Current Skin Care - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Current Skin Care

sreda, april 09, 2014

It's been a really long time since I last posted about my skin care routine and because I'm really happy with the state of my skin at the moment, I think there is no better time for an update. A lot has changed and a lot stayed the same, but basically since I revamped my skin care, my skin is a lot more balanced, I'd say very close to normal with my T-zone being just a bit oily sometimes, however, the dryness I was experiencing before mostly in winter months is gone. 
Previous skin care routine posts can be found herehere and here.

 Make up Removers
A nice drugstore micellar water, definitely my favourite budget one. As all I've tried so far, it feels like water and leaves no residue. I don't find it as effective as Bioderma since I use more cotton pads and product to get my skin completely clean, but the final result is the same. I use Garnier and Bioderma interchangeably.

A staple in my skin care since 2011. It's the best micellar water I've tried and I'll keep repurchasing it. It removes make up fast and leaves no residue behind - all in all it's a fantastic product for my skin. I buy it at a local pharmacy.

(Augen-Make-Up Entferner Spezial Waterproof) 
This is another product I've been buying for years. I wear only waterproof mascara because I have the most stubborn eyelashes that refuse to stay curled (and are a pain to get them curled), so I have to use oily removers. This one is a standard two-phase make up remover that removes waterproof mascara, but it does leave a greasy residue, though it doesn't make my vision cloudy.

Coconut Oil
I use it as a make up remover occasionally and I actually prefer it to Maybelline's remover because I notice how good my skin looks the next day, but it's a lot greasier and makes my vision super cloudy. It also works great as a moisturiser.

I'm on my second tube so far of this balm cleanser with oatmeal exfoliating particles. It cleanses the skin while leaving it moisturised and I know that this is the main reason I'm dry patches-free, since regular gel/mousse cleansers left my skin super tight and dry, therefore dry patches appeared. This makes my skin look and feel nice, the only downside is the price.
I use washcloths to remove it.

Toner/AHA treatment
This is the product that keeps my skin, mostly forehead, smooth and clear. Though it contains gycolic acid, it's still moisturising, so it feels more like a lotion and it's super gentle (doesn't sting one bit, even if I have a small wound). Though, I'm a bit apprehensive about using AHA's so often, I haven't had a bad reaction, my skin did not become more sensitive and if I stop using it for a while my skin reverts to it's previous state with a bumpy forehead. I tend to apply it only on my forehead and chin, occasionally all over the face. I also cut the cotton pads in two and I only use a few drops per use. It's super expensive, but this is becoming a staple in my skin care routine. The only other product that made my skin look the same way is the much more expensive Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair.

My favourite moisturiser so far. It's sinks in fast, it's super hydrating, leaves a smooth, semi-matte finish and the skin feels almost velvety to the touch. It's the best moisturiser I've found for wearing under make up. The skin looks so healthy after using this and in general the skin improves over time in terms of hydration levels. My second favourite moisturiser that I've used up several tubes of is Eucerin Aquaporin Active Light.

If you're an old follower on my blog, you'll know that I've been using this every day for three years already. This is a staple in my skincare, much has changed, but this stayed. This is one of those products I can hardly imagine being without. It keeps my skin super, super soft, radiant and healthy looking. It's a dry oil, so it actually doesn't feel that oily and it sinks in in minutes. It's a multi-purpose oil, so I use what's left on my hair and it keeps it in good condition. 

Extras and non-every day items 
I don't use face mask that often because I can't be bothered. 
 This has a really high rating on Make up Alley and it's really affordable for such a massive tube. It's a standard clay mask that is super thick and it draws out impurities from pores, but I dare not apply it on my cheeks because it completely dries out my skin. If you have really oily, problematic skin you'll love it. 

I've been using this since probably around 2006, so I've gone through a lot of tubes of this. I try a different mask every now and then, but I always come back to this one. It's another clay mask with salicylic acid, however, unlike Queen Helene one, this one doesn't dry out my skin at all. It can also be used as a cleanser, but it feels odd to me. It's inexpensive for the amount you get, smells nice and it's widely available. 

Origins Drink Up Intensive
Since my battle with dry patches is over, I don't use this much. In fact, I don't even find it all that good. It just feels like a thick, sticky moisturiser that smells like canned fruit salad (not peaches as most people say), which does moisturise very well, but my skin doesn't feel amazing after use as though I've applied something really special. Actually, I did have an emergency when Queen Helene mask really dried out my cheeks and made them rough, but this wasn't enough to fix the dryness.

This serum is nothing revolutionary, but it does help those pesky blemish marks to fade faster. It doesn't remove them overnight, but long-term this is very effective. Also if I get a few spots this sometimes helps overnight, then sometimes it doesn't.

(Mattifying sunprotecting fluid SPF30)
I barely spend a few minutes outside a day, so I don't wear sunscreen every day and I mostly wear BBs or foundations with SPF anyway. I like this one because it's really light, not greasy and it's really affordable.

Avene Cicalfate
This is just a basic antibacterial repairing treatment for any cuts, wounds, etc. I don't use this a lot on my face as I don't need to, but if it just happens that I squeezed a zit, I apply this to make it heal faster. 

Balea Soft & Clear Anti-Pickel Gel
This is rubbish, but it's the only spot treatment I have. I don't get a lot of spots and if I get them, I'm not that bothered. It's one of those on-spot gels with tons of alcohol and salicylic acid that in theory should make the spot dry out faster, but this one doesn't work.

Not the most moisturising lip balm, but it smells divine and the colour it gives is cute.

I don't suffer from dry lips at all and I think the reason for this also comes down to this swivel stick. I've been using it for years and it's my absolute favourite lip balm. I apply it as the last part of my routine and I wake up with my lips in perfect condition. I almost never use a lip balm during the day simply because I don't need to. I also love this for treating any rough, dry areas. 

This is another great lip balm, but with a more glossy finish. It smells great (pears), moisturises enough for my needs and the tube contains a generous 15 ml. 

And this is it. Basically I use balance Me cleanser, Clarins toner, L'Occitane moisturiser, Nuxe oil and Palmer's lip balm (or Nuxe lip balm) every night, and balance Me cleanser with L'Occitane moisturiser in the mornings. I'm looking for a morning cleanser that is quicker to use and I'm still missing Estee Lauder's Night Advance serum which is amazing.

Have a great day!

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  1. Odlična objava:)). Zadnje čase sem preveč navdušena nad izdelki za nego in rada berem te stvari. Kokosovo olje moram še preizkusiti za odstranjevanje makeup. Se bojim, da bi mi zamašilo pore. Imam nekaj Nuxe testerjev, med njimi olje - tako da se že veselim uporabe:) In ta Clarins...mislim, da mi usoda sporoča, da je zadnji čas, da ga kupim. Prosim napiši, da se res počasi porablja, da bom imela bolj mirno vest glede nakupa:))

    1. Meni kokosovo olje ne maši por, ravno nasprotno, moja koža izgleda super po uporabi :) Flaška Clarinsovega tonika je pa kar dolgo trajala, ker res ne pretiravam z njim.

  2. Imam eno vprašanje glede aspirin tonerja. Kolikokrat na teden ga uporabljaš? In po celem obrazu ali samo tam kjer imaš mozoljčke, nepravilnosti...?

    1. Aspirin toner ne uporabljam več, ker se mi ga ne da več tako pogosto delat, ampak sem ga pa uporabljala vsak dan po celem obrazu :)

  3. Hvala. :) In pustiš nekaj časa gor, potem spereš al kakšen je postopek? Je kakšna omejitev koliko časa lahko to prakticiraš? In je kaj stranskih učinkov?

    1. tonik iz aspirina naneseš po čiščenju in pred kremo, torej nič ne spiraš, medtem ko masko iz aspirina pa pustiš gor kakšne 10 minut in spereš:) Ni nobene omejitve koliko časa lahko uporabljaš, stranski učinki so pa če si alergična na salicilno kislino ali aspirin, na meni jih ni bilo :)

  4. Hvala za vse nasvete :) Bom preizkusila, me zanima če bo delovalo tudi na meni :) Super posti in še čimveč takšnih, ker jih je super brat :)

  5. Tud js morem sprobat kokosove olje za odstranjevanje make-upa, pa ta Balance me balm imam na WL že od kar si ga prvič omenila :)

  6. Tale Balea spot treatment tudi meni ni všeč (če se prav spomnim, sem tebi enkrat rekla, da mi je ok). Me pa zanima Balance Me. Moram pogledat še te kreme do Sun Dance. Nekaj tednov nazaj sem si kupila od Uriage, ampak mi maši pore pa se mi ne da spet dajat denarja za nekaj, za kar ne vem, kako bo delovalo :/

  7. Kokosovo maslo je top ;) Jaz mam pa ful čudno kožo, neki časa nazaj se mi je mastila, potem sem imela suho in zdej se mi spet zelo masti pa mozoljčki se mi delajo. Mava par istih izdelkov za uporabo. Nuxe olje mi je pa zmanjkalo in ravno razmisljam a bi ga ponovno kupila. A ti ga to naročaš iz kje?

    1. Nuxe olje kupujem v najbližji lekarni. Če si iz Ljubljane se ti splača it v Leposano v Leclerku, še posebej če imaš njihovo kartico :)

  8. Nuxovo olje imam že na seznamu, da ga končno kupim, ko grem konec meseca v Francijo. :)

    1. Zakaj bi ga pa kupila v Franciji? Kolikor mi je uspelo videt cene ko sem bila tam je cena tega olja praktično enaka kot pri nas v Leposani, ni niti cel euro dražji :)

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