telesa, ki me pritegne in bi imela vse. Pa tudi The Body Shop, ko je končno pri nas. :)

    Tudi meni ni jasno, kaj se dogaja z odtenki svetlih pudrov pri nas. Ne mogoče je v drogeriji najti puder, ki bi ustrezal po odtenku in povrhu še po formuli. Ne vem, kaj je finta, da ne dobimo vseh odtenkov pri nas..
    Colourpop se tudi jaz ne bi branila, super shock senčila so mi perfektna. Jih imam kar nekaj, pa bi z veseljem povečala še zbirko, ker imajo veliko unikatnih odtenkov. Še posebej se ne bi branila kakšnih palet senčil iz omejenih izdaj, ki so vedno tako luštne.

  3. Hvala, da si me taggala :) Versace je 40 € za 50 ml v DM-u, kar je celo ceneje kot na Salmi (s poštnino). Se mi zdi kar v redu cena.

    Olympea Aqua Legere je podobna originalu, ampak brez jasmina, ki mi ni najljubša nota. Diši najbolj umirjeno od Olypej. Imam tester tudi navadne Aqua verzije, pa mi je že prerezka na začetku ker ima premočno solno noto, ampak Legere je že boljša. Je v Müllerju za sprobat :)

    Sumim, da bi tudi jaz tole MR paletko hitro postavila v kot. Tako je še vsaka končala ker se kvaliteta enostavno ne da primerjat z mojimi dražjimi paletkami. Tudi tista famozna čokoladna. Ko bi vsaj obstajala taka paletka z podobnimi odtenki v FFTB pri znamkah katerim 100% zaupam, torej TheBam, Too Faced in Urban Decay.

    BBW stvari me skoraj vedno popolnoma navdušijo, edino razočaranje je bil vonj Mango Mandarine. Meglice so fantastične in ultra shea tudi. Anti-bakterijskih gelov imajo malo morje različnih vonjev - škoda, da nimamo fizične trgovine tukaj.

    Meni se pa zdi, da se je stanje zelo izboljšalo v zadnjih letih kar se tiče odtenkov, zato mi pa je tako čudno, da so se za MF odločili za tako temne odtenke. Pa Deborah ima menda še en odtenek Extra Cover 00 za katerega so se odločili, da ga pri nas ne bo. Sicer zaradi mene kakor želijo, zdaj je že ponudba svetlih odtenkov pri drugih znamkah dovolj velika in grem pač kupit drug puder. Njihova izguba, ne moja.

    Colourpop paletke so meni nezanimive zaradi pretoplih izborov odtenkov. Oni imajo pa sploh vse roza-rdeče. Edina hladna paletka Fame je pa preveč boring. Sem naročila par nevtralnih Super Shock senčil, čeprav me tudi tam izbira odtenkov ni navdušila. Kam so šli časi taupe-bronze odtenkov brez rdečkastih-vijola podtonov?
