Bourjois Rouge Fabuleux 07 Perlimpinpink
torek, april 23, 2019
Following their fantastic matte Rouge Velvet The Lipsticks, which remain some of my all-time favourites, Bourjois launched a new range of lipsticks called Rouge Fabuleux. This is their newest creamy formula, which is different from their Rouge Edition one, yet the satin-creamy finish is pretty much the same. Contrary to Bourjois' usual shade range, this line features quite a few very wearable neutral, everyday colours which immediately grabbed by attention in the shop. I've always been more of a matte finish girl, so I hope they add some similar shades to their Rouge Velvets too.
Texture: Formula feels exactly the same as Velvets at application, meaning it has that super slippery, buttery texture which feels so lightweight on the lips, however, unlike Velvets it leaves a creamy-satin finish with a moderate amount of shine. It's comfortable on the lips as you might expect from a creamy formula, but I wouldn't describe it as hydrating, meaning it won't dry your lips, however it also won't fix them like some creamier formulas do.
Shade: 07 Perlimpinpink is a warm light-medium pink shade that against my pale skin tone ends up looking quite bright, but I suspect it will look less punchy on darker skin tones. Compared to 02 Frozen Pink from the Velvets line it's peachier and more vibrant.
Staying power: Velvets have a impressive staying power since they are matte, these one aren't as long-lasting since they are creamy and don't set. But the formula stays put and fades nicely, so you don't have to worry about and you still get several hours of wear time.
Scent: reminds me if cheap crayons, but it's not strong.
Packaging: is the same tube as Velvets except in black and with a plastic section in the shade of the lipstick at the bottom. The cap holds really tight, so some force is needed to open these.
Price and availability: These cost 12.99 € and are sold in drugstores.
This is just another in a long line of high-quality lip products by Bourjois. Formula is very smooth, pigmented and has a nice creamy finish without being too prone to smudging. The shade range is a big plus at this line because they are plenty of wearable shades to choose from, thought they also have some red, a raspberry and a deep shades.
Have a great day!
*PR product
Zdaj komaj vidim kako lepe pramene si si naredila. Ti prav pašejo. <3 Imam občutek, da ti zdaj še topli odtenki ličil bolje pristajajo. Tako kot ta šminka, deluje kar toplo na tebi, ampak ti paše :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz imam v rdečem odtenku to šminko in mi je všeč. Na mojih zelo suhih ustnicah se dejansko posuši v mat finiš po določenem času, kar mi prav odgovoraja. Imam semi-matte finiš, ampak malo bolj negovalno in manj izsušujočo formulo :). Nisem pogledala kakšne odtenke imajo v naboru, ampak če praviš, da je več nude odtenkov, bom naslednjič vsekakor pogledala, če bo kdaj kakšen popust :D.
Hvala :) Uh to je šele druga stopnja :) Sem šla še čez dve in sem svetlejša. Nimam slik ker vsaka kamera pretirava rumene tone in ni realno.
IzbrišiLepi odtenki so, večina je bolj nude-naravnih. Jaz sem pa do zdaj že kar pozabila na to šminko, medtem ko Velvet verzijo redno nosim :)